Teaching Practice in Primary School Requirements for credit and plan for this course 1) Watch the video for inspiration a. English lesson – teaching pupils with handicap, Autism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V3lmg2cMTM b. English lesson in the grammar school https://audiovideo.rvp.cz/video/387/VIRTUALNI-HOSPITACE---ANGLICKY-JAZYK-HEALTH.html 2) Visit the schools a. Elementary school Rašínova – together, 22nd April, 8:00 – 12 am https://mapy.cz/zakladni?x=16.6076450&y=49.1962815&z=17&source=firm&id=12973489 b. Elementary school Labyrinth – two groups, 14th (group with Mary) or 20th (group with Elis) April, 8:30 – 11:00 am https://labyrinthschool.cz/ c. Elementary school Gajdošova – will be announced 3) Write an essay about video and visit the schools with these criteria, min 2 pages a. Summarize your main ideas or inspiration based on experience from schools or video b. Compare primary school in your country with experience from Czech primary school c. Send the essay to me (vystrcilova@ped.muni.cz) and to Elis or Mary till 5^th May d. Elis and Mary will read your essay, give you a short feedback and write the analysis of essays – special homework just for them 4) Let’s meet on 11th May at 9 am and discuss your essay