Vocabulary Explanation Translation abrade to damage something by rubbing its surface too hard. arctic extremely cold. arĂȘte a narrow line of bare rock between two cirques, found in an area of mountains that has been covered by glaciers. basin shaped having steep sides and a wide curved bottom. cirque a valley with three steep sides on the slope of a mountain. It is formed by the movement of glaciers. drumlin a long narrow hill made of rock and small pieces of stone, put somewhere by a moving glacier. One end of it is vertical and the other is sloping. dump to get rid of someone or something that you no longer want or need. embed to fix something firmly in a surface or object. eskers long narrow winding lines of sand or small bits of stone, put somewhere by a stream flowing under a glacier. exposed not covered or hidden and therefore able to be seen. flow the continuous movement of a substance in one direction. frontal moraine material deposited at the farthest point reached by the ice in a glacier forms a ridge which runs across the valley floor. glaciated covered by glaciers or a glacier. glacier a very large mass of ice that moves very slowly. hanginh valley a tributary valley that enters a main valley high up because the main valley has been deepened through glacial erosion. heat the quality of being hot, or the degree to which something is hot. ice cap a large area of ice that covers the land and sea around the North or South Pole. iceberg a very large piece of ice floating in the sea with only a small amount of it above the surface of the water. lateral moraine material that is deposited along the sides of a glacier. lip the edge of a high piece of land. medial moraine a line of earth and pieces of rock formed in the centre of a glacier when the lateral moraines of two glaciers meet. melt to change a solid substance into a liquid. moraine a mass of earth and pieces of rock carried by a glacier and left behind as it passes. pack ice a large mass of ice that floats in the sea. permafrost ground that stays permanently frozen, for example in the polar regions. pluck to take material from the surface beneath a glacier. quarry a place where stone is dug out of the ground. A place where coal or minerals are dug out of the ground is called a mine. ribbon lake a long narrow lake formed in the valley that was created when a glacier moved over an area containing bands of hard and soft rock. rub to press and move one object against another or against a surface. scour scour or scour out to form a passage or hole in something by moving continuously over it. scrape if a sharp edge or point scrapes a surface, or if you scrape it across the surface, it moves across the surface. sheet a wide flat area of something such as water or ice. smooth completely even with no rough areas or lumps. snout the lowest end of a glacier, also called the terminus or toe. strip to remove something that covers something. summit the top of a mountain. tarn a mountain lake that forms in a cirque. terminal moraine a line of rock, gravel, and soil across a valley at the end of a glacier. trap to keep something such as air, gas, or energy in a particular place.