(2) NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION Non-verbal communication relates to verbal communication and has the following features: • highlighting - underlines what we have said in words; • adding - what we did not say the words, it will add non-verbal communication; • denying - if we do not speak the truth, and we want others to know it; • regulating - we regulate our verbal communication using non-verbal expressions; • repeating - we can also repeat what we have just said using words; • replacing - we have omitted the words communication and used instead for example gesticulations. Professional literature nonverbal communication divides into eight ways of communication: • Views - speech using eyes • Facial expression - speech using face • Kinesics - speech using movements • Posturology - body language, speech using physical attitudes • Gestures - speech using gestures • Haptics - speech using touches • Proxemics - speech using distance, to zoom in or out • Appearance and environment. Eyes in non-verbal communication Views - speech of eyes are the most important means of communication in nonverbal communication. Medical findings showed that eye movements associated with individual hemispheres of the brain. They show us the emotional states, but also energize visualization. The most dominant and reliable features of the face, the eyes provide a constant channel of communication. They can be shifty and evasive; convey hate, fear, and guilt; or express confidence, love, and support. Studies show that gaze and eye contact can: · provide information, · regulate interaction, · express intimacy, · exercise social control,and · facilitate goals. Communication using eyes is different depending on the culture and gender. There are states which direct eye contact consider as a sign of seriousness and sincerity (USA), and vice versa there are other countries, it is considered a sign of disrespect and insult (Japan). Large differences are discernible in the eye contact between man and woman. Women applied eye contact more frequently and for longer periods than men. The reason may be a greater emotional involvement of women while talking or listening. When communicating only women their views are allied and encouraging, while men tend to turn away their views. Facial expression It is a speech using face. The facial expressions express personal emotional state, emotional attitudes, extent of freshness and personal commitment. For speaker, it is important in the context of effect on audiences, to control his/her facial expressions. Research has found that one can distinguish some emotions in facial expressions: • appiness - unhappiness • joy - sadness • interest - disinterest • calm - anger • fear - a feeling of insecurity • surprise - fulfilled expectations The human face is one of the important means of identification of another person. Even when changing hairstyle, makeup, hair color or deployment of glasses can recognize typical facial expressions on his face. Kinesics They are communication body movements, not movements connected with work. Extent of body movements is associated with emotional experiencing a particular situation. From the face can be read the kind of emotion and from the body movements, what is its intensity. It is proved that the different moods give into motion different muscle groups. Posturology From the communication point of view it is an important human ability. It is possible to express some message using particular body postures, hands, feet and head. Body postures communicate to other people, how one feels, if her/his attitude is friendly or hostile, if she/he wants further negotiations or discussions is terminated. Gestures Gestures are accompanying the movements of any body part when verbal communication. We use a lot of gestures purposely, some quite unconsciously. When communication correctly use of gestures is very important. They can attract more attention of listeners than boring interpretation of some issues. But speaker should not exaggerate the communication via gestures. It is appropriate to mention the differences in using gestures in different cultures. For example, nod the head as an expression of agreement can in other state mean the opposite, the rate of smiles in every culture is significantly different gestures and carried arms in different areas differently interpreted. Different gestures are also in communication of women and men. Haptics Communication via touch facile form of contact between people. When two people touch, it is possible to speak not only about which body parts are touched, but also to recognize the kind of touch. These include a handshake, kiss etc. Touch can express in token of friendship or hostility. In the job environment, the boss can express the satisfaction or dissatisfaction, positive or negative evaluation. The body distinguishes certain zones that are similar zones proxemics. The hands belong to a social zone and every day hands are available for manipulation. Hair, arms and shoulders belongs to the personal zone. Other parts of the subtle differences between men and women belong to the intimate zone. Boss or colleagues principally touch shoulders or head. Nowadays communication via touch in job environment is not recommended. Proxemics In social communication happens that persons communicating together keep certain distance, and chooce different distance places. These distances vary according to circumstances. When meeting people may even cause misunderstandings, when one person considers to také part in the official meetings, while the other not, and find a reasonable distance from each other is difficult. Especially in a school environment where teachers meet with students, there is a mutual to zoom in and out constantly.When communicating the two groups form called likeable distance in which they both feel good. This distance depends on: · extrovert and introvert character; · emotional relation in communicating; · formal position of boss and subordinate; · culture and ethnic. Proxemics distinguishs horizontal and vertical distance between communicating. (1) Horizontal Intimate Zone - the body contact over a distance 30-60 cm - in this zone may enter only people very close. If you enter the intimate zone of other people, it can cause discomfort for the individual. Personal Zone - a distance of 30-60 cm to 1.2-2 m - this distance is common for both personal and business communication. The choice of distance depends on the noise environment, the time limit, the topic of conversation etc. We can follow other aspects of nonverbal communication. For example facial expressions and glances. Social, group zone - usually from 1.2 m to 3,6-10 m - at this distance ongoing business, teaching in schools, etc. People usually know, they see the whole body and it makes them feel safe. Public zone - a distance of 3.6 meters - this distance maintains anonymity. People remain alien and they do not know each other. (2) Vertical communication It happens when people communicating have different height. The balanced communication includes the same eye height. Smaller person may feel uncomfortable and inferior. Higher person tends to some superiority. An example is the teachers´ desk increased, a higher chair than other senior employees like. It evokes a feeling of attention. Makeovers Our appearance and clothing that can give evidence about ourselves. Experts say that about half of our first impression about the other person we create based on his or her appearance. For some occupations the way we get dressed is much more important than other jobs- representation of the public administration. People pay more attention to: · dressing - a modern, reliable, tasteful · accessories - characterize the financial situation · body building · teeth · face paint · hairstyle · make-up Combination of performing speaker with the way we look create an overall professional image that strongly affect other people and affects the degree of speaker significance. Properly used clothing, accessories, outlook, at women also make up, all this highlight the personality of the speaker and can make the communication easy.