Verbs of senses (and others). Underline the correct form in italics. 1. Darling, did you remember packing/to pack some spare tapes for the video camera yesterday? 2. I really regret leaving/to leave school so young, it’s ruined my career prospects. 3. We tried pressing/to press the ‘escape’ key but the program just wouldn’t respond. 4. A suspicious young man was seen enter/to enter the building shortly before the incident. 5. As we drove over the river we noticed local women washing/wash their clothes in the stream. 6. My grandma once heard Bernstein conducting/conduct the West Side Story, she said it had been wonderful! 7. I stopped eating/to eat sugar years ago. 8. Nothing will stop their enquiries, they mean getting/to get to the bottom of this strange business. 9. Don’t forget recording/to record the ‘Big Bang Theory’ tonight for me! 10. The woman woke up in the middle of the night, looked out of her window and saw something strange hovering/hover over the trees in the park. 11. After a career in the secret service, Ian Fleming went on achieving/to achieve fame as an author. 12. Transglobe Airlines regrets announcing/to announce the cancellation of today’s service to Istanbul due to air traffic restrictions. 13. Do you remember seeing/seen that film last summer? 14. If you can’t find the information in the manual, try looking/to look at our website. 15. We were all exhausted so we stopped getting/to get some rest at a motel. KEY (infinitive or –ing form): 1inf 2ing 3ing 4 to+inf 5ing 6inf 7ing 8inf 9inf 10ing 11inf 12inf 13ing 14ing 15inf ad 4) Can you explain why we say “A man was seen to enter the building ...” but “I saw a man enter the building.”?