Week 5 Phun with phrasal verbs What do they mean? look forward to take up run out of look up/for let sb down = to disappoint sb get over smth = to recover from/to get better To pick on sb = to tease-make fun of Homework 1) Academic Writing - Task 2C - check your answers with your partner image9 Limitations in other words 2) Observors paradox 4) Correlation doesn’t always mean causation 10) Statistically insignificant Which of those words and phrases apply to your dissertation? Explaining your project Round 1 Explain it to your partner Partner - do you understand? If not, ask them to explain. Change roles Both spoken? Switch partners Round 2 The same again - this time, more fluently and confidently Final round Flawlessly present your dissertation to the group. Writing an abstract What is an abstract? An abstract gives your reader a brief summary of the contents of your dissertation. When writing the abstract, focus on including: the research topic, research questions, participants, methods, results, data analysis and conclusions. Information on the following slide taken from: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2011/06/20/essential-guide-writing-good-abstracts/ Social exclusion What is it? Why and how can people be socially excluded? Lenka, religion, different appearance, age, social background Watch the video and make notes on the following*: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMbYEyBeSsU) How is the word exclusive perceived? What was the positive thing about her experience? Do the numbers reflect your concerns? Watch and listen. Make notes on the following: 1. What are the features that make people different? 2. What could and should be flat and smooth? 3. The neural pathways that we use are the same for ourselves and for who? 4. What is the presenter´s image of a competent pilot? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdV8OpXhl2g) to 4m23 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPkKEttKIQU) Monkey Dust Homework 1) Write a draft abstract - save it in the homework vault (it’s open now) 2) More phrasal verbs next week -revise the phrasal verb grammar sheet.