Academic Writing -- Autumn semester 2005 Handout 5 2/16 December 2005 (group B), 9 December 2005 (group A) Scientific vocabulary Task 1: Replace the highlighted expressions in the text by the appropriate scientific/formal terms or phrases. Use the pattern below. If you place some bean seeds on damp cotton-wool, in a few days you will see thet they have begun to change. If you make them soft by leaving them for a time in water first, the changes will start to happen sooner. The outside skin of the bean seed, which is called the seed-coat, splits, and a small root begins to grow downwards. A little later a tiny shoot comes out backwards from between the seed-leaves, and begins to grow upwards. The shoot slowly // grows longer and turns green while the root grows downwards. Smaller roots on the sides begin to appear on the most important and largest root. It doesn´t make any difference which way you plant the bean seed on the cotton-wool or in the soil; the root always grows downwards while the shoot grows upwards. As the leaves open on the shoot, the seed leaves begin to dry up, and, in the end, they disappear. If you grow a bean seed in the dark, it begins to grow // in the usual way, but the shoot does not turn green and, in the end, the plant dies. This shows that green plants need light to make them green, and that they cannot stay alive for long without it. If some ____________________________________________________ on damp cotton-wool, _________________________ they will ________________________. If they ______________ ________________________ by ________________________________________, the changes ___________________________________________ . The __________________________ skin of the bean seed, _____________________the seed-coat, splits, and a small root begins to grow downwards. _________________________ a tiny shoot _____________________________ backwards from between the seed-leaves, and begins to grow upwards. The shoot ___________________________________ and __________ _______________________________________ downwards. _______________________ begin to appear on the ______________________________. ___________________________ way the bean seed _____________________ on the cotton-wool or in the soil, the root _________________________________________ while the shoot ___________________________________. As the leaves open on the shoot, the seed leaves ______________________, and ________________________ disappear. If ____________________________________________ in the dark, ______________ _____________________________________, but the shoot does not turn green and _____________________________ dies. This _________________________ that __________ ________________________________ to make them green, and that they cannot _________ __________________________ for long _________________________________. Task 2: Translate the Czech words or phrases given in brackets into English. Syntactically ___________________________ (fungující slovosled) is but one of the many aspects of grammatical structure that are, _____________________________ (do značné míry), arbitrary in the sense that they _____________________________ (nedají se vysvětlit) in terms of more general logical and psychological principles (_______ (srov.) 1.5). And yet the young child, in the normal _________________________________ (průběhu osvojování jazyka), succeeds in learning, ___________________________ (aniž by ho kdokoli učil), the grammatical rules of __________________________ (své rodné řeči). This is all the more astonishing in that natural languages, _____________________ (na základě/kvůli) their grammatical structure, also have the ______________________ (vlastnost) of productivity. The task that _______________________ (stojí před) the young child during the period of language-acquisition is that of _____________________________ (vyvozování z) a large, but finite, _______________________ (vzorku promluv), those largely arbitrary grammatical principles by virtue od which _______________________ (nekonečně velká), and perhaps infinite, set of word-strings are grammatical and another, even larger, set of word-strings are _________________________________ (gramaticky špatně tvořené). It was Chomsky who, in the mid-1950s, first _______________________________ (docenil význam/důležitost) of the child´s mastery of the syntactic determinants of grammaticality. It was he, too, who _________________________________ (navrhl/předložil to, co se ukázalo být) the most influential theory of syntax so far developed __________________________________ (v jakémkoli období jazykovědy, ať starověké či moderní). Chomskyan syntax is formalized ___________________________ (v rámci) generative grammar and, especially in its more recent versions, ___________________________ (spojuje/sdružuje syntax s) phonology and semantics _________________________________ (ve/do všeobecné/jednotné teorii/e) of the structure of language. We __________________________ (nemůžeme se pouštět do) the more technical details of generative grammar. However, we _________________________________________ (budeme věnovat/zasvětíme jeden oddíl/úsek) of this chapter to a _______________________ (netechnickému popisu/vysvětlení) of the main principles of Chomskyan generative grammar (4.6) and, in a later chapter, __________________________________ (se zaměříme/podíváme na to, co budu nazývat) generativism in its historical context. Generativism, __________________________ (na rozdíl od) structuralism, functionalism, historicism, etc., is what most people _____________________________ (mají na mysli) when they ___________________________________________ (správně hovoří o / narážejí na) the Chomskyan revolution. (John Lyons: Language and Linguistics, Cambridge 1981)