1. Repetition and parallelism. rep: "A horse, a horse! A kingdom for a horse!" par: Those that I fight I do not hate Those that I guard I do not love. Identification and analysis: 1. repetition of words. 2. repetition of meanings. 3. syntactic parallelism. 4. rhytmic par. 5. par. of sound patterning Functions: 1. holds the text together 2. helps to create the meaning 3. makes the text easier to remember 4. creates and fails expectations 5. provides pleasure 2. Juxtaposition placing side by side, no linkage Spring rain: Overnight Soaking on the roof My razor rusted ChildĀ“s rag ball. The May rains 3. Allusion and intertextuality. Allusion: when a text makes an explicit/implicit reference to another text; serves to place the text within cultural tradition Varieties of allusion 1. through a verbal reference 2. through epigraphs 3. through names of the characters 4. through choice of titles Intertextuality: ways texts interact with other texts: -through genre - through parody