Syntax A

Handout 4b

Lesson 4 / handout 4b - KEY


Match the three headings and the letters below appropriately:


EXPECTATION – b, f, g               ASSUMPTION – c, d, i       CONCLUSION – a, e, h


  1. based on particular experiences and occasions, and therefore, being more adapted to circumstances than assumption; is generally more accurate
  2.  believing that things are or will be as we wish them to be
  3. based on our knowledge of people or things – their daily routine, character, qualities (NOT based on our wishes); is more realistic than expectation
  4. will (have)
  5. must (have), cannot (have), could not have
  6. should (have), ought to (have)
  7. „očekávání, naděje“
  8. „závěr, rozhodnutí“
  9. “předpoklad”



Gethin, H. (1992) Grammar in Context. Proficiency Level English. Harlow: Longman. – chapter 11C (pp 126 – 129)