x z z, X=const. x y t Testing Theories of the High-z and SuperEarly Universe Anthony Aguirre On the front burners • Me: • Arrived 2003 (Postdoc IAS Princeton, PhD Astronomy Harvard.) • Cosmology, broadly construed. • Group(s): • Scipp theory (Michael, Tom, Howie, Stefano) • Astronomy (Piero Madau and others) • Current students & postdocs: • Jonathan Kozaczuk (with Stefano) • Max Wainwright (with Stefano) On the front burners • Inflation and eternal inflation • When and how does ‘eternal inflation’ occur? • What is the large-scale structure of an eternal inflating universe? • Given inflation, need there be an initial singularity? • How do transitions between inflationary ‘vacua’ occur? • What is the inflationary “multiverse” and how can we test it? • Might there be observable signatures of eternal inflation? • Fundamental Physics • How do we interpret quantum theory in an infinite universe? • How do we think about time in eternal systems? On the back burners • Black holes: • What fun things can happen in the interior of a realistic Kerr black hole? • What to make of black hole complementarity and ‘firewalls’. • Enrichment of the intergalactic medium (IGM) • How did the IGM get enriched with the heavy elements? • What does this tell us about feedback in galaxy formation? • What does this tell us about Pop. III? About reionization? • Dark matter: • Dark matter annihilations and the first stars. • Modified gravity and dark matter. Inflation Basic idea: exponential expansion at very early times. Provides: Expansion Flatness Uniformity Fluctuations Ending Inflation Driven by vacuum energy, but dynamical. Leads to ‘field φ’, with ‘potential’ Λ(φ). Handy: description is just like a ball on a slope: gravity and friction. Field evolves toward Λobs, where inflation ends. Λ(φ) φ Failing to end inflation: Is inflation everlasting? The “double-well”: Tunneling nucleations bubble of new phase. Inflation inside. but new phase fails to take over. Λ(φ) φ Λinf Λobs Λinf Λobs Λobs Everlasting bubbly inflation Expanding sea of inflation. Pocket universes fill in interstices, grow. Can we observe other bubble “universes”? Bubbles collide! x z z, X=const. x y t Can we observe other bubble “universes”? What could we see? • Bubble Collisions: • Deeper analysis of link between collisions and cosmological observables: • Multiple collisions (Jon K.) • 1+1D GR simulations of bubble collisions (Max W.) • Analysis of Planck data (Matt Johnson, Hiranya Peiris and UCL collaborators; Max W.) • Other processes like decompactifications; collisions between different #s of large dimensions; collisions between bubbles with uncoupled fields. Some current/possible/pondered projects: Entropy decrease in closed systems S~5 x 1026 S~5 x 1039 ultrahot soup of photons and leptons (chemical equilibrium) (Nuclear equilibrium) (Proton decay) Aguirre, Carroll & Johnson Entropy decrease in closed systems S~5 x 1026 S~5 x 1039 ultrahot soup of photons and leptons (chemical equilibrium) (Nuclear equilibrium) (Proton decay) Aguirre, Carroll & Johnson • Relativistic closed systems in general (Jon K.) Some current/possible/pondered projects: Strange issues in infinite universes Measure Measure LevelIII Multiverse Level I Multiverse Oldschool: Cosmological view: Measure Measure Level I Multiverse Oldschool: Cosmological view: EVERETT (NO WAVEFUNCTION COLLAPSE) COPENHAGEN (WAVEFUNCTION COLLAPSES) Some current/possible/pondered projects: • Cosmological interpretation of quantum mechanics vs. ‘multiverse interpretation’ of quantum mechanics. • Past-eternal cosmologies: which are possible and which are not? (Emergent universe with John K@IPMU) • A ‘double standard’ in the eternal inflationary arrow of time. Some current/possible/pondered projects: • Dark stars, Pop. III, and the IGM. Some current/possible/pondered projects: • Baby universes inside black holes. (Tegmark and Hamilton) http://jila.colorado.edu/~ajsh/insidebh/realistic.html