Vocabulary Explanation Translation sedimentary rock rock that is formed from sediments basalt a dark-green or black rock formed when hot liquid rock from a volcano becomes solid. It is a type of igneous rock. cause to make something happen, usually something bad. cause damage/problems/ trouble. deposition a process in which layers of a substance form gradually over a period of time. erosion the process by which the surface of land or rock is gradually damaged by the action of water, the wind, the sea, or glaciers. extraction the process or action of removing something from a particular place. geology the scientific study of the structure of the Earth. glacier a very large mass of ice that moves very slowly. igneous rock rock that is formed from melted materials lava what magma is called after it reaches the surface of the earth limestone a type of white or grey stone that consists mainly of calcium carbonate and is formed from the skeletons and shells of sea animals. Limestone is a sedimentary rock. magma liquid rock that is found in some places beneath the earth's surface marble a hard smooth metamorphic rock that is used for building and making statues. It is a type of limestone and is usually white or grey with marks of another colour in it. metamorphic roc rock that is formed deep within the earth's crust when minerals and rocks are changed by very great heat and pressure which changes the crystal structure mineral composition a list of the minerals that make up rock rock a mixture of minerals that is beneath all soil and water in the earth's surface rock cycle the process which rock is changed from one class to another sandstone a type of stone that is made mainly of grains of quartz and other minerals. It is a type of sedimentary rock, and can be red, yellow, grey, or brown. texture the pattern made by size, shape and arrangement of the particles that are in rock weathering the process by which rocks and minerals are broken into very small pieces by the action of rain, snow, frost, water etc.