Yevhenii Klopota doctor of Psychology, Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Educational activity, Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine Now I am working in the Faculty of Education at Masaryk University in the Department of Special and Inclusive pedagogy. A professional psychologist, teacher and social activist. Established his own academic school, where doctoral students are engaged in scientific research on inclusive educationa l space. I started to put inclusive processes into practice in education and professional life in 1 994. Also is the author and program manager of courses of advanced training for pedagogical workers : "Psychological and pedagogical support of children and youth with special needs in an inclusive e ducational spaceā€ and "Training of self-knowledge and professional self-development". Research interests: special psychology, special education, integration into society of people with blindness and visual impairment, issues of inclusive education. E-mail: Website: 1. The name of the subject: "Psychological foundations of inclusive educational space". Annotation The unfavorable trend of the spread of health disorders both in the world and in Ukraine is becoming increasingly important. This necessitates solving the problems of accessibility of inclusive space for people with special needs, because a full life in society for such persons is impossible without obtaining quality education and successful professional self-realization. Teaching children and youth with special needs is carried out using special methods, techniques and in conditions that maximize the acquisition of knowledge and social development. However, there are many problems in the process of special or inclusive education and further employment of young people with special needs. One of these problems is the lack of psychological support and unpreparedness of modern teachers for successful interaction with children and youth with special needs in the educational process. 2. The purpose of the subject: The aim of teaching the subject "Psychological foundations of inclusive educational space" is to acquaint students with the psychological foundations of functioning and interaction of the personalitz in conditions of multifactorial deprivation, its individual needs, abilities and resources, as well as practical aspects of working with people with special needs and their environment. 3. The format of the course is online. 12 weeks. 4. Mastering the subject involves the acquisition of the following competencies: 1. Organize effective interaction in the process of inclusive education with various subjects of the educational process. 2. To carry out social and psychological work with the environment aimed at optimizing the successful interaction of persons with special needs in an inclusive educational space. 3. To use innovative approaches and technologies in interaction with children and youth with special needs. Program Topic 1: Scientific principles of organization of inclusive educational space. The concept of "inclusive educational space". Differences in integration and adaptation of people with special educational needs. Stages and processes of integration into society of people with special needs. Models of disability in modern society. Modern studies of inclusive education in Ukraine and its prospects are considered. Topic 2: Problems of special and inclusive education. Trends and state of special and inclusive education in Europe and Ukraine. Principles of inclusive education in modern educational institutions. Inclusive processes in higher education institutions. Psychological means of overcoming the existing problems of inclusive education in modern educational institutions. Topic 3: Adaptive potential and protective mechanisms of personality. Norm and normative development of personality. Adaptive potential of the individual. Protective mechanisms of personality with special educational needs. The role of self-esteem in psychophysical development of personality. Topic 4: Influence of self-image on the process of integration into society of persons with special needs. Formation of an adequate "self-image" of a person in crisis conditions. Types of self-images of personality: bodily me, real me, ideal me, mirror me, distorted me. Significant changes that occur in persons with special needs in the body self and real self. For successful integration into society of persons with special needs it is necessary to pass 5 stages. Well-being and well-being of the individual. Topic 5: Communication and interaction of students with special needs in inclusive classes. Features of communication of people with special needs. Influence of health disorders on intergroup processes. Modern studies of interpersonal interaction of adolescents in inclusive classes. Modern studies of the development of personal traits of students in an inclusive educational space. Topic 6: Ways of effective interaction with people with special needs. Children with sensory disorders and their features. General recommendations for organizing effective interaction of children with visual and hearing impairments. Features of interaction with children with special needs: with disorders of the musculoskeletal system; intellect; speech; with autism spectrum disorders; with learning difficulties and mental activity. Topic 7: Model of psychological support for participants of inclusive educational space. Ways to optimize the development of a deprived personality. Compensation, rehabilitation and correction. Definition of the concept of psychological support in modern science. Features of psychodiagnostic tools when working with children and youth with special needs. Structure, types and directions of psychological support with various participants in the process of special and inclusive education. Methodological recommendations for effective interaction with children and youth with special needs. Topic 8: Family as the basis of psychological well-being of a child with special needs. Preparing the family for adequate interaction and perception of a child with special needs. Psychological features of the relationship between parents who have a child with disabilities. Abilities and needs of special children. Psychological support of such families. Topic 9: Preparation of young people with special needs for interpersonal interaction in student and professional groups. Principles and patterns of communication in the student community. Features of interpersonal interaction of students with special needs. Psychological barriers to communication in the student community. Adaptation and communication trainings aimed at improving the effectiveness of interaction in the student community. Psychological methods of working with students with special needs. Features of professional self-determination of young people with special needs. Analysis of types of professions taking into account the level of health of the individual. Correlation of self-esteem of abilities of young people with special needs and their level of harassment. Successful people with special needs in various professional activities. Work with psychological barriers in the professional sphere. Psychological methods for successful interaction between young people with special needs and employers. Topic 10: Psychological means of creating a positive image of a person with special needs in modern society. Psychological features of interaction of people with special needs in various fields. Stereotypes and attitudes of society towards people with special needs. The level of readiness to perceive and accept people with special needs in various spheres of life. Social and psychological barriers in the process of communication between society and people with disabilities. Social advertising as a means of influencing public consciousness about the abilities and capabilities of people with disabilities. Psychological means of working with various representatives of society aimed at organizing an inclusive educational space. Psychological means of creating a positive image of a person with special needs in modern society.