7 Verbs of perception Verbs of perception, for example, hear and watch, can be followed by the infinitive without to or the -ing form. / heard someone scream. I watched him make a toy aeroplane. I heard someone screaming. I watched him making a toy aeroplane. The infinitive form suggests that the verb action happens once and that the whole action is perceived. The -ing form suggests the verb action goes on for some time, and only part of it is perceived. Put the verbs in brackets in the infinitive (without to) or the -ing form. a. I heard my neighbours_:__ (turn) off their television and__(go) to bed. b. I woke up at two in the morning. I could hear my neighbours_'.___ (have) an argument. c. When I looked through the window, I saw her _(read) a book. d. When she saw me___(come), she waved. e. She could feel her heart__(pound) as she neared the end of the race. f. Can you smell something_(burn)? g. When I came into the room, I saw her_:_ (lean) casually against the fireplace. h. It was obvious that she hadn't heard me _(come) in. I saw her_ (go) over to the drawer and_(take) out a gun. i. I've never seen anyone_(eat) as much as you do. j. As I woke up, I could hear my mother downstairs __(make) breakfast. Exercise 7 a. turn go b- having c. reading d. coming e. pounding f. burning g. leaning h. come go take i. eat j. making