Project-based learning (PBL) in the primary education And its importance in the curriculum of the pregradual programme of the teachers' training for primary education Reasons for project-based learning in the primary education On the project-based learning, generally The Project Project as a Heart of the Project-based Learning Project-based Learning Objectives Role of the teacher Integrated Thematic Learning (ITL) Integrated Thematic Learning (ITL) Integrated Thematic Learning (ITL) Integration in Nursery School There is something called integrated blocks. It is a form of education that slowly settles in the Czech nursery schools. Particular themes have to be presented to children in context. For example Easter egg. We can begin with an appearance of the egg. Is it possible to stay on the spike? What is its color, shape and surface? What can we do with an egg? Trundling? Throwing? Can we break it? Can we blow the yolk out of the egg? And what happens if we perfore the yolk? We can the egg dip into the glass of vinegar and observe what happens for few days. We can boyl or fry the egg – and look at the great meal! And we can bear the shell back to chicken in the farm. And if wé are lucky we will se young just hatched chicken. And after all children recognize what an egg really is. Not by teacher's description and presentation. Chilren experience it! And – immediately – we have the theme of birth of a new life, theme of Easter, theme of happiness – so let's dance and sing: we can learn an Easter carol too. So that is an egg – the symbol of Easter. Can you already tell why we decore the Easter eggs? (Eva Sůrová, absolventka specializačního studia pro koordinátory EVVO v MŠ, realizováno SEV Toulcův dvůr Praha, 2010–2011, Ekoškolka Rozárka, Praha) Project vs. thematic learning PROJECT LEARNING - solving a task or problem - purpose, meaning and goal: formulated by the teacher - outcome: product, known since the begin - intrinsic motivation - activities are not planned in detail, depend on student´s incentives and experiences of students - teacher is in the background - independence, creativity, aktivity - supporvive, safe and cooperative clima - the preparation is less difficult, no details - teacher‘s flexibility is necessary - managing the lesson is not difficult THEMATIC LEARNING - solving the theme/topic - purpose, meaning and goal: formulated by the teacher - outcome: to learn the theme, only smaller products sometimes - extrincit motivation in the begin, however intrinsic motivation is a requirement for success in the further stages - activities are planned to details and connect schools with outer reality as well as PL - teacher manages students‘ activities and their progress, however he/she plays a role of a facilitator as well - students are less independent and creative, although they have to be aktive -- supporvive, safe and cooperative clima - preparation is diffucult and detailed - managing the lesson is difficult průběh, less demands on teacher‘s flexibility Choosing the project topic with brainstorming It is acceptable to convey the proposal verbally, however the written form is recommended – for example: flipchart or flashcards – students can look at them and manipulate with them anytime. Children in the 3th grade or younger mostly demand leading: verbal brainstorming (questions like why? how?...) The older children are able to write down their questions on the paper more independently. We recommend to write down just one question on every single piece of paper because of easier voting later in the group project. Subsequently, we reccomend to read the ideas together again, to classify them, to scrap the dubbled ones, and to explain their meaning and purpose and to convey – immediately in the begin – what is the outcome of the project. Setting the purpose Purpose of the project is the answer on the question „Why should we realize the project? We recommend to construct it on two levels: Students‘ level – Is the answer to the question „why to realize the project?“ and it helps with the definition of the outcome. It is the space for raising students‘ motivation. Teachers‘ level – A place for teacher‘s analysis of the project. The analysis should be based on teacher‘s experiences to develop students‘ personality on the cognitive, psychomotor and affetcive level. Teacher should realize which outcomes of curriculum and key competencies the project develops. Outcomes Choosing the participants of the project Schedule of the project Think about (together with pupils): - the time schedule - the subjects the project will be implemented in - if is the best to realize the project in one just block as a short term action, or is it better be realized within subsequent events in some intervals Where? Enviroment of the project 1) Enterior: Think up all possibilities you can use: corridors, library, computers, laboratories, hall… 2) Exterior: Consider the best place to visit: city hall, city library, dog pound… You can cooperate with after-school club, parents, NGOs… What we need? Appropriate material aids. Appropriate conditions for project means material aids too. If is the project meaningluf for the children and becomes popular in class they will bring their own materials and parents maybe will help with material background too. How to evaluate the project? It is necessary to provide the objectives (outcomes, key competencies) you want to achieve and what are the requirements for process and outcomes of the project. Requirements for finishing the project mostly contains: Presentation of the project oucomes and its results and assessment of the all process of the project Examples of some project titles of projecs: Example of a project: Animals (mammals, birds, reptile, amhibian, fish and insect) Motivation: A scene A visitor in ZOO is bored of seeing still the same animals. So the director decides to purchase some new animals. Now he needs to find a seller. The sellers were children. Their role was to make an advertisement poster to attract the director‘s attention on their animal. The poster had to be colourful with pictures and texts. There had been the criteria created by the children written down on the blackboord. Triple member groups. Chilren had to bring a book or a magazine to find some informations about their animals. Children were supposed to lend their books and magazines to each other. Then the children drawn a card with an animal and – for the better orientation – we gave thema paper with the basic informations about the animal. Every group could use two wild cards to find an information on the internet. Sefl-reflection (brief): We worked 2 hours today. I seemed everyone participated. Just one group was little problematic but even they have something made. The other groups worked well. They were trying to find some informations in books. We had told them to choose a leader, everything else was made by themselves. They have to present their project shortly to attract our attention on Wednesday and Thursday . In the end they have to evaluate their work in group. Thanks for your attention.