Základy moderní jazykovědy

1 Linguistics, the scope of linguistics.

2 Language, displacement, structure dependence, creativity.

3 Phonetics and phonology, phonemes, allophones, sound combinations, metrical            


     4 Morphology, morphemes, allomorphs, word classes.

5 Syntax, word order, constituent analysis, tree diagrams, complex sentences.

6 Semantics, semantic fields, overlaps, synonyms, opposites, hyponyms.

7 Pragmatics, discourse analysis, frames, adjacency pairs, repairs.

8 Language types, criteria, morphological language types.

9 Indo-European languages.


10 The history of diachronic linguistics: Historical linguistics, language change, language

       families, the comparative method, old English, middle English, modern English, the

       cause of language change.             

11 The history of synchronic linguistics: Some modern schools and movements:

       structuralism, functionalism generativism.(Saussure, Bloomfield, Jacobson, Sapir Whorf,

       Chomsky …), language functions.        

12 Writing, the history of writing, modern writing systems, writing and speech,

       spelling and pronunciation.

13 Psycholinguistics: language and mind, universal grammar and its relevance,

       mentalism, rationalism and innateness, language and the brain, language


14 Sociolinguistics: standards and vernaculars, bilingualism, code-switching and

       diglossia, practical applications.

15 Ethnolinguistics: language and culture, colour terms, pronouns of address, cultural

       overlap, cultural diffusion and translatability.

16 Lingua Francas. Artificial languages.

17 Styles, slang and jargon.

18 Varieties of English. The Standard language. Accent and dialect. Isoglosses, bilingualism,

      Pidgins and Creoles.