Is it a way to collect taxes? Differentiation in Classroom Bloom's taxonomy Bloom's taxonomy • 1950's - developer by Benjamin Bloom • means of expressiong qualitatively different kinds of thinling £ • One of the most universally applied models • Provides a way to organize thinking skills into six levels - from basic skills to higher order thinking bloom's Taxonomy » Domains of educational activites: • Knowledge - cognitive • Skills - psychomotor • Attitudes - affective Bloom's taxonomy The Knowledge Dimension Remember Under-stand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Facts list para-phrase classify outline rank categorize Concepts recall explains show contrast criticize modify Processes outline estimate produce diagram defend design Procedures reproduce give an example relate identify critique plan Principles state converts solve different-iates conclude revise Meta-cognitive proper use interpret discover infer predict actualize • Bloom's taxonomy in classroom Practical Bloom's Suitable for use with the entire class Emphasis on certain levels for different children Extend children's thinking skills through emphasis on higher levels of the taxonomy (analysis, evaluation, creation) Possible approaches with a class could be: - All children work through the remembering and understanding stages and then select at least one activity from each other level - All children work through first two levels and then select activities from any other level - Some children work at lower level while others work at higher levels - All children select activities from any level - Some activities are tagged "essential" while others are "optional" - A thinking process singled out for particular attention eg. Comparing, (done with all children, small group or individual) - Some children work through the lower levels and then design their own activities at the higher levels - All children write their own activities from the taxonomy (Black, 1988, p. 23). Remembering How many ways can you travel from one place to another? List and draw all the ways you know. Describe one of the vehicles from your list, draw a diagram and label the parts. Collect "transport" pictures from magazines- make a poster with info. Understanding How do you get from school to home? Explain the method of travel and draw a map. Write a play about a form of modern transport. Explain how you felt the first time you rode a bicycle. Make your desk into a form of transport. Applying Explain why some vehicles are large and others small. Write a story about the uses of both. Read a story about "The Little Red Engine" and make up a play about it. Survey 10 other children to see what bikes they ride. Display on a chart or graph. Analysing Make a jigsaw puzzle of children using bikes safely. What problems are there with modern forms of transport and their uses- write a report. Use a Venn Diagram to compare boats to planes, or helicopters to bicycles. Evaluating What changes would you recommend to road rules to prevent traffic accidents? Debate whether we should be able to buy fuel at a cheaper rate. Rate transport from slow to fast etc.. Creating Invent a vehicle. Draw or construct it after careful planning. What sort of transport will there be in twenty years time? Discuss, write about it and report to the class. Write a song Easy to follow and natural progression*. EAL&SEN friendly! Worksheets! W The option of having worksheets "with dues" for effective scaffolding] "Tick or cross" tasks! "Same or different" exercises1. "Number searches1.' "Timed challenges!" "Worded problems1" 1. CHAPTER A "Getting to know myself" A.1 Me and my social network | Activity A.1.21 fg) My bright and darker sides What are you proud of? What do other people like about you? What are you good at? What makes other people angry about you?/^~J" Activity A.1.31 What is good about me ,e ELiorean Un on I ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP AND DECENT WORK |Activity A.1.6J Personal circles People, who are part of my life: Family --Ussm^ Friends At work Professionals CHAPTER A "title" 9 CHAPTER A "Getting to know myself" A.2 Me and my life ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP AND DECENT WORK 1. CHAPTER A "Getting to know myself" A.3 Me and my work ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP AND DECENT WORK |Activity A.3.11 My work experience To work alone To work in a group To work at home To work at a workplat To work inside To work outside To work standing; up ^ To work siting dawn | To work in fixed times ^ To have flexi-time | To work independently |_ To work under i i supervision I |Activity @ In my fob ] like: To work part time u To work full time □ To do trie same tasks every day To do different tasks LI To work with things To work with people _ 11 1. CHAPTER A "Getting to know myself" A.4 Personal profile i Activity A .4.1J Important things about me Activity a.4-4| My action plan ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP AND DECENT WORK 12