 Family life  Religion  Parenting  Partner’s personality a) Hiring a matchmaker b) Changing clothes at least three times c) Breaking a glass d) Reception paid by the groom’s family  Matchmaker  Consulting a fortune teller  Welcoming the Bride  Bowing to Heaven and Earth  Tea Ceremony  Reception paid by the groom’s family  Red envelopes  Nine courses a) Bride and groom fast from dawn until the completion of the wedding ceremony b) Only the bride gets the ring c) Ceremony takes place under a canopy d) Jumping over the broom  New soul  Fasting  Kittel  Kabbalat Panin  Badeken  Chuppah  Blessing of Bethrotal  One ring  Ketubah  The Seven Blessings  Breaking the Glass a) Brides and grooms get an old thing from parents b) Bs and Gs get a new thing from parents c) Bs and Gs get both, a new and an old thing d) They get nothing from parents  Not many traditions – usually borrowed from native countries  Typically outside – in the park / in the garden  Newly married couple gets an old present from parents which is connected to a short story or symbolism  Finger food  A small present for guests and friends – obligation  Maximum till midnight  http://www.australianbrideandgroom.com.au/sy dney-2/ What is the consistent custom with Czech weddings: a) A bride has something borrowed b) A bride throws a bunch of flowers c) A tradition of braking plates  A relationship without any intimacy before a wedding  Magnificent wedding  A bride has two maids of honour and a bridegroom has two best men  Religion  A bride and groom are sitting on a podium on thrones  Food – mostly only sweets  No alcohol A B C  according to Hindu religious believes a traditional sacred ceremony is a “must“  otherwise the couple will not be acknowledged in the society  + they will be excommunicated from their village 3 kinds of marriage styles:  “Ngerorod“ (elopment) – fake kidnapping  “Memadik“ – the proposal; for the richer  “Nyentana“ – the groom starts living with his wife’s family  the morning after the elopment/proposal:  “mekala – kalaan“ – similar to a small civil wedding  a private affair  the simplest of traditional Balinese clothes  then they are legally married  three days later:  “Ketipat Bantal“ – uniting of the families  caste system! a) Chinese for “bride” b) Ethnic group from mountains of China, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand c) Nepali fortune teller  south China  exogamous – marriage only outside one’s own clan  Giving a gift to the girl  Fake kidnapping = “making one’s intentions clear“  The bride price  During the wedding, there are many rules a bride must follow:  When leaving the bride's house, during that process, the bride must never look back.  No pepper dish during the feast  Gift(s) from past boyfriend(s)  Bride’s maid