GENRE = genus (lat) = sort, type of a text (e.g. poem, thriller, tragedy...) How fixed are genres? Should creative writing represent a good "generic text" or is it considered imitative and formulaic? -- differs from period to period and genre to genre - depends on a conventional agreement rather than a precise definition - allows prediction and expectation - reflect audience wishes but also creates them The concept of genre contributes to the ways texts are produced, received and circulated in society, but its contribution is not fixed. Classification on the basis of formal arrangement - poetry, drama, fiction (see Aristotle) On the basis of theme /subject matter (whodunnit, biography, science fiction ...) On the basis of technique of composition/ mode of address (e.g. epistolary novel) On the basis attitude /treatment of the theme (elegy, satire ...) On the basis of function (e.g. philosophical novel) On the basis of literary period (e.g. realistic novel) Deflated expectations: exploiting genre through colllage and pastiche (irony) Historical novel Utopian novel Fantastic novel Science fiction novel Detective novel Psychological novel Autobiographical novel Problem novel Biographical novel Epistolary novel Stream-of-consciousness novel Anti-novel Didactic novel Humorous novel Romantic novel Realistic novel Naturalistic novel Existential novel Pastoral novel Chivalric novel Gothic novel Pastoral novel Experimental novel Journalistic novel