Syntax A

Translation IV - Key

Translation IV. – KEY


1. I needn’t have written to her because she phoned / called me / gave me a ring/ gave me a call shortly afterwards. 

2. You should / ought to paint the door. – I know I should / ought to.

3. Couldn’t you come a little / a bit earlier? – No, I have to finish some work.

4. He may / might / could be waiting at the station when we arrive.

5. There is a lot of noise upstairs. It must be Tom.

6. I didn’t have to / didn’t need to leave home at six because I knew (that) the train would be late.

7. We don’t have to / don’t need to type our essays but we have to write them legibly.

8. Can you wait until / till tomorrow? I have to finish some writing now.

9. He looks horrible / terrible. He must be tired.

10. We may / might not be able to find his house in the dark.

11. Where would you live if you could choose?

12. Tom knows about the problem. Ann may / might / could have told him about it.

13. Lucy can’t / couldn’t have seen Tim yesterday.