GIVING PRESENTATIONS – FINAL REVISION TASK In what presentation situations can you use the following phrases? Match the phrases below with the following presentation situations. DEALING WITH DIFFICULT QUESTIONS EXPLAINING THE CHOICE OF TOPIC GIVING OUTLINE OF YOUR PRESENTATION – 2 INTERACTION IN PAIRS 2 INTERACTION WITH THE AUDIENCE INTRODUCTION 2 QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION PRESENTATION CONCLUSION 2 REFERRING TO ADDITIONAL MATERIAL FOR THE AUDIENCE REFERRING TO RESEARCH REFERRING TO VISUAL DATA 2 SUMMARIZING A PRESENTATION SECTION A This morning I am going to talk to you about… . B Then, I'll move on to my next point which is… C I have divided my talk into the following main areas… D Recent research has shown that…. so the issue I am going to discuss is very important for all of us. E On the vertical/horizontal axis you can see… F If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me during the presentation. G Monica will give you more details regarding this interesting issue. H This graph shows an important aspect the issue we are discussing. I I'd like to finish this section of the presentation with a famous quote on… J This brings us to the end of our presentation. Thank you for your attention. K Over to you, Monica. L Thank your for coming to my presentation despite this terribly cold weather. M This is a very interesting question. Unfortunately, I don't have the information with me. Perhaps we can discuss it later. N Are there any questions? O If there are no other questions, let me finish the presentation and thank you for your attention. P Research shows that… O I have prepared a short handout summarizing the key issue of my presentation which is going round. … TEXT COHESION PRACTICE Compulsory education TASK Complete the gaps in a student´s essay with the most appropriate options. In my country, education is compulsory until the age of 16. After that, young people can leave and look for a job if they wish. 1________________ , there are two good reasons for making young people stay at school. 2_______________, it is very difficult for 16-year-olds leaving school to find work. 3 _______________ is because jobs are becoming more and more specialized and technical. 4_______________ , if young people stay at school and receive education and training, they will have more opportunities in the future. 5_______________ , many students would like toleave schools at 16. This is because they find school difficult or they do not enjoy studying. They would prefer to be working and earning money. 6_______________ , because they are not motivated, they cause problems for students who do want to study. I believe that in this case, they should stay at school and choose technical or practical subjects which interest them. In my opinion, 7 _______________ is a mistake for people to leave school too soon, because they will miss opportunities 8 _______________ may arise in the future. 1 A Although B Despite C However 2 A For the first time B Firstly C At first 3 A This B it C What 4 A In contrast B In addition CIn consequence 5 A On the one hand B Therefore C On the other hand 6 A But B Whereas C Also 7 A This B it C what 8 A which B what C whose