LISTENING – EXPRESSING OPINIONS 1 (Track 8) Listen and match each conversation (1 – 6) with a topic (a –f). a smoking _______ b exams _______ c computer games _______ d vegetarianism _______ e traffic _______ f obesity _______ 2 Listen to each conversation again. Do the people agree or disagree? 1 _ agree_____ 2 ____________ 3 ____________ 4 ____________ 5 ____________ 6 ____________ 3 Listen once more and write three expressions in each column. Expressions to agree with someone Expressions to disagree with someone That´s exactly what I think. DEFENDING OPINIONS Speaking strategy: Arguing your point 1 Match each statement (a – e) with a response (1 – 5). a I think politicians these days are all the same. _4__ b I believe that marriage should be for life. ____ c From my point of view, killing animals for sport is wrong. ____ d It seems to me that the world is getting more dangerous. ____ e In my opinion, working overtime is too stressful. ____ 1 You may be right, but a lot of people enjoy hunting. 2 I may be wrong, but isn´t there less crime these days? 3 I agree to some extent, but the extra money is handy. 4 Yes, but it´s still important to vote. 5 I know what you mean, but isn´t divorce increasing? To rehearse and prepare for your final speeches do the following exercises. 2 (Track 9) Listen to each statement in Exercise 1 (a – e) and speak each response. 3 Listen again to each statement and give different response. Begin each reply with one of the expressions in bold. 4 (Track 10) Now listen and respond to five more statements. Begin each reply with one of the expressions in bold. Example: a You hear: If you ask me, there are too many cars on the roads these days. You say: I know what you mean, but everyone needs a car. (Source: Real Listening and Speaking by Miles Craven. CUP, 2008.)