Perceptions of disability Discussion Generally speaking, how do you think people with disabilities are perceived in the Czech Republic? Does this perception depend on the disability? Is the public’s attitude towards people with disabilities shaped by the country’s standard of living? Would you expect those from developed countries to have the same attitude towards people with disabilities as those from less developed countries? •Read the statements below then listen to the first part of the recording. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? • •1. In the ‘west’, able-bodied and disabled people have different rights. •2. Bus drivers in the ‘west’ should announce each stop so that blind people know when to get off. •3. ‘Spastic’ and ‘cripple’ are politically correct terms. •4. The Paralympics have helped a lot to make people see disabled people more positively. •5. When disabled people were confined to institutions other people didn't think about them. •6. Generally, disabled people still lack confidence. •7. Soon paralysed people may be able to drive cars. •8. Dyslexic people are not considered to be disabled. •