340 CHAP. 8 Linear Algebra: Matrix Eigenvalue Problems 8.2 Some Apptications of Eigenvalue Problems .,tjj;ln:lxffi HTf.i"i,iffiť'.ď*ť"a jiil"i,:;#3,*?:i:,::frxlT: ffi'i; il;T :,,,"*:3T.il T"Ti #TffilTl Y:T#i"T.' ;',",T,#' ffiffix:J;,T^""l kind as our last example. EXAMPLE I Stretching of an Elastic Membrane An elastic membrane in the xp2-plane with boundary círcle x12 l x22 : 1 (Fig. 158) is stretched so that a point P: (xt, xz) goes over into the point Q: (yy yz) given by (|) ,: [''-] : o*: Ljz) 5x1 -| 3x2: i"r (2) or 3x1 -| 5x2: Árz The characteristic equation is -3x1 * 3x2- 0, 3x1 - 3x2: 0. For i2 : 2, our system (2) becomes 3x1 l 3x2: 0, 3x1 -| 3x2: 0. ln components, (5-.\)x1 + 3xz :0 3h + (5 - l)xr: g. [:;][";] }r:5xr+3x2 ];z: 3xt + 5x2. Find the principal directions, that is, the directions of the position vector x of P for which the direction of the position vector y of Q is the same or exactly opposite. What shape does the boundary circle take under this deformation? SOlUtiOn. We are looking for vectors x such that y : .trx. Since y : Ax, this gives Ax : ),x, the equation of an eigenvalue problem. In components, Ax : ,i'x is (3) l5-^ 3 l l, 5_^l :,r-N2-9:0. Its solutions are i1 : 8 and hz : 2. These are the eigenvalues of our problem. For i - il : 8, our system (2) becomes Solution x2: xy x1 arbitrary, for instance. x1 : x2: 7. Solution x2: -x1, .h arbitrary, for instance. xr : | . xz : -|. We thus obtain as eigenvectors of A, for instance, [1 1]T corresponding to.[1 and [1 -1]T corresponding to i2 (or a nonzero scalar multiple of the se). These vectors make 45' and 135" angles with the positive xl-direction. They give the principal directions, the answer to our problem. The eigenvalues show that in the principal directions the membrane is stretched by factors 8 and 2, respectively; see Fig. 158. Accordingly, if we choose the principal directions as directions of a new Cartesian ulu2-coordinate system, say, with the positive ,l-semi-axis in the first quadrant and the positive u2-semi-axis in the second quadrant of the xlr2-system, and if we set ul: f cos @, u2: r sin @, then a boundary point of the unstretched circular membrane has coordinates cos Q, sín Q. Hence, after the stretch we have zr:8cos@, z2:2sinQ. Since cos2 @ + sin2 ó : 1, this shows that the deformed boundary is an ellipse (Fig. 158) (4) 2 Ztl ^rT tJ- 2 Z,) _-l a2L tr SEC. 8.2 Some Applications of Eigenvalue Problems Fig.l58. Undeformed and deformed membrane in Example 1 EXAMPLE 2 Eigenvalue Problems Arising from Markov Processes Markov processes as considered in Example 13 of Sec. 7 .2 lead to eigenvalue problems if we ask for the limit state of the process in which the state vector x is reproduced under the multiplication by the stochastic matrix A governing the process, that is, Ax : x. Hence A should have the eigenvalue 1, and x should be a corresponding eigenvector. This is of practical interest because it shows the long-term tendency of the development modeled by the process. In that example, For the transpose, Hence AT has the eigenvalue 1, and the same is true for A by Theorem 3 in Sec. 8.1, An eigenvector x of A for ), : 1 is obtained from row-reduced to I li,.EX,fi,ff:P:[ ,3 Takingí3:1,wegetxz:6from-12/30*r3l5:0andthenx1 :2from-3x1/10*x2l10:0.This gives x : [2 6 1]T. It means that in the long nrn, the ratio Commercial:Industrial:Residential will approach 2:6:I, provided that the probabilities given by A remain (about) the same. (We switched to ordinary fractions to avoid rounding errors.) l Eigenvalue Problems Arising from Population Models. Leslie Model The Leslie model describes age-specified population growth, as follows. Let the oldest age attained by the females in some animal population be 9 years. Divide the population into three age classes of 3 years each. Let íhe "Leslie matrix" be where /17. is the average number of daughters born to a single female during the time she is in age class k, and l1,i_t(j :2,3) is the fraction of females in age class j - 1 that will survive and pass into class j. (a) What is the number of females in each class after 3, 6, 9 years if each class initially consists of 400 females? (b) For what initial distribution will the number of females in each class change by the same proportion? What is this rate of change? l41 ^Ll1 T*] [; |:1, :] [l] [l] -,í. ::::, }] A-[;il'll;] L:|l71) [* ,í, T] (5)