FHPädagogische PHOTOVOLTAICS SOLAR THERMIC APPLICATIONS BASICS H.FIBI/I.HANTSCHK Intensiv Programme EFEU 2008/09 OStR. Mag.rer.nat. Hans Fibi & Prof. Ingrid Hantschk University of Education Vienna Grenzackerstraße 18 1100 Vienna Austria Phone: +436643833955 e-mail: Hans210347@a1.net or johann.fibi@phwien.ac.at 2009 Permission to use is granted on the following conditions: The use is for educational purposes only No fees or other income is charged Appropriate reference to this source is made. Data sources are indicated except pictures and drawings having been taken by the authors respectively publishers. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 2 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 3 Sun's Daily Path 1 )_ X/hJi y r I Noon-zenith South i-: 21.3, 113,9. 38 21.12. lfc,5 East-Sunrise PH Wien - Presentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 4 1 )_ X/hJi Ion y r Die Sonne nutzen... Using the sunshine... Solarzelle - Photovoltaik: Strom von der Sonne Solar Cells - Photovoltaics Electricity directly from the sun Solarthermie - Sonnenkollektor: Solar Thermic Application -solar panel-solar concentrator Wärme von der Sonne Warmth directly from the sun Geothermie Wärme Geothermy the sun gespeicherte stored warmth from PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 5 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 6 Estimate - what do you need ? Energy from the Sun 1 MWh/a.m2 Solar Cell: h = 0,1 / Transfer h = 0,7 / Total h = 0,07 Summer up to 10 kWh/m2.d Energetic Output: 70 kWh/m2.a 2,7 kWh/m2.d Winter: 150 Wh/m2.d PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 7 Electricity from the un Solar Cell Expose a Solar Cell directly to the sun -the electric motor will run. r mV mV 7 \ mA constantan-wire rr Expose the copper -constantan -contact to heat (IR) and you get electricity. copper-wire Thermo Couple PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 8 Estimate - what do you need ? r? % VAfisn two maxima of power spring and autumn because of shadowing: area increases by factor 6,5 For ensuring a safe power supply: use the factor 3 times ! PH Wien - Presentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 9 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 10 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 11 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 13 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 14 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 15 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 1B Quelle: Kurier 2008-04-20 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 17 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 1B Sun Power Station Loser, 40 kW PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 19 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 20 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 21 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 22 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 23 PH Wien - Präsentation H.Fibi/I.Hantschk 24