Free time a) ripoBepbTe, snaeTe jim Bbi stu anoea v\ cjiosocoHeTaHnsj. Check whether you know these words and word-combinations. CBo6oflHoe BpeMH — free time, leisure CBo6oAeH (cBo6oAHa, cboGoahbi) — free 33HHT (3aH«Ta, 3aH«Tbi) — busy BblxOAHOM A6Hb — day off BblXOAHbie AHM — weekend npaSAHMK — holiday BesepMHKa — party npoBOAHTb / npOBGCTM (speMSf) — to spend (time) npoBOAHTb / npoBeCTM BpeMfl xopoiuo — to have a good time npoBOAHTb / npoBecTn (npaaAHMK) — to hold co6npaTbC« / co6paTbc« (rpje? c KeM?/ hto flenarb, cflenarb?) — to get together, to be going BO BpeMfl npa3AHMKa — at the time of the holiday 6) ripomiTaMTe npeAnoxceHiin. Read the sentences. 1. CeroAHfl y Menm ecTb CBOÖOAHoe Bpeivm. 2. y Hac BbixoflHOM b cpeAy- 3. B BblXOAHbie AHU Mbl e3AMM K pOAHTe/lflM. 4. CeroAHfl BenepoM Mbi CBOÖOAHbi, a 3aBTpa 6yAeM 3ai-mTbi. 5. CiyAeHTbi xopoLuo npoBe/iH Bpeivm b icny6e. 6. Bo Bpeivm npa3AHMK0B Haiua ceMba co6npaeTca b AOMe 6a6yiiiKM. 7. CTyAeHTbi coönpaioTca npoßecTn BesepuHKy b cy66oTy. B) OTBGTbTG Ha BOHpOCbl. Answer the questions. 1. Hto Bbi o6biHHo Ae/iaeie b BbixoAHbie ahu? 2. fAe Bbi npoBOAUTe BpeMfl c APy3bHMn? 3. KorAa oöbiHHO coönpaeTca bca BaLua ceMbfl? 126