Syntax A

Exam Grading


The course Seminar to syntax A (autumn semester) is followed by the course Seminar to syntax B (spring semester) and there is a final EXAM, both written and oral, covering both courses in the spring exam period.

You will be graded (A - E) on the basis of all in-class tests taken in both semesters (i.e. mid-term tests, credit tests, and translations). These along with your oral exam result will be averaged. Thus, the final grade will reflect all your continuous achievements during both semesters.

As for the mid-term test in the autumn semester, it will not be possible to resit it. If you fail it, you will have to reach a higher pass mark in the final credit test (e.g. if you score 65% in the mid-term test, i.e. 5% less than the pass mark (70%), you will have to reach 75% in the final credit test, i.e. 5% more than the official pass mark).