Cultural awareness – National differences Writers in the field of cross-cultural awareness look for opposing behaviour (or values) and then place different cultures at different points along the scale. Here is a simplified version of some well-known cultural differences; many are closely related. Notice how the descriptions are all neutral. There are no positive or negative connotations. Czech people are (more)… - please underline your choice about Czechs Outgoing/informal vs. private/reserved Live to work vs. work to live Order vs. flexibility Hierarchical vs. democratic Loose time vs. strict time Formality in names vs. informality in names Expressive body language vs. restrained body language Large personal space vs. close personal space Self-determination vs. fatalistic Personal fulfilment vs. group fulfilment Merit vs. standing Relationship vs. task Welcoming risk vs. avoiding risk Innovative vs. traditional Open disagreement vs. subtle disagreement Multi-tasking vs. linear tasking Lunch is a snack vs. lunch is a pleasure Pride in your counry vs. foreign is the best ……………………. people are (more) - please underline your choice about your nation Outgoing/informal vs. private/reserved Live to work vs. work to live Order vs. flexibility Hierarchical vs. democratic Loose time vs. strict time Formality in names vs. informality in names Expressive body language vs. restrained body language Large personal space vs. close personal space Self-determination vs. fatalistic Personal fulfilment vs. group fulfilment Merit vs. standing Relationship vs. task Welcoming risk vs. avoiding risk Innovative vs. traditional Open disagreement vs. subtle disagreement Multi-tasking vs. linear tasking Lunch is a snack vs. lunch is a pleasure Pride in your counry vs. foreign is the best