Deaf  Educa*on,  Cultural  Aspects   of  Hearing  and  Communica*on:     Czech  Republic     Radka  Horáková   Masaryk  University  ,  Brno     Faculty  of  Educa-on   Department  of  Special  Educa-on     Email:   Vítejte  v  České  republice                        Welcome  to  the  Czech  Republic   CR:  Tiny  country  in  the  heart  of  Europe   Masaryk  University  in  Brno   •  Founded:  1919   •  Staff:  4700   •  Facul-es:  9   •  Students:  42000   Organiza*on  chart  of  Masaryk  University     and  its  disability  services   Masaryk  University   General  ins*tutes  and  offices   Rector's  Office   Facul*es   Faculty  of  Arts   Faculty  of  Sciences   Faculty  of  Law   Faculty  of  Medicine   Faculty  of  Educa-on   Faculty  of  Social  Studies   Faculty  of  Informa-cs   Faculty  of  Economics   Faculty  of  Sports   Hostels  and  Canteens   Ins-tute  of  Computer  Services   Support  Centre  for  Students  with   Special  Needs   Faculty  of  Educa*on  –  Department  of  Special  Educa*on   •  The   Department   of   Special   Educa-on   was   founded   on   1st   Sept.  1994.   •  The  main  aim  of  the  department   is   to   prepare   future   teachers   with  regard  to  current  trends.  It   reflex   the   current   focus   on   integra-on   of   children   with   special   needs   and   learning   difficul*es   in   to   mainstream   schools  and  ins-tu-ons.     Faculty  of  Educa*on  –  Department  of  Special  Educa*on   Students  can  graduate  with   Bachelor    or  Master  Degrees  in   Special  Educa*on:   •  Educa-on   of   individuals   with   visual   impairment   •  Educa-on   of   individuals   with   physical   disabili-es   •  Educa-on   of   individuals   with   mental   retarda-on   •  Deaf  Educa*on   •  Learning   disabili-es   and     behavioral   disorders   •  Speech  Pathology   Support  Centre  for  Students  with  Special  Needs     The   mission   of   the   Centre   is   to   grant   accessibility   to   students   with   sensory   and   other   disabili-es   to   all   study   programs   and   subjects  accredited  at  the  Masaryk  University   in  Brno.   Deaf  students  at  the  Masaryk  University   Services  for  deaf  students   •  Methodical  guidance   for  interpreters  using   special  terminology   in  Czech  sign   language  –  math.,  IT,   biology,  special   educa-on,  etc.   Special  terminology  in  Czech  sign  language   •  Special  terminology  in  Czech  sign  language  –   special  educa-on   Services  for  deaf  students   •  Czech   sign   language   interpre*ng,   signing   exact   Czech   interpre*ng   and   note-­‐taking   services   in   seminars   and   lectures   as   well   as   in   official   communica-on  within  the  University.   •  Special   tui*on   of   various   courses   according   to   individual  needs  in  Czech  sign              language  and/or  in              Czech  language  via  chat.   •  There   are   around   10   million   ci-zens   in   Czech   Republic.   •  There   are   around   300,000   individuals   with   hearing   loss  in  CR.     •  A  majority  of  these  people  are  persons  in  whom  the   hearing  impairment  occurred  in  advanced  age.     •  There  are  around  7,000  deaf  people  (deaf/Deaf).   Persons  with  hearing  loss  in  CR          We  s-ll  face  difficul-es   with   late   detec-on   of   children s   hearing   loss.   W e   d o n t   h a v e   Universal   Newborn   Hearing  Screening  in  all   hos-pals.   The  situa*on  of  children  with  HL  in  CR   •  TEOAE  or  DPOAE   •  Tympanometry   •  ABR,  NNABR   •  ERA,  CERA   •  SSEP   •  VRA   •  Audiometry     •  The  audiologist/phoniatr  receives  training  as  the   otolaryngologist  in  the  first  place…   Hearing tests            Despite  the  fact  that  -­‐   t h e r e   i s   n o   comprehensive   hearing   tes-ng   of   newborn   babies   in   the   CZ,   there   exists  a  system  of  early   interven*on.   Early  interve*on                      Centers  of  Early   Interven*on  for  Infants  and   Toddlers  with  HL:     •  1.   Centers   are   generally   established   in   schools   for   children  with  HL  -­‐  13   •  2.    Non-­‐profit  organiza-on  -­‐  2   •  There  are  13  schools  for  students  with  HL  in  CR.   The  schools  for  deaf   •  There  are  2  centers  for   cochlear   implan-on   for   children   and   adults   –   Prague,  Brno   •  The  number  of  deaf             children   with   CI   is   growing,   about   500.   There   are   around   180   deaf  adults  with  CI.   Cochlear  implants        Educa*onal  System  in  the  USA     •  Day  Care  Center  …  from  6   weeks….                                                 •  Preschool  4–6   •  Elementary  school                                             6–11   •  Middle  school                                                               11–14   •  High  school                                                                     14–18   •  College  or  University                                 18–23.....   Educa*onal  System  in  the  CZ     •  Maternity  leave…   •  Preschool  3–6   •  Elementary/Middle  School         6–14   •  High  School                                                   14–18   •  University                                                           18  –.....   System  of  educa*on   •  Students  with  HL  can  be  mainstreamed  or  agend  the   special  schools  for  deaf.   •  Day-­‐school  or  residen-al  schools  for  deaf  consist  of   preschool,  elementary  school,  and  6  of  them  consist   of  high  school  as  well.   •  Methods  in  deaf  educa-on:                  2  schools  –  bilingual  access   1  school  –  oral  method                  rest  –  total  communica-on   The  schools  for  deaf   •  For  10  years.   •  Deaf   and   hearing   teachers,   or   deaf   assistants   working  together  with  hearing  teachers.   •  Once  a  year  there  is  a  big  sports  compe--on  for  all   schools.   The  elementary  schools  for  deaf •  Historically  there  were  very  few  possibili-es  for  deaf  students   –  usually  only  the  crais.   •  Presently   the   deaf   student   can   also   graduate   with   these   cer-fica-ons  or  degrees:   •  Grammar  school  (general  studies),  4  years   •  Pre-­‐school  educa-on,   •  Graphic  designer,   •  Assistant  of  dental  laboratory,   •  Informa-on  technology  in  economy,   •  Computer  systems  and  Applied  electrotechnics,   •  Hotel  management  and  Travel  industry   The  high  schools   •  Deaf  people  can  study  anything,  but  there  is  no  guarantee   that  interpreters  will  be  available.   •  In  Czech  Republic  there  are  two  University  programs  special   for  Deaf  students  but  also  for  hearing  students  too:     •  1.  Established  in  1992  –  Drama-c  Art  (in  Brno)     •  2.  Established  in  1998  –  Deaf  Studies  (in  Prague,  with  a  major  in  the   linguis-cs  of  sign  language)   The  university  educa-on  for  deaf  students   •  Linguis-c   research   of   Czech   sign   language   began   in   1993.   •  People  with  HL  in  CR  have  free-­‐of-­‐charge  services  of   an   interpreter   for   the   purposes   of   a   medical   appointment,   administra-on   nego-a-ons   and   for   securing  other  needs  based  on  the  law  No.  155/1998   and   No.   384/2008   of   systems   of   communica-on   of   deaf  and  deanlind  people.   Law  for  systems  of  communica*on  for  deaf  and  deaclind  people   There  are  4  organiza*ons  of  sign  language  interpreters  in  the   Czech  Republic:     1.  The  Organiza-on  of  Sign  Language  Interpreters   2.  The  Czech  Associa-on  of  Sign  Language  Interpreters   3.  The  Na-onal  Council  of  interpreters  and  sign  language            teachers   4.  The  Czech  Chamber  of  Sign  Language  Interpreters     Organiza*ons  of  Sign  Language  Interpreters   What  are  the  main  aims  of  organiza*ons  of  sign  language   interpreters  ?     •  Enhancing  the  quality  of  professional  interpre-ng  for  the  deaf   -­‐  historically  there  were  very  few  possibili-es  for  deaf  to  use  a   professional  interpre-ng  services    (usually  "CODA"  -­‐  Children   Of  Deaf  Adults).   •  Educa-on  in  the  field  of  interpre-ng  for  the  deaf.   •  Suppor-ng  the  interests  of  interpreters  for  the  deaf.   •  Crea-ng  learning  programs  for  deaf  children,  for  professionals   and  interpreters  for  the  deaf.   Organizations of sign language interpreters   •  Interpre-ng  at  social  and  cultural  events  organised  for  the   deaf   hgp://     Organizations of sign language interpreters                                                                                            „Speaking  as  a  deaf  person  I  believe  that  the  most  effec9ve   "cure"   for   deafness   is   not   medicine,   not   mechanical   or   electronic  devices  nor  the  surgical  blade,  but  understanding.   And,  ironically,  understanding  is  free.  Before  we  can  develop   u n d e r s t a n d i n g ,   h o w e v e r ,   w e   m u s t   c r e a t e   awareness. (awareness  of  Deaf  culture)                                                                                                                                                            Jack  R.  Gannon,  1979               (Shagering   silence   throughtout   the   world.   Presented   at   the   Six-eth   Annual   Conven-on  of  Quota  Interna-onal,  July  16th,  1979,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania)   Deaf  Culture   deaf    x  Deaf   •  is  an  interna-onal  dic-onary   of  sign  languages.  This  self-­‐learning  tool  is  free  to   use  for  all  in  the  world.     hgp://   •  Quiet  sign  of  love   hgp://­‐E   Reference:   •  hgp://   •  hgp://   •  hgp://   •  hgp://     Cole,   E.,   Flexer,   C.   Children   with   Hearing   Loss:   Developing   Listening   and   Talking,  Birth  to  Six,  Plural  Publishing,  2010     Marschark,   M.,   Spencer,   P.   E.   The   Oxford   Handbook   of   Deaf   Studies,   Language,   and   Educa9on,   Volume   1   (Oxford   Library   of   Psychology),   Oxford   University  Press  ,  2011     Spencer,  P.  E.  ,  Marschark,  M.,Evidence-­‐Based  Prac9ce  in  Educa9ng  Deaf  and   Hard-­‐of-­‐Hearing   Students   (Professional   Perspec9ves   on   Deafness:   Evidence   and  Applica9ons),  Oxford  University  Press,  2010                                                                                                                                                                                      for your attention.