1 Lesson planning 1a Teacher perspective: I consult my accompanying teacher for lessons plans (connection to School Educational Plan, a thematic plan, previous teacher and pupils´ work). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 1b Teacher perspective: When planning a lesson, I take into account the possibilities of specific pupils - I individualize and differentiate the teaching plan (also based on IEP, ESP, SEP1 ). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 1c Teacher perspective: I formulate educational aims and objectives (cognitive and / or affective and / or psychomotor) and think about their interconnection with the curriculum, teaching methods, organizational forms, i.e. with the overall concept of teaching. I plan ways to verify the fulfilment of goals. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 1d Teacher perspective: I do a didactic analysis of the curriculum (key concepts, learning tasks) concerning a set goal; I plan adequate teaching methods and organizational forms. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 1e Teacher perspective: I prepare a time plan for my lesson procedure. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 2 Teaching conditions 2a Pupils perspective: Pupils do not feel threatened, unreasonable fears, fear of failure, boredom in lessons. 1 IEP – Individual Educational Plan, ESP – Educational Support Plan, SEP – School Educational Plan Teacher Perspective: I support classroom safety (positive atmosphere). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 2b Pupils perspective: Pupils know mutual expectations and boundaries, they can rely on rules that help prevent problems, allow solutions and are not self-restrictive. Teacher perspective: I solve discipline problems (I work as needed with established rules or I negotiate them with pupils; I appraise pupil positive behaviour). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 2c Pupils perspective: The communication manner assures pupils of teacher interest and keeps their attention. Teacher perspective: I keep "live contact" with pupils (through verbal and non-verbal communication, addressing pupils by their first name...). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 2d Pupils perspective: Pupils are not overlooked by the teacher, they are not frustrated by his requirements and manner of communication. Teacher perspective: I respond with respect to the pupils needs (social, physiological) in the classroom. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 2e Pupils perspective: The lesson is not monotonous; pupils have a chance to relax. Teacher perspective: Creating space for relaxation (I work with atmosphere changes, I respond to signs of fatigue, fluctuations of attention, I show a sense of humour, I include interesting facts and my own experience in presentations...). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 2f Pupils perspective: Pupils have an opportunity to experience success. Teacher perspective: I create an opportunity for all pupils to experience success. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 2g Pupils perspective: Pupils do not notice “deaf places” during a lesson. Teacher Perspective: I make effective use of teaching time (in relation to my plan, class situation and the understanding of the curriculum). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 3 Teaching support 3a Pupil perspective: Pupils have the opportunity to learn to perceive the curriculum as meaningful. Teacher perspective: I discuss the meaning of the curriculum and its meaningfulness with pupils. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 3b Pupil perspective: Pupils can explain what is the aim of their work. Pupils are aware of the ways how to reach their learning objectives and learn to monitor their achievements. Teacher perspective: I set and facilitate (if convenient considering the method) appropriate teaching goals (common, individual). I verify the achievement of learning objectives and evaluate them. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 3c Pupil perspective: A pupil understands what he learns. Teacher perspective: I facilitate content and instructions clearly with regard to individual educational needs and the age of pupils. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 3d Pupil perspective: Pupils learn factually correct information appropriate to their age and schooling. Teacher perspective: I mediate the curriculum properly. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 3e Pupil perspective: Pupils can integrate the curriculum into their thought structure, they are to connect it with their previous curriculum or experience. Teacher perspective: I explain the curriculum using the previous pupils´ knowledge and experience 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 3f Pupil perspective: Pupils understand how the selected teaching methods and organizational forms help to achieve the aim. Teacher perspective: I use teaching methods and organizational forms that support learners' learning and lead to achieving the aim. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 3g Pupil perspective: Pupils have the opportunity to work together and learn from each other. Teacher perspective: I support cooperation and mutual learning. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 3h Pupil Perspective: Pupils are not afraid to make a mistake and draw attention to their own mistake. They have the opportunity to understand and use it in learning. Teacher Perspective: I work meaningfully with the pupil's mistake and take it as an opportunity for development. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 3i Pupil Perspective: Pupils naturally use ICT in their teaching. Teacher Perspective: I use meaningful information technology (ICT) to support learners' learning. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 4 Feedback and assessment 4a Pupils Perspective: Pupils know how to recognize whether or not they have achieved the lesson objective: they have specific information about their learning, know the criteria and understand them. They understand individual differences in the assessment. Teacher Perspective: I provide students with continuous feedback using descriptive language and criteria with respect to their individual needs. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 4b Pupil Perspective: Pupils have the opportunity to reflect on their own procedures and results. Teacher Perspective: I lead pupils to reflect on their own achievements and progress in learning (self-assessment) and to provide feedback to others (classmates and teachers). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 4c Pupil Perspective: Pupils receive several sources and types of feedback from the teacher than grades. Teacher Perspective: I use a variety of forms of assessment and diverse indicators of learning outcomes and pupil progress. 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 5 Reflective teaching 5a Teacher Perspective: I reflect the course of teaching (possibly also preparation for teaching). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: 5b Teacher Perspective: I set adequate goals for my professional development, put into practice the steps to achieve them and evaluate them (within the current or next semester). 0 1 2 3 Comments, evidence: