pi m Two old friends meet up again Activity English has a system of tags which speakers can put at the end of what they say. For example: You're French, aren'tyovS He's coming tonight, is he? What do you think these tags are for? Make notes and/or discuss with a partner why you think speakers use tags. Are there other types of tags apart from the two :. types in the examples above? Speakers and setting male (40s) male (40s) Two old friends who haven't seen each other for a few years are 'catching up' with each other. They are in a village pub garden on an exceptionally hot summer's evening, talking about 's children. Transcript 1 2 3 4 5 Are you still playing er ^-Gui-tar Irish music, yeah No I don't play very much now, no, not at all ll thni ipht voi i wprp tni innp +h<= i m 7 8 9 10 i 11 I 12 13 14 15 ■ 16 . 17 18 19 20 21 i, j 22 ; 23 w 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 country at one point [laughs] No, I er... we go, we listen to it quite a lot, every time we go to Ireland we erm, you know, sebk out good musicians and er do quite a lot of listening and of course we still buy a lot of recordSi bought a lot of records over the last few years, but erm, there's not actually anybody to play with around here, you know [ mm] there's a there's a session every Sunday night in Cambridge in a pub and that's erm about it... do you still listen to Scottish music? Ver... since this pair have arrived [ mm] very very little, cos you just don't have the time, and with the new house, and with the garden [ Mm] occasionally I take fits of putting stuff on, not as much as before They do i s'pose take up a lot of time, don't they, kids? I-They take up a lot of, I mean, normally, you get, if you're lucky they're all tucked up in bed by eight-thirty [ mm]... that's if you're lucky, and then er Do they sleep all night without erm waking up, did they wake up last night, they didn't [ no] did they, no, [ no] didn't hear a thing Jamie normally, you put him in his cot and he's... he's gone [ mm] he sleeps he's very good at sleeping [ mm] Thomas is a bit of a pain [ ah] all sorts of things frighten him, you know [ yeah] wakes up with nightmares and that [ does he] yeah some nights we change beds about three or four times,'he comes into our bed arid there's not enough room and so I go into his bed and he comes back in so, to my bed and his bed and chopping and changing It's extraordinary to think they have bad dreams, well, I suppose they dream of images they've seen during the day,, probably dream of that bloomin' duck or something Or it just might be a car, noisy car going past the window or something, wakes them up Mm... it's going to be hot tonight... in bed, isn't it Mm • S.l.;5 Á 46 liYEAl • i '■ ■ b 47 which hellhad for [dl:]. - diaPLO'maÍ - 48 the IIMAIŇ 'people! a • 49 HON« - b ß<> and i supllposé they're 'doing, the Ásame ones this ayeari '51 and Ehen you'd'have a awhole eVeňing {llbattiing Óni} I - — ? 52 «4 to 5 sylls» -- b 53 UncSb 5-t js¥ssioNSi • - 55 HseVeral 'sessions■ 56 on *||hominal* agroups or something! 57 «thcn>> you can a 58 *|j,n]«* ■ >b 57 npick'iip'aii thejXRGONi. 59-and .. '.. a 60 IIYEAI - - " ' , b «i and then.sort of llget the 'häng of 'what they're atXlking agouti - 62 III. should Ask him {if there are any llseminars you Aought to go to!} i a «IIyeai-. -. b «4 he llhas a'way of nhaving them at a ihorrible atÍmEi », ■ a 65 iiyea! • C 66 (- laughs) like llfive fifateeni «7 *(laughs - - )* b 68 *like llfive* fifteen!-$9 when'youllwant.to goiHOMEl C 70 ( _ _ laughs) b 71 lor iithen '[öe] «he llfound» 'last year! 72 that that llfive fifaTéen one! -73 IIclXshed« 74 with llthey llsome of them 'had phonetics or something ■ a/c 75 «[mhm]» - b 76 and he llsaid wUlli - 77 llwhat a'bout 'half 'past seven! • a/c 78 ( - laughs) >b .. 79 llwho cXn't'manage! 80 llhalf'past SEVEN! 81 and Hsomebody 'mumbled aSUPPERI 82 but llthat 'doesn't • wXsHI a ' 83 lives i • VU^yfr^ c 84 ( - - laughs)--- , , b 85 and i llwent to aone of th6sei 86 it Blasted till asbout 'nine riFTEENl . 87 by llwhich 'everybody was 'absolutely *( -i laughs)* :, a 88 *( • laughs)* - - - flYESl 89 well i Bmay get ASharp reaproof! 90 if i IIstXrt going to these 'things! 91 and said IIWELLi 92 I llcan't 'come 'Monday or atuesday evening! 93 cos - I IIsYngi 94 ( - *-* laughs) b 95 ^uno quÍteí* 9« «but I mean)) I've dXlways "led! 97 Khat sort of lÍfei a,c 98 ( - - laugh)--- , a 99 llwhat in 'fact did you aDOI 100 if you llhadn't 'done - [a:m] - 'English since - - *Č5-'LEVELI* 128' y^-:ŽM'-'r^iÚl'^ S.1.5 b *!!maths and* physics! a l°2 «they're llboth» anAaLYTIC! b 103 ll[m]!'---104 but I've: liálways believed in 'having a 'sort of you knÓwi _ _ _ ids Evenings! 106 fór (doing one's ahobbiesi • • a . 107 iiyesi - 108 iiwell! - i"9 I lllike to .'do 'more than one! - - '10 IIThÍňGI; «in myHlÍfe»!—-b 112 hi Afind 'this 'group's 'pretty adZdi'cated! l>3 and they sort of 1,'work all *'day* . '": [.":■■'':" - • a 114 *!iYl5si* . . >b Il3'arid'work all. AŽveningi'"5 «well» III can't stXnd'that! ..: ' ? i«6|i[m)i--- •b. I'.7 and llHart you've 'got to 'stand up ton i'8 «iihXven't youi» a' • l'9 IIYŽS! I2" I've BgXtHERED,-THAT! 121 ALIlREADY! . I22 *( '. laughs)* . ?,,/ 123 *( • laughs)* b; • 124 he's Hal ways Bl've never 'had I .adon't sup'pose ayOu've had any ■ trouble 'Jane «have you))! c • <25 jwell anÓi - 126. well phis 'manner aPapŽaled to me! • ." a" l27ll[m]! b • 128 Byes! 1» *«|I . i|I»s> ;■• C- '30 *I can lísce that* 'if you ad)dn'ti • '31 **«[s] • get eon wilh ita»** •:b132 **«yes» HqÚÍteb '33Isome.people!**■ !34 [sm] IIBcryl• *mXrtin {for "'■ INSTANCE!} i*. C '35 *I should [think you "either 'love him or* AhXte **him«** b '36. **it** II{WORRIED her} aTJsRRIBLY!. 137 -+ because + ;■ ;C;. Í38-^ÍyŽs«+.; '. . ':/■;}■ > b 137 she used to ilcome in 'late in the MORNING! 139 and he'd say good iXfter'noon l i4° IIbÉryl! - ,41 which Pused to 'make her Atcrribly ■" ..worried! 142 and if you're ígóiňg to'come *in* l^TE! . a ..!43:*;IYÍsi* 144 i yes i - !i«1syll good evening -l-syll syll»i 146 «5 to 6 ■ sylls»+ •'..'••■<.■ -VV ■' ;: -ři-^ b . I47 +«llevery 'couple of months 2 syllsi»+ I48 [s] he fused to «say to . aGrXce.actually!')■■■ 149 [a:m] -.IIYOU know.GRÍcE! -'50 *(---phone rings)* . Bit i?i .A<(»r.SYLL! • '52 85 to 6 sylIs.;jÍLL!»*. ; a .•■ 153 [a: 9:] b 154 and he ii {used to sXy to her!}; 'where háve you been {if she was a llfew ":. minutes lXteiJ a 9 Corpus (29