Themes / topics Which ​themes ​and ​topics ​will be covered? Divide your semester into (at least) four sections - Autumn 1, Autumn 2, Spring 1, Spring 2 What are the course ​aims ​and ​objectives ​for ​each section​? By the end of this course students will know how to … By the end of this course students will be able to … Justify ​your choices. Why are they doing this? Do your choices connect to future topics? Will their new skills be useful in other subjects/parts of life? Students need to know this because ... Students need to be able to do this because … This will help students ... Excursions ● Where are you going? Does this place allow groups of school pupils? Do they offer special services to schools? ● Why are you going there? What are you going to do when you get there? ● How long is the excursion? ● Is every student going? How many other adults need to go too? ● How will you get there? ● What about food and drink? And toilet facilities? ● Are there any special educational needs that must be considered? ● How much will this cost? Make a rough budget - travel, admission/entry, food/drink, accommodation (if required) Assessment Think about the different methods of assessment for your subject. Are they appropriate for your school? If yes - say which assessment method you will use and why. If no - create a better assessment method and say why it’s better than the current methods Innovation What’s different about the way this subject is taught at your school compared to a standard state school? What makes it special?