Teaching Practice: Seminar Fall 2017 Aims •Reflect on your first school practice •Raise awareness of your expectations and needs •Plan and monitor your professional development •Discuss problems you face at schools and look for creative solutions together with other student teachers •Enable you to become autonomous teachers • Procedure •Discussions in safe atmosphere • •Content will be specified by students • •Discussions will be moderated by teachers • •Between seminars: reflective writing Credit requirements •3 reflective diary entries (uploaded to the Information System by Sunday evening before each seminar) • •I portfolio task (options are available) • •More info: https://katedry.ped.muni.cz/pedagogika/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2016/05/pokyny-k-obsahu-praxi_pr ez_podzim-2017.pdf Reflective diaries •You can write in English or in Czech •One entry should be about 1 page long •The aim is not to describe events but to reflect on them •Select what was significant for you, eye-opening, appealing, intriguing etc. •Express your feelings, thoughts, opinions •Think about what the events mean and why things happened the way they happened •Suggest alternative solutions • Reflective diary: example 1 •Tato situace mi přišla dost stresující a najednou jako kdybych pochybovala o tom, že jsem připravená. Při opravě testů pro čtvrtou třídu jsem cítila stres, že je to najednou skutečné a že se opravdu musím opřít o své znalosti a nesmím pochybovat. Tento pocit ve mne vyvolal zmatek a vznikl tak zajímavý rozpor mezi prvotním nadšením a přesvědčením na jedné straně a pocity nejistoty a zmatku na straně druhé. Tvoření přípravy na hodiny jsou pro mne zatím spíše stresující záležitostí, i přes to, že jsem se domnívala, že bych to měla zvládnout. Najednou jako kdybych začala pochybovat nad tím, co jsem dříve považovala za samozřejmé. Reflective diary: example 2 •Secondly, the teacher did not include any lead-in activity before any exercise or any other activity. The instruction were just of the type open your book at page 9 and do the exercise number 3. For me, this type of work is too “heavy”. With some lead-in activity or at least presenting the task orally by a teacher, an exercise does not have to give an impression of “oh my god, another exercise” but can give more relaxed impression even without realizing that we are doing “another exercise” and can be more fun. •Thirdly, the pupils usually were not given the chance to correct themselves (even though it was obvious they are trying to), the task was given to other pupil. Moreover, the pupils were not corrected even though they said a major mistake, which was relevant to their level, both grammatical and pronunciation.