Written Fluency -- Autumn semester 2004 Handout 1 -- Tuesday, 12 October 2004 Correspondence. Private/informal // business/formal letters. Task 1: Match the following typical parts of a business letter with the corresponding parts of the (incomplete) example below. More labels can sometimes refer to the same part of the letter. salutation receiver´s address references complimentary sender´s address re-line clause date heading receiver´s name and body of letter letterhead title enclosures signature sender´s name and title Troy International Ltd. (Head Office), 17 River Road, M. Owen Industrial Park, Newton Abbot DE7 S8A, England Telephone: 01289 270813 Fax: +44 1289270805 BA Trading s.r.o. Your ref: Šumavská 31 Our ref: 60200 Brno Czech Republic Date: 8 October 2004 Attn. Mrs Stodolova Dear Mrs Stodolova, Your order No. P-4218 I ___________________ that our last shipment according to your order P-4218 has caused you difficulties and I should like _________________ how sorry I _________________. You may be assured that your complaint _________________ full attention. As I am keen _____________________ preventive measures for the future, I ___________________ your cooperation in ascertaining some of the circumstances, particularly whether - the details given in the transport document were in accordance with our invoice and the actual delivery, - the seal of the truck was intact, - the packages _____________________, - survey report was drawn up with the carrier´s statement. As soon as we ___________________ your detailed description and specification of damage we shall proceed further with the settlement. Please be sure that we are taking measures ___________________ similar occurrences in future. Yours sincerely, Liam Wintersgill Sales Manager Task 2: Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of verbs from the list in the box below. Add auxiliary and modal verbs, particles and prepositions where necessary. Each verb can only be used once. There are more verbs in the box than gaps in the letter (i.e. some verbs will not be used). take follow give appreciate express feeldispatch prevent inform repair receive damage make require Task 3: Write down some expressions typical of the style of business letters. List also some characteristic grammatical features of formal style which can be found here. Try to provide their informal equivalents, if possible. Formal letters Informal letters Task 4: Imagine that Mrs Stodolová and Mr Wintersgill have been co- operating for many years and they are close friends. Rewrite the letter in 3-4 sentences as an informal e-mail. Use expressions and structures from the right column of the above box. Task 5: Draft a formal reply to Mr Wintersgill and include the following notes: - poděkujte za rychlost a ochotu věc řešit; - odpovězte na otázky: v dodávce chybělo 20 ks oproti dopravnímu dokladu, plomba byla rozlomená, 1 bedna (15 ks) chybí zcela a druhou zloději otevřeli; - zeptejte se, zda o náhradu od pojišťovny máte žádat vy, anebo dodavatel; - požádejte o doposlání chybějících kusů v další zásilce do konce měsíce; - vyjádřete naději, že takové potíže se nebudou opakovat.