SUBORDINATION AND COORDINATION III Exercises Exercise 6a (answers on p. 207) : Draw tree diagrams (complete with form anil; function'labels) of sentences (5) and (7) on pp. 94, 95 respectively. Exercise 6b (answers on p. 208) Each of the following sentences coniainS/.oqe,subpr^in^te/ ' 5. [Haying remarkably strong teethl, Batman soon severed the ropes - ! confining him. ■ 6. 1 have several important things [to say to her]. ! 7. [Duncan having retired for the night], Lady Macbeth put her ' sinister plan into effect. ; 8. [Always haunted by guilty memories], he lurked ;at the scene of i his crime. -.. >;? ;' Exercise 6d (answers on p. 208) • ' The following sentences are grammatically ambiguous. Show the ambi- j ■ guities by giving two different skeleton analyses for each sentence. In p ■ each case, add a comment to explain how the ambiguity arises. | j 1. I regret criticising her bitterly. j ! 2. I clearly remembered the time when I looked at my watch. • ';. 112 ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR TODAY 3. I told him that 1 had written the essay before he gave the lecture. 4. To speak the truth frankly is an unsafe policy. For the following, tluee different skeleton analyses can be given: 5. The combatants agreed Ito sign a peace treaty in Geneva last week. 6. We must ask the farmer who. owns the fields'where we can camp. 7. I found the dog smoking a cigar. . Exercise 6e (answers on p. 209) Here are some further ambiguities, this time involving coordination. Again, distinguish! the different interpretations of the same sentence by different skeleton analyses, using angle brackets <> to enclose coordinate structures. 1. I love Danish butter and cheese. 2. Their officers always wear pink berets and moustaches. 3. She has passed her exams in,French, German and English literature. 4. The manuscript is very old and difficult to read. 5. That evening we stayed indoors, reading and writing letters. 6. I was taught by the man who taught Mabel and the woman who taught you and Fred. 7. The neighbourhood is infested wilhstray cats and dogs of questionable parentage. 8. Mountjoy was a great lover anil ardent student of English language and literature. . ."■