Topic: Educational Environment Task: Observe the class; complete the sentence; Fill questionaire on the evaluation „Inspiring environment“ School and class: Date: Observer: Learning takes place at a concrete environment, we call him educational environment. This environment has a certain size, it is somehow arranged, it is equipped with certain objects. and carried in it a certain social relationships and communication. Evaluation „Inspiring environment“ I look around the classroom and I wonder ... Think about each statement and then circle the answer that best describes reality. Individual letters stand for the following answers: A = never, B = rarely C = occasionally, D = often E = every N = I have not heard it 1. There are enough toys for A B C D E N every age group in the class 2. Size of furniture corresponds to A B C D E N In my opinion, the environment may affect... the heights of children 3. Classes and corridors are decorated A B C D E N with children's work 4. Toys are placed in the open and accessible shelves A B C D E N 5. The environment is divided into individual game corner and bounded A B C D E N 6. Natural and art materials are freely available to take. A B C D E N 7. There are encyclopedia to read. A B C D E N 8. There are sports equipment freely to play. A B C D E N 9.Class has creative corners. A B C D E N I'll leave inspired mainly by ... 10. In class there is "working mess" A B C D E N 11. Children are available to work with computer in the classroom A B C D E N 12. There are class rules inspired by children A B C D E N 13. Children with teacher are doing "fun" A B C D E N Topic: Educational environment Task: Draw a map class - draw the placement of benches, tables etc.