Worksheet 2 1. Identify the word class of the underlined words: 1. a) The houses in this neighbourhood are expensive. b) The building houses a library. 2. a) The book is mine. b) Some silver mines were discovered in this area in the 19th century. c) Gold is mined from deep underground. 3. a) How long is the river Nile? b) Stay as long as you like. c) I'm longing to see you again. 2. What is the reference -- generic or specific? 1. Dogs are the most common pets in this country. 2. Crime has increased recently. 3. Who is the man talking to your mother? 4. My daughter loves animals. 5. The car has become a necessity of life in the 20th century. 6. Can I take the map? 3. What's the difference between the following sentences? Are they examples of marked or unmarked use? 1. How big is their house? v. How small is their house? 2. She was born in London. v. In London she was born. 4. What's the difference between the following sentences? Do they illustrate the stative or dynamic use? 1. What are you doing with my whiskey? - I'm just tasting it. v. It tastes wonderful. 2. I'm seeing Philip tomorrow. v. I see what you mean. 3. She has two sisters. v. We have dinner at Maxim's quite frequently. 5. Underline the pro-forms and the item they replace: 1. I phoned her at 5 p.m. but she wasn't home then. 2. John was expected to pass the exam but he failed. 3. Mary has three sons and all want to become pilots. 4. Are there any chairs? I need one. 5. They wanted to sell their house but I'm not sure if they did. 6. What has been ellipted in the following sentences: 1. Want a drink, do you? 2. Mike owns a Ford and John a BMW. 3. I promised to help you and I will. 4. Are you coming with us? -- Yes, I would love to. 5. Serves you right. 7. Explain what an operator is and give an example of a sentence with and without it. Operator is _____________________________________________________ 1. _____________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________