TEACHING PRACTICE TASKS Task 1: Shadowing a learner Aims: · To notice how an individual learner changes his/her learning strategies in different classes · To notice how different classes and classroom procedures enhance the motivation of the learner What will you do? In the lessons: Choose one learner (6th – 9th grade). The learner should have an English lesson on the day when the observation is carried out. You should not tell the learner that you are observing him/her. Focus on the following features: What does the learner do in each lesson (tasks s/he performs, orally or in writing, alone or with somebody else, physical involvement)? How much of the whole lesson time is the learner on task? What makes him/her be on task? Are there any lessons when the learner is more active and more involved? How can you tell? Why do you think it is so? After the lessons, ask the learner the following questions: Which was your favourite subject today? Why is it your favourite subject? In which subject have you learnt the most? What motivates you in the lessons? What are your favourite activities? You can also ask some clarifying questions related to the individual lessons you observed. Summarise your findings in the forum. Task 2: Shadowing an English teacher (Teacher´s roles and duties outside the classroom) Aims: * To find out what duties an English teacher has to carry out on a daily basis * To notice ways in which the teacher deals with everyday issues * To notice different strategies the teacher uses when talking to learners outside the classroom What will you do? Ask an English teacher in the school for providing the opportunity to shadow him/her. BE POLITE. Explain the aims of the shadowing. Negotiate a day and ask whether s/he would be interested in anything specific you should observe for him/her. Be punctual for the classes. Stay with the teacher as much as possible (during the breaks, at lunch time, meetings….). Take notes about all the duties s/he has to carry out. Focus on the following: * Administrative tasks the teacher has to do every day, every month, once in a while… * Contact with pupils outside the classes – when and why * Preparation for the lessons –what, when, how long * Meetings with colleagues – when, why, how often, formal, informal * Meetings with other parties (school management, parents, administrators, inspectors…) - when, why, how often At the end of the day, talk to the teacher about the tasks, duties and responsibilities s/he has to deal with outside the classroom on a daily basis and about time-management. Summarise your findings in the forum. Task 3: Shadowing an English teacher (Classroom management techniques) Aims: * To notice different rapport with different groups of learners * To notice different classroom management techniques the teacher uses What will you do? Ask an English teacher in the school for providing the opportunity to shadow him/her. BE POLITE. Explain the aims of the shadowing. Negotiate a day and ask whether s/he would be interested in anything specific you should observe for him/her. Be punctual for the classes. In the lessons, focus on the following: Does the teacher treat all the groups in the same way? Is s/he stricter/more lenient in some groups? What does it depend on? What does the teacher do in problematic situations (misbehaviour, lack of knowledge, lack of concentration, …)? Which procedures work After the lessons, talk to the teacher about: · classroom management techniques s/he uses and if (and how) these change with different groups of learners · the use of punishment (What does it represent for him/her? How does s/he use it?) · the biggest challenges s/he faces in the classroom · how s/he deals with deals with disrespect and under-motivated students (You can also ask about whether s/he feels support of parents and how s/he can deal with the lack of parental involvement.) Summarise your findings in the forum. Task 4: Shadowing an English teacher (Teaching strategies) Aims: * To notice different teaching strategies and instructional practices the teacher uses * To identify different types of teaching activities * To identify what worked well in the lessons, aspects which were successful What will you do? Ask an English teacher in the school for providing the opportunity to shadow him/her. BE POLITE. Explain the aims of the shadowing. Negotiate a day and ask whether s/he would be interested in anything specific you should observe for him/her. Be punctual for the classes. In the lessons, focus on the following features: How does the teacher introduce an activity? Describe the instructions, different interaction patterns (pair work, group work, individuals..). How does the teacher explain things? How does s/he check pupils´ comprehension? Does s/he use pupils´ mother tongue? If the teacher teaches different subjects, does s/he teach differently? What are the differences/similarities? You can also ask some clarifying questions related to the individual lessons you observed. Summarise your findings in the forum.