THE SETTING You and your partners sit on the University Scholarship Committee. On the agenda is the awarding of this year's law scholarship. Five students have attained similar marks in the entrance exam. They have all applied for the scholarship, which includes full tuition, fees, and room and board for the three-year course leading to a degree in law at the University. Only one student can be awarded the scholarship, and it must be awarded to someone. THE STUDENTS Albert Smith. Aged 37, not of outstanding natural ability but very hard- working. Married with three children; until now a taxi driver. His applying was probably due largely to his wife's ambition. Albert made a good impression, but seems a little nervous at the whole idea of law school and the effects his new career might have on his social life and family. If he fails the scholarship he will go back to taxi-driving. Basil Katz. Aged 19, brilliant but not very hard working. A likeable personality, of left-wing sympathies, has taken part in some more or less violent demonstrations and has been in prison at least once as a result. Lots of girlfriends, has a reputation for treating them badly. Very musical, has founded and runs a rock band. Will probably make this his career if he fails the scholarship, which would be a `terrible waste' according to his school tutor who recommends him. Carol Anderson. Aged 20, a quiet, attractive girl, responsible and able, but rather pliable in character, engaged to be married to a doctor, would like to finish her University studies before settling down. Her fiancé says: "I want Carol to fulfill her potential in every way, but of course once she is married, home and children will occupy her first and foremost." Her parents cannot afford to finance the course. Stephanie Brown. Aged 21, single, the daughter and granddaughter of lawyers. A Women's Lib. enthusiast, ambitious and career-minded. Academic record erratic, some very good results, some mediocre. Had a mental breakdown last year, was in the hospital for three months but appears to have made a complete recovery. Fined recently for being in possession of marijuana. Parents cannot finance her studies. In character rather aggressive and quick- tempered, but generous, a good friend. Edward Mbaka. Aged 24, has been in the Army and seen active service. Divorced, no family. Highly motivated, wants eventually to go into politics. "I want this course more than anything," he says, "and only the scholarship can get it for me." While in the army he was once found guilty of accepting bribes. Charming personality, fluent and eloquent speaker. A citizen of this country, but retains also the nationality of his native African state, to which he may eventually return.