Going away M W M W M W M W M W I'm really looking forward to going away. Mmra, it'll be lovely to have a break. We haven't been away for ages, haveVe? We'd better take some warm clothing, because it's winter there now, isrTtj^ /C^ Vty*' Yes, it is. You haven't seen my camera anywhere, have youTti've been looking for it for days. I thought you had it last Saturday. You took some pictures while we were out for a walk, didn't you?n IU^AUm So I did. It might still be in the car. That reminds me. We'll have to order a taxi. The plane leaves at ten, doesfKjit, so I suppose we should leave here about eight. What do you think? Yes, that should be all right. Now what about money? You've got the travellers cheques, haver?t^pu? UoJ^imj No. I thought you had them. You picked them up yesterday, didr£t^ptr? No. You said you were going to. Never mind. We can get them when we go shopping this afternoon, can^t^e? We'll have enough time. Yes, OK.