Course design file Contents: 1. Introduction about the group (school, age group ,language level, class size) 2. My beliefs (about language, language learning, language learners, language teaching) 3. My starting lesson plan with a challenging activity 4. Learner´s needs (needs analysis, learner preferences) 5. Aims and objectives (from curricular documents) 6. Content specification with teaching materials. “Special features“ (out-of-class activities etc.) 7. Class management (eg.class rules, pupils with special needs) 8. Assessment and evaluation plan 9. Educational documents – guidelines and limits 10. Course evaluation The design of a one-year course of English for upper-primary or secondary learners. Preferably for a class you have taught or will be teaching next year. You can also design a course for language schools, but it would have to be a course one year long where learners meet for at least 3 lessons a week. Acceptable project: gives evidence of effort, careful consideration of a number of aspects, and creativity. It clearly shows the author is familiar with different teaching resources and materials. Unacceptable project: is hurried, careless, formal, materials are just piled. Plagiarised. My beliefs: Every teacher has his/her own theory of language and theory of language learning and teaching. Even if these theories are not always explicit and the teacher is not always aware of them, they are very important in every decision the teacher makes.