Week 6 Last week’s phrasal verbs - what do you remember? to look forward to to take up to run out of to look up to get over something to pick up – to drop off to pick on = tease/bully Tell me two things that... 1... people look forward to 2... a person having a mid-life crisis might take up 3... that is very hard to get over 4... a teenager does to let their parents down 5... the supermarket might run out of at christmas 6... you would use to look something up This week... carry on cut down put off - delay take in turn down - decline turn up Choose your task 1) give a one word synonym for each phrasal verb OR 2) explain its meaning using as many words as necessary RP More last week Abstracts Peer check grammar spelling content image6 Also last week We started to discuss social exclusion. What does social exclusion mean? People can be excluded for any number of reasons. Each of you should give me one reason.unusual behaviour, appearance, skin colour, political affiliation, age, religion, homelessness, disabled Why might governments be concerned about those that are excluded? The teenage perspective Watch the video and make notes on the following: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMbYEyBeSsU) How is the word exclusive perceived? Positively – exclusive offer/club/hotel What was the positive thing about her experience? Interacted with many people from different backgrounds What advice does she give those that feel excluded? Talk to / talk about (something) to (someone) / confide in – confidential What’s your opinion of the video? Not my cup of tea How does the image on the next slide relate to social exclusion? image8 Watch and listen. Make notes on the following: 1. What are the features that make people different? DNA, different experiences, fingerprints, iris 2. What could and should be flat and smooth? The path to inclusion 3. The neural pathways that we use are the same for ourselves and for who? In the group 4. What is the presenter's image of a competent pilot? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdV8OpXhl2g) to 4m23 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPkKEttKIQU) Monkey Dust Can I play too? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKUTyGoAg8c Homework Academic Writing - Task 3 (A - E) Next lesson we’ll begin with prepositional phrases. If you have time, look over the prepositional phrases work sheet.