Instructor Information: Dr. Sheri Kingsdorf, Ph.D., BCBA-D Institute of Research in Inclusive Education, Porici 31a, 4th floor, room 04036 Office Hours: By appointment. Practical Applications of ABA for Clinicians Working in Homes and Centers (IVc309 & IVc519) Course Objectives (long term): At the end of this course students will be able to: 1. Outline the main components of a behavior analytic intake report which demonstrate best practices in case management. 2. Define how to conduct a thorough intake assessment with a new client. 3. Identify data collection tools, assessment strategies, intervention components, and best ethical practices in behavior analysis case start-up. 4. Select individualized goals and objectives to support the needs of clients with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their caregivers. 5. Align practice examples from behavioral skills training (BST) sessions held synchronously and asynchronously with applied work in the field. 6. Create an intake assessment report for a real or hypothetical client which includes all of the necessary components, demonstrates a function-based approach to program development, ethical practices in dealing with clients and stakeholders, and compassionate care. Syllabus: 1. Basic components of an applied behavior analysis (ABA) intake report. 2. Best practices for ABA clinicians working in homes and centers. 3. Indirect and direct functional assessment tools. 4. Data-driven program development strategies for replacement behavior goals and objectives. 5. Individualization of intervention as determined by the environmental context. 6. 1 Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta Practical Applications of ABA for Clinicians Kingsdorf, Spring 2022 COURSE OUTLINE/CALENDAR This course has a live online meeting (synchronous) for 5 sessions/weeks and uses the IS MUNI e-learning system (asynchronous) for the other 5 sessions/weeks. Work in the e-learning system is asynchronous, meaning, you can login and complete the requirements anytime within the week (as long as you adhere to the set deadlines). Live Online Meeting Dates Week Main Topics Materials Activity Assessment Week of 14/2 Live Online Meeting: 17/2 1: Basics of the Course, Ethics Review, Initial Components of an Intake Report. Using the e-learning material, course requirements, syllabus, grading. A review of ABA ethical practices for clinicians. Creating initial components of an intake report: collecting client identifying information, reasons for referral, indirect assessment processes using Hanley’s open-ended functional CASP (2020) practice guidelines pg 10-26. Behavior Bitches (2019) ethics podcast episode. Britton et al., (2021) article in ethical practices. Hanley (2009) open-ended functional assessment interview form. Hanley (2018) interview tips document. Hanley Behavioral Observations Podcast (2016). Hanley (2012) article on functional Informed consent. Probe 1: intake program/ development assessment: all sections. Probe 2: intake program/ development assessment: all sections. Applied practice of initial report components created during live BST session. Week of 21/2 2: Initial Components of an Intake Report. Intake program/ development assessment: section 1. 2 Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta Practical Applications of ABA for Clinicians Kingsdorf, Spring 2022 assessment interview form and Functional Analysis Screening Tool (FAST), collecting client background information, and basic preference assessments. assessment. Iwata et al., (2013) article on the FAST. Optional: If you want to do IISCA analysis after the interview review the document on the IISCA app usage. Week of 28/2 Live Online Meeting: 3/3 3: Challenging Behavior Assessment. Using various functional assessment tools for direct data collection (e.g., structured ABC form and trial-based functional analysis form) and incorporating the data into an intake report. ABA Inside Track (2016) podcast on trial-based functional analysis. Lerman et al., (2009) article on ABC data collection. LeBlanc et al., (2016) article on measurement. FAI (1997) interview forms and examples. MAS (1986) interview form. Applied practice of challenging behavior report components created during synchronous BST session. Probe 3: intake program/ development assessment: all sections. Week of 7/3 4: Challenging Behavior Assessment. Intake program/ development assessment: sections 1-2. Week of 14/3 Live 5: Child-Centered Intervention Planning/Program Development. Selecting intervention strategies for behavior change and skill acquisition targets that Kodak & Halbur (2021) article on program development. ABA on Call (2021) podcast episode on Applied practice of intervention and skill building report components created during synchronous 3 Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta Practical Applications of ABA for Clinicians Kingsdorf, Spring 2022 Online Meeting: 17/3 are based on functional analysis data and incorporating them into the intake report. ABA and learning. LaMarca & LaMarca (2018) article on receptive language programming. Hanley (2007) Preschool Life Skills Curriculum (review the curriculum). National Autism Center (2015) evidence based practices manual- focus on Chapter 3, the research findings of specific intervention strategies. VB-MAPP (2008) sample resources. BST session. Probe 4: intake program/ development assessment: all sections. Week of 21/3 6: Child-Centered Intervention Planning/Program Development. Intake program/ development assessment: sections 1-3. Week of 28/3 Live Online Meeting: 31/3 7: Caregiver Support. Using client data to: incorporate parent training into program development using methods such as formal instruction, self-strategies, and structured curriculum when writing goals, objectives, and program sheets. ABA Ultimate Showdown (2019) podcast episode on caregiver inclusion. Morris et al., (2021) article on strategies for caregiver-delivered instruction. Helton & Albers-Morgan (2018) article in creating a caregiver ABA guide. Bahadourian & Greer (2005) article on an applied parent training target. Applied practice of caregiver support report components created during synchronous BST session. Probe 5: intake program/ development assessment: all sections. Week of 4/4 8: Caregiver Support. Intake program/ development assessment: all sections. 4 Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta Practical Applications of ABA for Clinicians Kingsdorf, Spring 2022 Week of 11/4 Live Online Meeting: 14/4 9: Finalizing the Report. Reviewing all of the components and putting them together into a final individualized report. Quigley et al., (2018) article on the essential components of a behavior analytic service plan. Rohrer et al., (2021) article on practicing compassionately as a behavior analyst. 17/4 10: Finalizing the Report. Social validity course questionnaire. Final presentation: Intake program/ development assessment: all sections (completed report and video posted on the forum). 5 Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta Practical Applications of ABA for Clinicians Kingsdorf, Spring 2022 GRADING BREAKDOWN Graded Items Number of Items Points Total Points Activities (total points awarded based on attempt) Informed Consent 1 5 5 Applied Practice Activities during Live Online Sessions 5 5 25 Intake Report Probes 5 5 25 Social Validity Questionnaire 1 5 5 Assessments (points awarded based on accuracy) Intake Report Week 2 1 34 34 Intake Report Week 4 1 62 62 Intake Report Week 6 1 92 92 Intake Report Week 8 1 112 112 Final Intake Report and Video 1 132 (112 for the report 132 6 Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta Practical Applications of ABA for Clinicians Kingsdorf, Spring 2022 Presentation (Week 10) 20 for the presentation) TOTAL AVAILABLE POINTS 492 GRADING SCALE 492- 443 points = A 442- 393 points = B 392- 343 points = C 342- 293 points = D Under 292 points = F ASSESSMENTS Intake Report Assessment: For this course you will select a new (real or hypothetical) client with whom to complete the intake and program development process. You will be learning about practicing components of the process throughout the course and receiving feedback along the way. You will be asked to complete this assessment throughout the course, as you learn more about each topic area. When completing this assessment you are welcome to use components that you created on prior assessments as well as materials that have been provided to you in the class. However, please do not seek outside assistance, collaborate with other students, or use resources from the internet. In weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 you will complete targeted sections of the intake report which will be graded for accuracy using a rubric.. Final Presentation: The final project in the course will involve you creating a final version of your intake report (it may look the same as the report that you created in week 8). You will then create a short audio-video recording of you presenting the report to the class (about a 5 minute presentation). You are welcome to create a PPT to share during your presentation, but it is not required. This assignment will be graded with a rubric that will be provided later in the course. 7 Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta Practical Applications of ABA for Clinicians Kingsdorf, Spring 2022 ACTIVITIES You are also required to complete the following activities for a grade based on completion, not accuracy: ● Informed consent form in the e-learning platform (credit is provided regardless of your consent response). ● Applied practice activities completed during synchronous meetings (attendance required). ● Intake report probes, where you might complete sections of the report that you have not yet been taught in the course. ○ Five other times during the course you will be completing an intake report assessment probe only to check what you know to help guide my teaching. During those probes, you will be graded based on completion, not accuracy. As with the assessments, though, you are welcome to use components that you created on prior assessments as well as materials that have been provided to you in the class. However, please do not seek outside assistance, collaborate with other students, or use resources from the internet. ● Social validity questionnaire in the e-learning platform. POLICIES ● Modules close on Sunday at 11:59pm Czech Republic Time. All activities and assessments must be completed by the close of each module. ● Assignments may not be redone for a grade change, but they can be redone and resubmitted for feedback. ● Late work is only accepted with prior approval. ● If you ever have any questions, please ask/email/visit :) Full Course Readings List (all will be provided within the e-learning platform) ABA Inside Track. (2016). Episode 7 - Trial-Based Functional Analysis. 8 Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta Practical Applications of ABA for Clinicians Kingsdorf, Spring 2022 ABA On Call. (2021). CentralReach “ABA On Call” Podcast – Ep. 18: ABA and Stages of Learning. ABA Ultimate Showdown! (2019). Round 2: When to Include Parents as Active Participants in Implementing the Behavior Plan. Bahadourian, A. J., & Greer, R. D. (2005). CABAS parent education: Increasing child compliance via parental emission of unflawed commands and contingent consequations during play. Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention, 2(3), 213. Behavior Bitches. (2019). Behavior Bitches Ethics with Ann Beirne: More Than Just Not Sleeping with Your Client. Britton, L. N., Crye, A. A., & Haymes, L. K. (2021). Cultivating the Ethical Repertoires of Behavior Analysts: Prevention of Common Violations. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1-15. Hanley, G. P. (2012). Functional assessment of problem behavior: Dispelling myths, overcoming implementation obstacles, and developing new lore. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 5(1), 54-72. Hanley, G. P. (2009). Open-ended functional assessment interview. Hanley, G. P. (2007). Preschool Life Skills Curriculum. Hanley, G. P. (2016). Session 1: Greg Hanley on Functional Behavioral Assessment. Behavioral Observations Podcast. Hanley, G. P. (2018). Tips for conducting the open-ended interview. Helton, M. R., & Alber-Morgan, S. R. (2018). Helping parents understand applied behavior analysis: Creating a parent guide in 10 steps. Behavior analysis in practice, 11(4), 496-503. 9 Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta Practical Applications of ABA for Clinicians Kingsdorf, Spring 2022 Iwata, B. A., DeLeon, I. G., & Roscoe, E. M. (2013). Reliability and validity of the functional analysis screening tool. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 46(1), 271-284. Kodak, T., & Halbur, M. (2021). A Tutorial for the Design and Use of Assessment-Based Instruction in Practice. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1-15. LaMarca, V., & LaMarca, J. (2018). Designing receptive language programs: Pushing the boundaries of research and practice. Behavior analysis in practice, 11(4), 479-495. LeBlanc, L. A., Raetz, P. B., Sellers, T. P., & Carr, J. E. (2016). A proposed model for selecting measurement procedures for the assessment and treatment of problem behavior. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9(1), 77-83. Lerman, D. C., Hovanetz, A., Strobel, M., & Tetreault, A. (2009). Accuracy of teacher-collected descriptive analysis data: A comparison of narrative and structured recording formats. Journal of Behavioral Education, 18(2), 157-172. Morris, C., Conway, A. A., & Goetz, D. B. (2021). A Review of Effective Strategies for Parent-Delivered Instruction. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1-10. National Autism Center. (2015). Findings and conclusions: National standards project, phase 2. Randolph, MA: Author Rohrer, J. L., Marshall, K. B., Suzio, C., & Weiss, M. J. (2021). Soft Skills: The Case for Compassionate Approaches or How Behavior Analysis Keeps Finding Its Heart. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1-9. The Council of Autism Service Providers. (2020). Applied Behavior Analysis Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Practice Guidelines for Healthcare Funders and Managers (2nd ed.). Quigley, S. P., Ross, R. K., Field, S., & Conway, A. A. (2018). Toward an Understanding of the Essential Components of Behavior Analytic Service Plans. Behavior analysis in practice, 11(4), 436-444. 10 Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta Practical Applications of ABA for Clinicians Kingsdorf, Spring 2022