CHAPTER TWO evaluating speakinc Evaluating speaking After recording yourself speaking, listen to the recording and, as you listen, take notes whenever you had difficulty communicating your thoughts. Consider what you said and what you were trying to say. Add your notes to the table below. {You can do this in your first language or in English.) What 1 actually said What 1 was trying to say Nqw review what you were trying to say so that it is more natural - and add this to the table. You could da this alone or work with a friend, classmate or teacher. Listen again to the recording. Give yourself a score for each section below, and then fill in the chart underneath. 1 = Poor 2 «s Not too bad 3 = Good enough 4 = Good 5 = No problems Fluency Vocabulary Grammar Pronunciation Which areas do you think you need to work on? Fluency Thinking of ideas. Organising ideas. Speaking fluently. Pausing in the right places. Paraphrasing. Something else? Grammar • Becoming more accurate with the following grammar* • Using complex grammar such as*___ • Something else? Vocabulary • Using more general vocabulary. • Using more academic vocabulary. • Using more idioms/phrasal verbs. • Using more synonyms. • Something else? Pronunciation • Pronouncing the individual sounds* • Pronouncing words in sentences. • Using stress naturally. • Using weak forms naturally. • Using intonation to help my ideas. • Something else? ; ' If you chose 'accuracy' in Grammar or 'individual sounds' in Pronunciation, be specific about the type of grammar or sounds you are I having problems with. Bank in order of importance the areas that you are going to focus on.