Environmental education Hana Novotná, UČO 114886 Becoming a part of a nature :o) • It is never too late • You are never too far • In fact you are the nature • You are not the only one :o) Verba movent, exempla trahunt • Childred very often believe more to what they see rather than what they are told • Speaking to children is also very important part in the teaching process • It motivates children not give up the task before it is completed Let´s get started Art lesson Mandalas Practical skills Let´s get dirty :o) Your time and companions matter Biology lesson To get the touch Closer and closer and closer :o) Physical Exercise I like it move it move it How can we help? Some like to recycle :o) Painted journalism :o) Kids draw the news More news Last week news: New York´s swarming bees Huriccane Sandy Things around us? Children can talk about how this particular tree gets affected by all the things hanging on it. Game time :o) Time for game. Children make a happy tree decorated with naturefriendly decorations! Mens sana in corpore sano As the quotation says: V zdravém těle zdravý duch :o) • Gross skills: involve large muscle movements which are not very precise and include many • Fine skills: involve intricate precise fundamental movement patterns movements using small muscle such as walking, running and groups and generally involve high jumping. The shot putt is an Fīnis corōnat opus. Thank you for your attention :o)