The observed phenomenon / Child: yes no He plays and works in groups. O O He can play with children younger and older, he can join the game. O O He uses tools and equipment for physical activity throughout the day . O O He organizes the activities by his own. O O He decides independently . O O He behaves spontaneously. O O He complies with the class rules. O O He draws attention to the other kids on class rules. O O He search for contacts with teacher. O O He communicates with other children. O O He helps to others. O O He solves problems independently. O O He goes to the toilet independently. O O He behaves culturally for dining. O O He pours the soup himself O O He operates himself (taking a meal, taking away plates, etc.) O O He goes alone to drink (drinks regime) O O A child is for me ... The child would never behave ... I think a lot of children ... Observe or ask the children how teacher reacts when children need: Someone break something ... Someone spilled drink or soup ... They will make great teachers happy ...