Coaching in contrast to other forms of support The roles described below are intentionally polarized – as it is easier to spot the differences. However, it is not always so “black and white” (in real life). Sometimes there is no strict line between the roles. TEACHER / TRAINER ● Must be an expert on what she/he teaches or trains ● Focuses on the content of thinking ● Talks more than listens ● Says how ● Focused on/Oriented towards external motivation ● Responsible for the results COACH ● Doesn´t need to be an expert related to the field of the coachee ● Focuses on the process of thinking ● More listens than talks ● Asks how ● Focused on/Oriented towards internal motivation ● The coached person is responsible for the results MENTOR ● Shares personal experience ● Suggests possible solutions ● Based on long-term relationship ● Provides feedback on one´s performance ● An expert in the field she/he mentors COACH ● Does not share personal experience ● Does not suggest possible solutions ● Single meeting is possible ● Encourages self-evaluation ● Doesn´t need to be an expert related to the field of the coachee ADVISOR ● Advises how to think ● Suggests concrete solutions ● May participate in the solution ● Seeks the causes and consequences of a success and a failure COACH ● Encourages client´s thinking ● Encourages seeking solutions ● Does not participate in the solution ● Encourages seeking the causes and consequences of a success and a failure THERAPIST ● Works with “sick people” ● Focuses on the past (selected therapeutical approaches) COACH ● Works with “healthy people” ● Focuses mainly on the future (client´s past is a possible personal resource)