FRAMEWORK EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION PRAGUE PRAGUE 2004 ENGLISH TRANSLATION 2005-07-07 Team manager: PhDr. Kateřina Smolíková (Research institut of education Prague -VÚP Praha) Team of authors: Doc. PhDr. Eva Opravilová, CSc. (Pedagogic faculty of Charles University Prague -PdF UK Praha), PhDr. Miluše Havlínová, CSc. (State Health Institute Prague - SZÚ Praha), PaedDr. Alice Bláhová (Czech School Inspection - ČŠI) a Mgr. Věra Krejčová, Ph.D. (Pedagogic faculty of University in Hradec Králové - PdF Univerzity Hradec Králové). Cooperation on actualised version: Mgr. Martina Kupcová (Research institut of education Prague - VÚP Praha) Expert consultant: PhDr. Jaroslav Jeřábek, CSc. (Research institut of education Prague - VÚP Praha), PhDr. Marta Jurková, Ph.D. (Ministry of education, youth and sports - MŠMT) The work has used the results of following granted projects: “A model of pre-school education focused to personality” (Ministry of education, youth and sports 1993) [„Osobnostně orientovaný model předškolní výchovy“ (MŠMT 1993)], “Curriculum of nursery school focused to the education for healthy way of life” (RS 9809, Ministry of education, youth and sports 1999) [„Kurikulum mateřské školy se zaměřením na výchovu ke zdravému způsobu života“ (RS 9809, MŠMT 1999)], the International program “Step by step” [„Začít spolu“], Results of the international project OECD „Thematic Review of Early Childhood Education and Care Policy“ (RS 99006, Ministry of education, youth and sports 2000) [“Tématický přehled politiky předškolního vzdělávání a péče o děti” (RS 9809, MŠMT 2000)], results of a public discussion on National program of the development of education in the Czech republic (Ministry of education, youth and sports 2000) [Národní program rozvoje vzdělávání v České republice (MŠMT 2000)], supplemented with studies in some foreign and home curriculum documents and other sources. Version of the Framework programme for pre-school education dated 2001 actualised in 2004. Text has been modified according to the draft of new education act and other curriculum documents. It has been also précised in concepts and contents on the base of three-year practical experiences and following the progress in deciding the problems. 1. Framework educational programme for pre-school education as defined in the scheme of curriculum documents 4 1.1 The scheme of curriculum documents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Diagram No.1 – Scheme of Curriculum Documents--------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 1.2 Validity of the Framework educational programme for pre-school education--------------------------------- 5 1.3 The main principles of the Framework educational programme for pre-school education------------------ 5 2. Pre-school education, its position in the system and its organisation---------------------------------------------- 6 3. Philosophy and targets of the pre-school education-------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 3.1 Pre-school education office--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ 6 3.2 Features specific for pre-school education, working forms and methods----------------------------------------- 7 3.3 Targets of pre-school education------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- 8 System of targets in the Framework educational programme for pre-school education---------------------- 9 3.3.1 Typical limited targets-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ 9 3.3.2 Key competences---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 10 4. Education content in the Framework educational programme for pre-school education----------------- 13 5. Education lines---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 14 5.1 Child and body----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ 15 5.2 Child and its psychics------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- 17 5.2.1 Speech and language------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- 17 5.2.2 Cognitive abilities and function, imagination and fantasy, intellectual operations---------------------- 19 5.2.3 Self-concept, feelings, will----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 21 5.3 Child and other subject 23 5.4 Child and community 25 5.5 Child and world 28 6. Education content inside the School Educational Programme---------------------------------------------------- 30 7. Prerequisites of pre-school education------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31 7.1 Pragmatic prerequisites-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 31 7.2 Regime--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- 32 7.3 Psycho-social prerequisites-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ 32 7.4 Organisation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 33 7.5 Management of the nursery school--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 7.6 Personal and pedagogic prerequisites------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34 7.7 Participation of parent--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- 35 8. Education of children with special education needs and children exceptionally talented----------------- 35 8.1 Education of children with special education needs----------------------------------------------------------------- 35 8.2 Education of extraordinary talented children-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 9. Self-evaluation of nursery school and appreciation of children-------------------------------------------------- 39 10. Principles governing elaboration of the School Education Program--------------------------------------------- 40 11. Conformity criteria for Typical and School Education Programs------------------------------------------------ 42 12. Obligations of a pre-school teacher--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 Small terminological dictionary----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- 45 Footnotes------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ 47 1. Framework Educational Programme for Pre-school^1) Education as defined in the scheme of curriculum documents. 1.1 The scheme of curriculum documents A new scheme of curriculum documents is being introduced into the educational system covering the instruction of children between 3 and 19 years of age following the new principles of curriculum politics as put in wording in the National Programme for Development of Education in the Czech Republic (i.e. in so called “White Book”) and set in Law on preschool, basic, secondary [high-school], vocation [technical-college] and other studies. The curriculum documents are set up on two levels: state and school (see Diagram No.1). The state level is represented with the National Educational Programme and the Framework Educational Programmes (further only FEP). The National Educational Programme defines the Initial Education as the whole. Framework Educational Programmes set imperative limits for individual periods like preschool, basic and secondary instruction. The School level is represented by School Educational Programme (furthermore only SEP) followed by the instruction in individual schools. These programs are set down in each school itself-^2) according to the principles in respective Framework Educational Programme. The National Educational Programme, the Framework Educational Programmes and the School Educational Programmes are public documents available for pedagogic as well as non-pedagogic public. Fig. 1 – The system of curricular documents Description: 1. FEP PE – framework educational programme for pre-school education; 2. FEP PE – framework educational programme for primary education; FEP GSE – framework educational programme for general secondary education; FEP SVE – framework educational programme (programmes) for secondary vocational education. * The other FEP are programmes defined by the school act – Framework educational programme for primary art education, Framework educational programme for language education or others. 1.2 Validity of the framework educational programme for pre-school education The framework educational programme for pre-school education (FEP PE) delimits the main requirements, conditions and regulations of institution instructing the preschool-aged children. These regulations cover the pedagogic activities running in the education facilities included into the network of schools and school installations. They are binding for pre-school education in nursery schools, in nursery school with special program adapted for children’s special needs and in preparatory grades of basic schools. The framework educational programme for pre-school education establishes elementary basis of knowledge suitable for continuation via basic education and so it represent the basic ground for assembling the school education programs and their realization. The framework educational programme for pre-school education gives common limits to be respected. It is open for school, teachers and children themselves and gives conditions for any school, better said its teaching staff, any specific working body, professional union or any individual teacher himself / herself to be allowed with respect and adherence to basic regulations to formulate and put in practice his own school education program. With the new Education bill ^3) coming into force, the framework educational programme for pre-school education comes to be document binding the bearers of the pre-school education (teachers) but also for founders of educational institutions and their professional and social partners. 1.3 The main principles of the framework educational programme for pre-school education The framework educational programme for pre-school education has been, following the specific requirements of the contemporary curricular reform, conceived in order: - To accept natural development features specific for pre-school age and to respect them in the content, forms and methods of their instruction consequently; - To make the development and education of any individual child possible in the scope of its individual abilities and requisites; - To focus on giving the bases for key competences attainable in the period of pre-school education; - To define pre-school education quality with regard to its aims, conditions, contents and attainable results; - To make the pedagogic efficiency of individual educational programs produced and afforded by individual nursery schools mutually comparable; - To give space for developing various programs and philosophies for intern and extern evaluation^ 4) and for self-shaping of every individual nursery school; - To grant for nursery schools the freedom of applying various education forms and methods and of adapting the education to actual regional and local conditions, abilities and needs; - To deliver general parameters to classifying internally and externally the nursery schools and provided education. . 2. Pre-school education, its position in the system and its organisation With the Law about the pre-school, basic, secondary, professional and other education (The Education Act), the preschool education becomes legal part of the education system. It represents the initial level of public education organised and managed with requirements and instructions of the Ministry of education, youth and sports.^5) Philosophy of the pre-school education is based on the same principles as other branches and levels of the education and has same aims: namely to make the child since its babyhood adopting the bases of key competences getting so the prerequisites of its life long education making for them possible to come across the society of knowledge ^6) easier and more safely. Institution providing the pre-school education is the nursery school (including nursery schools with modified education programs) or it is carried out in the preparatory grades of the basic schools. Inside the education system, the nursery school has, according to legislative, the position of „the kind of school“. Therefore, in the education process, it follows the regulations similar to those of other schools. The pre-school education is usually established for children aged three up to sex (seven) ^7) years. The children aged last year prior to compulsory school age have priority to be accepted. Nursery school is organised in classes. To the classes, children of the same or of different age can be accepted, so the classes can be age-homogeneous or age-heterogeneous. Similarly, the children with special educational needs can be introduced to usual classes, such classes are taken then for integrated ones. According to the School Act, the delivery of pre-school education is a public service. 3. Philosophy and targets of the pre-school education 3.1 Pre-school education office The aim of institutional pre-school education is to complete the family culture and, in its line, to deliver an environment with stimuli enough many-sided and adequate for child’s active development and acquaintance process. Pre-school study has to endow the child’s daily program with sense and to deliver for him specific guidance. It has to manage the first education small steps should have a well-thought, qualified as well as humanity- and sociability-supported bases in order to make the time spent in the nursery school for the child joyful, its experience pleasant and its life- and education^ –ground ^8) reliable. The pre-school education has to facilitate the child’s further life and knowledge way. Therefore it has to develop the child’s personality, to support its physical development and health, its personal satisfaction and well-being, to help with understanding the world around and to motivate to further knowing and acquaintance process as well as to intimate it with values and standards the society recognizes. To give good prerequisites for continuing the acquaintance process through the highest possible support of children’s individual development potentialities under any conditions and to help with individual reaching such optimum personal development and knowledge level as adequate to it in the time of leaving the nursery school ^9). To interconnect the pre-school and basic education smoothly and to get maximum application of the results reached during the period of pre-school education ^10), it is necessary the basic school should expect, namely at the beginning of its work with children, these natural differences in children’s educational abilities and capacities, should consider the psychological and didactic features specific for children’s education of respective age level as well as its education forms and methods should then respect these peculiarities. ^ Because based on long time and daily contact with the child and its parents, the pre-school education can serve also for diagnostics, namely regarding the children with special education needs. Because based on the knowledge of child’s actual level and its further expectable development, the pre-school education should deliver early special-pedagogic treatment and so improve their life and education chances. 3.2 Features specific for pre-school education, working forms and methods The pre-school education must get the most adapted to children’s development, physiologic, cognitive, social and emotional prerequisites typical for this age group and must be particular in respect paid to these development features during the children’s education. Therefore the pre-school education should offer a suitable education environment, head, stimulating, interesting and rich in contents, where the child can feel itself safe, joyful and content and where it is on the child to prove, enjoy and spend time as it wants and as it is natural infantile way. The education has to be consequently connected with the various prerequisites and abilities of individual children including specific education needs. Aid and support should be shown to every child in quantity as it personally needs and in quality as it satisfies. Therefore pedagogic operation of the teacher must be based on pedagogic analysis, on observations and considerations regarding child’s individual needs and interests, on the knowledge of its development stage as well as its actual life and social situation and on the regular follow-up of its development and education advances. It is the only way how to maintain the pedagogic activities safely in the scope corresponding to individual children, how to stimulate and incite every child to learn and to positively motivate to its proper efforts to become educated in the measure and by the way as it is for the child suitable. So the child can advance its education and development progress conform to its optimum abilities and itself can feel successful, acknowledged and accepted by its environment. Such education philosophy makes feasible to teach children regardless to their different abilities and learning prerequisites together in one class. The pre-school education gives the possibility to set up classes where the children’s age differences can be broader or narrower as well as their leading abilities including the specific ones. In the pre-school age, the children’s various development prerequisites and abilities need to apply respective working methods and forms. The methods of children‘s experience and co-operative learning games an activities based on the child’s immediate experiences support the children’s inquisitiveness and need of discovering, they incite the child’s joy of learning, its interest to get known new things, to make experiences and to master new skills. The education has to use the natural flow of children’s thinking and spontaneous ideas and to give enough space for its spontaneous activities and own plans. The teaching activities should therefore have first of all the form of a tentative game open for child’s exercise according to its interest and choice ^11). The pre-school education should apply in sufficient scope the situation teaching based on preparing and applying the situations showing practical and understandable samples of life to the child and teaching them in the moment they are needed and the child can grasp so their sense. The spontaneous social learning based on the principle of natural repeating the model plays an important role in the teaching process. Therefore it is necessary to deliver models of behaviour and positions suitable for take-over and imitation not only in didactically focused but also in all activities and situations as they occur in the nursery school during the day. The pre-school education should apply the spontaneous and controlled activities inter-connected as well as inter-balanced in the ratio corresponding to the prerequisites and abilities of the pre-school pupil. The didactically focused activity directly or indirectly motivated by the teacher, covering spontaneous as well as purposeful (targeted, planned) teaching and offered to child represents such a specific form suitable for pre-school education in nursery school. Such activities are however feasible mostly in smaller groups or individually ^12). Didactic style of children’s education in nursery school should be based on the principle of taught matter offer, individual choice and active participation of the child. The teacher should guide the child on its sightseeing trip, should wake up its active interest and desire to look around, listen and discover not charging it with task or duties and checking their fulfilment. It is the teacher who is charged with tasks and duties and his main task should be to initiate matching activities, to get the environment ready and to bid the occasions to see, to think, to grasp and to understand oneself and the world around improving the efficient way ^13). The pre-school education process has to apply an integrated attitude. The education should proceed following the integrated blocks making not a great difference between „education branches“ or „elements“ offering the education content to child in natural connections, links and relations ^14). The contents of these blocks should be based on the child’s life, should be for it mindful, interesting and useful. Implementation of such blocks gives a broad spectrum of various activities to the child and offers deeper experience. The child gets insulated empirical evidence or simple skills as well as more complex knowledge becoming for the child easier acceptable and practically applicable. The child is able to get really active outputs, i.e. competences. In individual branches of the education and teaching activities (methods), the methods and tools of the classical „specific didactics“ may be used for producing and implementing the education offer even for this kind of work if they are focused to the work with preschool-aged child and if they correspond to psychological and didactic features specific for pre-school education. 3.3 Targets of pre-school education The framework educational programme for pre-school education works with four target categories: sets down targets in the form of intentions and targets in the form of outputs, first of all on the general level, then on the specific levels. It concerns actually following categories: - Typical limiting targets – expressing the general intentions of pre-school education; - Key competences – representing outputs or broader aptitudes that could be reached with the pre-school education; - Part targets – expressing actual intentions appurtenant to respective speciality; - Part outputs – part empirical evidences, skills, attitudes and values corresponding to the part targets^ 15). These target categories are tightly interconnected and corresponding (see the scheme System of education targets). The system should function. It shows that the awareness and systematic follow-up and fulfilment of intentions set down for current daily work should lead reliably to reach the intentions. Therefore the teacher being continuously during the children’s education aware of education intentions (on the general or special level) may have the guarantee he leads really the children to adopting the competences and to their gradual improvement. System of education targets System of targets in the framework educational programme of pre-school education Legend: General education intentions are expressed with typical limited targets and outputs then in the form of key competences. Typical limiting targets are implemented in five part targets and get the form of part targets. Their gradual fulfilment leads to reaching the part competences and these are bases for gradual building the key competences. 3.3.1 Typical limited targets It is the intention of pre-school education to cultivate every child physically, psychically and socially as well as at the end of the pre-school age to produce an individual and relatively independent human able (competent, skilled) to manage, if possible then actively and with personal satisfaction, life requirements appearing often namely in its family and school environment as well as those ones coming unavoidably in future. Therefore institutions delivering the pre-school education or their teachers should direct their work to the typical limited targets below: 1. Cultivation of the child, its learning and knowledge; 2. Adopting the essence of values fundamental for our society; 3. Becoming personally independent and able to act and express one self as an independent personality interacting with its environment; These typical limiting targets as the whole express basic orientation of the pre-school education and of teacher‘s daily work. If they are fulfilled, then it is to realize the education process takes direction to shape the fundaments of the key competences because the child then gains much more versatile, perfect, more open and better applicable skills when the education concerns empirical knowledge, values and positions all at once. This should be respected when the typical education program of preschool instruction is being made and namely during the education process itself. Teacher should proceed fully aware these targets are sui generis general, natural and ubiquitous. It means the teacher affects the child in his planned activities but in the same way also with various handling, situations and under several circumstances, i.e. he affects the child on all three levels with his behaviour, handling and position. The teacher should be aware he is able to push consciously fulfilling these targets as well as in the contrary to hinder it unconsciously. 3.3.2 Key competences In the contemporary education process, the key competences represent a target category expressed as outputs. They are formulated in the curriculum documents as files of expected knowledge, skills, abilities, positions and values important for personal development and for realisation of any individual. Their philosophy and content root in the values acknowledged and accepted by the society and follow the ideas about competences contributing to education, to the successful and satisfied human life and strengthening the functions of civil society. The competences mean the sets of outputs concentrated to activities and utile in practice connecting and completing each other and so becoming more and more complicated and therefore even more and more, i.e. more generally applicable. Their adoption is a long time and complicated process beginning with the pre-school education, going on in the basic and secondary instruction and getting finish throughout the life^ 16). Therefore the key competences should lay the non-negligible ground of education down all the levels and the whole educative content including various school-provided activities and exercises should aim to build them up. So the key competences get central position in the typical limiting education programs. The fundaments of key competences can be built even in children‘s pre-school age. They are elementary but important and sinful for preparing the child to start systematic learning as well as for its next life periods including life long learning. Good and sufficient fundaments of key competences laid down during the pre-school age can promise further favourable child’s development and education and the weak ones, in the contrary, may brake its life and education ways just on their beginning and shifting the child to disadvantageous position. Therefore the pre-school education should aim to build these good fundaments up. The following competences are taken for the key ones for the pre-school education period: 1. Competence to learn; 2. Competence to decide problems; 3. Competence to communicate; 4. Social and personal competences; 5. Civil and functional competences. It is expected a preschool-aged child can reach the key competences on levels described below: Competence to learn A child finishing the pre-school education should - Intensively observe, look about, discover, note the context, experiment and use simple concepts, signs and symbols; - The experience acquired applies to practical situation and to further learning; - Have elementary empiric knowledge of the world of man, nature and technology around it, knowledge of its diversity and variations, find its place in the system and events of the environment it lives; - Find questions and search for answers, note the events around actively, be willing to understand subjects, tokens and events around itself-, get evidence it can learn a lot, enjoy what has reached and managed oneself-; - Learn spontaneously but also consciously, exert force, concentrate to activity and takes in memory intentionally, finish the work it has been charged with and it had started, follow the instructions and guidelines, be able to reach the results; - Estimate its forces, learn its own progress and appreciate the output of others; - Learn with pleasure if his work acknowledged and appreciated. Competence to decide problems A child finishing the pre-school education - Takes notice of events and problems in the nearest environment; positive echo to its active interest is a good motivation for solving further problems and situations; - Decides problems up to its ability; tries to decide known and repeated situations independently (through imitation or repetition) and the ore exigent ones with support and aid of an adult person; - Decides the problems according to its immediate experience, proceeds the way experiment / error, proves, experiments, spontaneously brings out new solutions of problems, searches for different possibilities and variants, has its own original ideas, he applies previous experiences, - Deciding the virtual and real problems, he uses logic, mathematic and empiric procedures, grasps simple algorithms of deciding various tasks and situations and uses them for further ones; - States more precisely ideas about his number-expressed size, uses the numeral and mathematic concepts and perceives the elementary mathematic relations; - Makes difference between function solutions leading to the aim and non functional solutions and is able to make a choice between them; - Understands to avoid the problem solution does not lead to the target but timely and prudent solution is an advantage; he realizes he is able to affect the situation due to his actions; - He / she is not afraid to slip when not only his success is appreciated but also his endeavour. Competence to communicate A child finishing the pre-school education - Masters the language, uses well formulated clauses, expresses his ideas, reports, questions and answers independently, understands what hears, reacts in words and leads a meaningful dialogue; - Masters to express oneself- and to communicate own experiences, feelings and moods with various tools: language, artistic, music, dramatic etc ones; - Communicates with body and speech, makes a difference between some symbols, understands their meaning and function; - Communicates with children and adults in current situations without inhibitions and shame and understands to be communicative, initiative, active and open is an advantage; - Masters skills preceding writing and reading; - Enriches own word treasure continuously and applies it actively - Knows how to use current information and communication tools (books, encyclopaedias, PC, audio-visual facilities, telephone) - Knows people communicate also in other languages and it is possible to learn them, has ready the elementary basis to learn a foreign language. Social and personality competence A child finishing the pre-school education - Decides own activities independently, knows how to build and expresses own opinion; - Is aware to be responsible for oneself and for own behaviour and to bear the consequences; - In a childish way, manifests sensitivity and courtesy towards neighbours, helps to weaker ones, identifies un-proper behaviour, notices the injustice, commission of injury, aggressiveness and disregard; - He / she is able to win recognition in a group as well as to subordinate, communicates and cooperates on common activities, applies basic social habits and social communication rules, is able to respect others, negotiate, accept and close compromises; - He follows the models of pro-social behaviour and interpersonal relations as found all around; - Takes part in collective decisions, accepts cleared and reasoned obligations, adheres to stipulated and understood rules and adopts them; - Meeting unknown people and found in unexpected situations, behaves cautiously and knows how to refuse not suitable behaving and communication that is not pleasant; - Is able to grasp people are different and he knows to tolerate their peculiarities and individualities; - Grasps that the injustice, commission of injury, degradation, indifference, aggressiveness and violence do not end well and that it is better to solve conflicts using agreement; is able to defend oneself- against violence, degradation and injury caused by other child; Operative and civil competences A child finishing the pre-school education - Learns to plan, organize, manage and analyse own activities and games; - Is able to identify and use own strong and weak sides; - Guesses the risks of own ideas, follows own intentions but is also able to change the ways and to adapt oneself to the given circumstances; - Grasps it is possible to decide about own next deeds independently but also one is responsible for own decisions; - Is sensible of the duty in game, work and learning, takes own obligations and tasks seriously, appreciates the work and efforts of others; - Is interested in others, in events around, is open to actual affairs; - Understands, the interest of events around, energy, industry and enterprise are positive and indolence, indifference, laziness and low activity have negative results; - Has a basic children’s idea, what corresponds to basic human values a standards and what not, and tries to behave so; - Take part in setting the rules for common life of own coevals, understands their value and knows it is necessary to observe them; - Is aware of own rights and knows the rights of others, learns to respect them and grasps everybody has its own value; - Knows it is not irrelevant what environment lives in and understands own participation herein and effect hereon; - Cares health and safety own as well as of others, behaves with regard to healthy and safe natural as well as social environment; Level of competences as reachable by a pre-school-aged child, this level expresses the expected education benefit of pre-school learning, i.e. something nursery school can contribute to child’s equipment for life long learning prior to start the obligatory school education. The set of key competences is in its whole an ideal concept over the actual and potential abilities of most children. They are also not formulated for such a purpose. This set offers to the teacher relative clear idea where to look and what to attempt. It serves, first of all, to define the corresponding education content as a tool to produce these competences (on the typical or possible even school scale). 4. Education content in the Framework educational programme for pre-school education The content of pre-school learning is the main tool for child’s education in nursery school. It is defined in the FEP PE in order to serve for fulfilling the education intents and reaching the education targets. This content is defined in the form of „teaching matter“ and „expected outputs“ like on other education levels but only generally and typically. The education content is usually set up for the whole age group i.e. for children aged from 3 up to 6 (7) years. There has been made an effort to formulate the education content inside the FEP PE in its correspondence to specifics of the pre-school education, its integrated structure and active nature. Therefore: - Education content is a compact inside interconnected entity articulated to units taken necessarily only as auxiliary; - „Teaching matter“ is presented in the form of both practical as well as intellectual activities and possibly as opportunity; - The concept „teaching matter“ is changed for „education offer“ that expresses the form preferred in the presentation of „teaching matter“ to children; - The expected outputs have the active nature as well as the education offer. The education content is in the FEP PE defined and structured in a way different of the system used before. In spite of its articulation into several education lines the integrated content is preserved with respect to the natural compactness of the child’s personality as well as to its gradual integration into the life and social environment ^17). Individual lines or their contents overlap each other, interpenetrate, affect and diverge and show so the simultaneous presence of all of them. (It does not concern the realisation way of education content but only an auxiliary scheme not directly practicable). Hence originates also the need of natural interconnection of these lines in practice. For the teacher, it means to realise the implementation of individual independent lines should be unnatural, unrealistic and unacceptable. In the contrary, as more complete and perfect the interconnection of all education lines as well as conditions of its realisation as more the education will be natural, efficient and valuable. The education content is arranged inside the FEP PE in five education spheres: biologic, psychological, interpersonal, socio-cultural and environmental. These spheres are designed as follows: 1. Child and body 2. Child and psychics 3. Child and the other 4. Child and society 5. Child and world 5. Education lines Individual education lines are structured to be understandable for the teacher and suitable for work. Every line includes the following categories interconnected: part target (intentions), education offer and expected outputs (anticipated results). Part targets show what the teacher has to control during the pre-school education process and what he / she should support in the child. Education offer as an education tool is generally equal to a sum of practical and intellectual activities as well as possible occasions suitable for fulfilling the targets and for reaching the outputs. The teacher should respect this education offer in his / her practice, and implement it working in the class with imagination to make the activities offered many-sided, varicoloured and corresponding to the abilities and needs of children with their levels. Expected outputs are education partial outputs ^18) and they can be taken on this level of education for accessible. They are formulated in the way to have the feature of competences ^19). It is not a list of individual abilities, elements of knowledge and experience, skills, cognitive and practical attitudes and values but their many-sided connections and simple units practically useful for the child. These outputs are formulated for the period of passing from nursery school to basic education, but their acquisition is not for child compulsory. In time of leaving nursery school, every child may reach these outputs in the measure corresponding to individual abilities and needs. Teacher has to follow up this process of adopting these competences in the class collective as well as by individuals and to go ahead enriching the children as much as possible. From the practical point of view, the FEP PE designates also possible risks threatening the success of education intentions. This shall draw teacher’s attention to need avoiding certain moments. 5.1 Child and body The intention of teacher’s education effort is in the biological line to stimulate and support child‘s growth and neuro-muscular development, its physical comfort, to improve its physical fitness as well as its motive and health culture, to support its motor and manipulative abilities, to teach children self--servicing skills and lead them to healthy life habits and attitudes. Part education targets (what the teacher supports in a child) - To be aware of own body - Development of motive abilities, perfection of skills in the scope of macro- and micro-motor (coordination and measure of motion, respiration, coordination of hand and eye), control of motor apparatus and bodily functions; - Development and usage of all senses; - Development of physical and intellectual fitness; - Adoption of practical skills corresponding to child’s age; - Adoption of empirical knowledge of the body and its health condition, of motor activities and their quality; - Adoption of empirical knowledge and skills important to supporting health, security, personal comfort and comfortable environment; - Set up healthy life habits and attitudes as a base of a healthy life style. Education offer (what the teacher offers to the child) - Locomotion activities (walk, run, jumps and hops, crawling), position changing activities (changes of body positions and body motions without leaving the place) and other activities (basic gymnastics, tourism, season activities, ball games etc); activities apprising children with objects around them and their practical usage; - Health-concentrated activities (piling, stretching, relaxing, respiring and releasing exercises); - Sensor and psycho-motor games; - Construction and graphic activities; - Musical a rhythmic games and activities; - Simple work and self-servicing activities concerning personal hygiene, mess, dressing, cleaning, environment dressing etc; - Activities making known human body and its parts; - Opportunities and activities leading to health protection, personal security and building healthy habits; - Rest and relaxation activities, activities leading to healthy atmosphere and local comfort; - Opportunities and activities leading to prevent the casualties (threatening when playing, moving, traffic situations and when meeting unknown people), to prevent the illness, bad and not healthy habits and addictions. Expected outputs (what a child mostly manages at the end of pre-school education): - To take right posture; - To get a good management of basic motion abilities and space orientation, of current motion ways in various environment (to get off barriers, to throw and catch the ball, use various gymnastic apparatus, to move in and with a children’s group, to move in snow, on ice, in water and sand); - To coordinate the locomotion and other body movements and positions, to tune the body movement with rhythm and music in; - To imitate simple movement of the model and to modify it following the commands; - To control the respiration musculature, to coordinate movement and singing; - To perceive and differ by means of all senses (to differ sounds and tones by hearing, the forms of the objects and their visual specific marks by seeing, to differ between scents, between tastes to perceive by touching); - To control the coordination of hand and eye, to master micro-motor activities (to use current requisites, with small tools, utensils and materials namely with graphic art materials, e. g. with pencils, colours, scissors, paper, plasticine, to play simple musical instruments etc); - To manage self- servicing, to apply basic cultural, hygienic and health-preventive habits (to care for personal hygiene, to get food and liquids, to know how to dine, to care for oneself- and own proprieties, to dress and shed, to shoe etc); - To control simple service and operations (to care for toys, gadgets, to clear out, to maintain order, to manage simple cleaning operations and to know how to work in garden); - To name individual parts of the body, some organs (including the sexual ones), to know their functions, to have an idea about the body and its development (about birth, growth of body and its metamorphoses), to know basic concepts involving health, motion and sports; - To differ what is health-favourable and what not, to handle not risky for health, security and well-being of others namely in situations known and current to the child; - To be aware of personal care for health and hygiene and how important is the active motion as well as healthy nutrition; - To be aware of some methods how to protect personal health and security and where find help in the case of need (where to address to, whom to call for coming, how to do it etc); - How to handle with various object of the daily use, with toys, gadgets, sport equipment and facilities, artistic materials and objects, simple musical instruments and current utensils; Risks (what hinders the success of teacher’s education intentions) - Day’s schedule not suitable for infantine needs and principles of healthy life style; - Insufficient respect to individual children’s needs (need to move, to sleep, to have a rest, necessary metabolism, personal tempo, thermal comfort, privacy, etc); - Restraining the child’s independency in motion activities, limited opportunity to operations; - No respect to somatic and sensor abilities and motion potentials of individual children; - No knowledge of child’s health state and problems; - Restraining the spontaneous motional activities, irregular, less diversified or one-sided offer of motor activities; - Absence or lack of controlled motor activities leading to adoption of new motional skills; - Unsuitable premises for motional activities and their inappropriate organisation as to the children’s safety; - Long-time static charge without motion, application of unadvisable knacks and acts, dress not suitable for motional activities; - Lack or deformation of elementary information about human body, its growth and development, its parts and organs, about health and its possible hazards, about its protection and security; - Unsuitable behavioural models of adults inside the nursery school; - Premises not sufficiently ready for their function, not sufficiently equipped with apparatuses, tools and instruments or insufficient usage of such items and other potentialities etc. 5.2. Child and its psychics The teacher’s intention of his / her pedagogic efforts is in the field of psychology to support child’s psychic comfort, fitness and resistance, to develop its mind, speech and language, cognitive processes and functions, to support its feeling and willing as well as its self-concept and self-reflection, its creativity and self-expression, to stimulate its adoption processes and development of its learning skills and to encourage the child in its further growth, cognition and learning. This line covers 3 „sublimes“, namely: 5.2.1. – “Language and speech”, 5.2.2. - “Cognitive abilities and functions” and 5.2.3. – “Self-concept, feelings and willing”. 5.2.1 Speech and language Part education targets (what teacher supports in the child) - Development of speech activities and language skills – receptive (perception, listening, understanding) and productive (pronounce, building the concepts, utterance, out bringing); - Development of communicative (verbal and nonverbal) skills and cultivated utterance; - Adoption of some empiric knowledge and skills preceding reading and writing, development of interest in the written form of language and other verbal and nonverbal forms of report (graphical, musical, motional and dramatic). Education offer (what the teacher offers to child) - Articulation, speech, hearing and rhythmic games, play on words, word riddles and puzzles, vocal activities; - Common talks, dialogues, individual and collective conversation (narration of experiences, recounting reality as well as virtual reality, making up following own imagination, retelling the report of others etc); - Commenting experiences and activities, delivering reports and messages; - Independent thematic speech; - Listening to fairy tales and / or stories read or narrated, watching fairy tails and stories in film or theatre; - Retelling what has been listened or seen; - Presentation, recitation, dramatisation, singing; - Graphic imitation of symbols, shapes, numbers, types; - Browsing through small books and „reading“ them; - Activities and games focused to recognising and distinguishing sounds, gesticulation; - Activities and opportunities making children acquainted with various communication media (newspaper, periodicals, books, audio-visual facilities). Expected outputs (what the child is most likely to manage at the end of pre-school period) - To pronounce correctly, control the speech respiration, tempo and intonation; - To designate most of that around the child; - To express independent and meaningful ideas, notions, feelings, meanings and judgements in correctly formulated clauses; - To engage a conversation (to give ear to others, to wait the partner in dialog finishes his / her idea, watch the speaker as well as the content, to ask); - To communicate with words, gestures, to improvise; - To understand listened speech (to grasp main idea of the story, to watch the plot and to repeat it in correct clauses); - To conceive questions, answers, to judge the verbal efforts, to react speaking; - To learn new words and use them actively (to ask what is the meaning of not understandable words) - To learn by heart short text (to reproduce riddles, songs, fairy tales, to study and get one simple short dramatic character etc); - Follow and retell a story, a fairy tale; - To describe situation (real, on the picture); - To understand jokes and humour; - To distinguish be hear the initial and final sounds and syllables on words; - To make a simple rhyme; - To recognize and to make up simple synonyms, homonyms and antonyms; - To distinguish some pictorial symbols (pictograms, orientation and traffic signs, warning tables etc) and to understand their meaning as well as their communicative function; - To follow with eyes something from left to right; - To recognise some types and digits, possible also words; - Te recognise own written name; - To show interest in nice books, with concentration, to listen to reading; music, to watch theatre and film; - To use telephone. Risks (what hinders the success of teacher’s education intentions) - Atmosphere communicatively poor, restraining the communication current between children as well as with adults; - Opportunities for spontaneous and controlled children’s speeches not sufficient and weak motivation for such an activity; - Bad language model; - Building the communication barriers (insensitive forcing the child to speak, no respect to infantine timidity leading to anxiety and fear); - Application of audio-visual or PC facilities not in right time or with corresponding content, offer of unsuitable programs (choice or frequent and long watching the TV or video programs, etc); - The attention to the development of skills preceding reading and writing; - Limited access to nice books. 5.2.2 Cognitive abilities and functions, imagination and fantasy, intellectual operations Part education targets (what the teacher supports in a child) - Development, growing precision and cultivation of sensory perception, transition from actual-illustrative way of thinking to the word-logical (conceptual) thought, development of memory and attention, transition from unintentional to fulfil forms of these functions, development and cultivation of memory and imagination; - Development of creativity (investigative thinking, decision of problems, creative self-expression); - Strengthening the natural cognitive feelings (curiousness, interest, enjoyment of discovering etc); - Building a positive relation to intellectual activities and to teaching, support and development of interest in learning; - Adoption of elementary empiric knowledge of symbolic systems and their functions (alphabet, digits); - Laying down bases for work with information. Education offer (what the teacher offers to child) - Direct observation of natural, cultural and technical objects and effects in the child’s environment, talk about observation results; - Intentional observation of current objects and entities, enquiring and designating their properties (dimension, colour, shape, material, touch, taste, scent, sounds) and typical marks and functions; - Motivated manipulation with objects and inquiring their properties; - Actual operations with material (classifying, assigning, organizing, guessing, comparing etc); - Spontaneous game, free games and experiments with material and objects; - Sensor games, various activities concentrated to development and exercising quick sight and perception, training visual and ear memory, concentration etc.; - Thematic games and activities; - Various specific games supporting creativity, imagination and fancy (cognitive, imaginative, artistic, constructive, musical, dance and dramatic activities); - Solving the intellectual as well as practical problems, searching for various possibilities and variants; - Games and activities concentrated to train various memory forms (mechanical and logical, pictorial and conceptual); - Activities concentrated to build and grasp concepts, to adopt the empiric knowledge (clearing, explaining and answering questions, work with book, with pictorial material, with media etc.); - Activities concentrated to cognition of simple sign-picture systems (types, digits, pictograms, signs, symbols, figures); - Games and practical activities concentrated to orientation in space and plane; - Activities concentrated to get acquainted with elementary numerical and mathematical concepts and their symbolism (numerical series, digits, elementary geometric forms, quantum etc) and to their reasonable practical application - Activities introducing the child to the temporal concepts and relations involved in day order, current metamorphoses and development, and drawing child’s attention to time and logic progressions of events, stories, facts etc. Expected outputs (what the child is most likely to manage at the end of pre-school period) - To use all senses consciously, to observe intentionally, to catch sight and to pay heed to everything new, changed or missing; - To concentrate to an activity intentionally and to keep concentrated; - To recognise and design most things around; - To think, to consider and to express also such thoughts and considerations; - To concentrate oneself- to things important from the cognitive point of view, i.e. to discover essential signs and properties of objects, to search for coincident signs, shape and difference, typical features of objects or their correlations; - To recognize it is interesting to get new experience and knowledge and to use them for learning; - To proceed and learn following suggestions and instructions; - To understand elementary numerical and mathematic concepts, elementary mathematic correlations and to use them practically when needed (to compare, to organise and classify sets of objects according to some rule, to find bearing in the elementary counting up to about six, understand the numeric series in the scope of first decade, to pick out more, less, equally, the first, the last etc); - To understand space-related terms (right, left, underneath, in the middle, behind, above, be, along, between etc) as ell as elementary time-related concepts (like now, today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, tonight, spring, summer, autumn, winter, year, etc) and so locate oneself- in space, plane and (at least partially) in time; - To learn by heart short texts, to remember and recollect them consciously; - To decide problems, tasks, situations, to think creatively, to shown gadgets; - To find new and / or alternative decision; - To express own imagination and fantasy in constructive, artistic, music, motional and dramatic activities and their language accompaniments. Risks (what hinders the success of teacher’s education intentions) * Poor opportunity to cognitive activities based on own experience; * The empiric experience is handed over mostly ready made via Guidance and definition; * Excessively rational, prefabricated and closed world interpretation; * The scene for expression and implementation of imaginative and irrational cognition too limited; * Accent to learning by heart and mechanical reproduction too sharp, poor illustrative quality and narrow space for development of imagination; * Thrashing by information and stimuli without developing the ability to work wit them independently; * Lack of opportunity and space for experimentation, exploration and independent decisions of actual cognitive situations; · Lack of understanding and appreciation of success and / or effort; · No time for and means for spontaneous play, its development and finish. 5.2.3 Self-concept, feelings, will Part education targets (what the teacher supports in a child) - Knowing one self, developing positive feelings related to one self (realizing positive feelings to one self, becoming self-conscious, self confident and enjoy personal satisfaction); - Acquisition of relative independence of feelings; - Development of self-control; - Developing the ability to make, develop and experience emotions; - Developing acquisition of empiric knowledge, abilities and skills giving the chance to express the feelings, emotions, impressions and empiric experience knots; - Developing and cultivating the moral and aesthetic perception, feeling and experiencing; - Acquisition of the ability to control one’s behaviour intentionally and to affect one’s own situation. Education offer (what the teacher offers to child) - Spontaneous game; - Activities leading to satisfaction and pleasure, activities exciting joy and revelry; - Activities corresponding to forces and abilities of children and tastes with target within sight and result giving full chance to be successful; - Various activities demanding and making possible an independent presentation, expression, defence of own opinions, decisions and self-evaluation; - Opportunities and games developing the will, persistence and self--control; - Training in organisation skills; - Aesthetic and creative activities verbal, artistic, dramatic, literary, music, motional etc.; - Watching fairy tales and stories enriching the emotional life of children; - Training in expressing the feelings and emotions (mainly positive), in self-watch and self-control, name in appeasement of negative emotions like wrath, fury, anxiety etc; - Games with family and friendship topics; - Excursion to vicinity (to nature, visits to children cultural activities etc); - Activities focused to recognizing various human qualities, intentional observations of inter-human differences (physic and psychic properties, skills, abilities, emotions, properties given by sexual differences, by age, by birthplace, by language); - Dramatic activities (presentation and imitation ob human behaviour in various situations, mimetic expression of moods (smiling, weeping, anger, hatred, wander, seriousness etc); - Activities leading to self--identification and self--specification in comparison with other; Expected outputs (what the child is most likely to manage at the end of pre-school period) - For defined period, to leave both parents and other known people and to be active even without their support; - To realise own independence, to build up own ideas and positions and to express them; - To decide about own activities; - In known, understandable and repeated situations, to control own feelings and emotions and to adapt own behaviour; - To express consent as well as disaccord and to be able to deny something in situations requiring such handling (like dangerous, unknown and threatened situations), to refuse participation in forbidden or not allowed activities; - To be aware of own abilities and limitations; - To accept own positive appraisal as well as possible failure, to learn self-assessment; - To enjoy what has been managed and that has been something got known; - To train strong will, concentration to actual activity and to draw the things up to the end; - To respect the rules preventively made clear and understood, to accepts clear and reasonable tasks; - To organise a game; - To realise pleasant and unpleasant emotional experiences (love, compassion, joy, satisfaction, fear, sorrow, refusal) and to distinguish expressions of emotions in known (family) and foreign environment; - To experience and to express childishly what the child feels (compassion, joy, affection), to develop control of own affects (postponing fulfilling own personal wishes, to appease one self-, to damp anger, aggressiveness etc); - To be sensitive in relations to living beings, nature as well as to things; - Top enjoy beautiful and pleasant experiences, natural and cultural beauties and meeting with arts; - To fix and express own experiences (verbally, artistically, with a music-motor or dramatic improvisation). Risks (what hinders the success of teacher’s education intentions) - The habitat not very friendly, not very head, not very kind, not very amiable but rigorous, where the child does not find enough loving kindness and understanding; - Lack of opportunities to show own feelings, share emotional impressions and experiences and to speak about them; - Requirements not commensurable with the child, frequent negative appreciation, wherein the child experience feeling of failure; - Not sufficient recognition and appraisal of child’s success; - Handling taken for injury and violence on the child; - Hurry and nervousness, cancelling child’s possibility to end the activity by its own individual tempo, not suitable interventions and interruptions children’s game the adult people; - Stress and tension, uncertainty, lack of protection and personal privacy; - Not suitable examples and models (not tactful communication, insufficient social feeling, lack of discretion and tolerance, rough relations and positions of people around the child); - Children not sufficiently motivated to their self--expression and self--application; - Insufficient stimuli and activities supporting aesthetic perception, experience and expression. 5.3 Child and other subject As to interpersonal relations, the intention of teacher’s education effort is to support arise and growth of relations between the children or between a child and an adult person, to cultivate such relations, to enrich their mutual communication and to protect and preserve their well- being. Part education targets (what the teacher supports in a child) - To apprise the child with rules governing the contacts with other people; - Adoption of elementary empiric knowledge and skills important for getting and developing children’s relations with other people; - To intensify pro-social behaviour related to other people (in family, nursery school, in the infantine game team etc); - To develop interactive and communicative verbal as well as non verbal skills; - To develop the cooperative skills; - Protection of personal privacy and safety midst relations with other children and adult people. Education offer (what the teacher offers to child) - Current verbal and nonverbal child’s activities communicating one child with the other one or with an adult person; - Socialising and interactive games, playing roles, dramatic activities, music and motional games, artistic games and etudes; - Round and party games, common activities of very different features; - Cooperative activity in pairs and teams; - Common meetings, pow-wows, sharing and active listening to other children; - Activities supporting the children’s rapprochement; - Activities supporting considerations on human interpersonal relations (camaraderie, friendship, relations between boys and girls, respect to age etc); - Games as well as natural and model situations teaching the child to accept and respect other people; - Activities focused to understanding the rules of coexistence and co-behaviour and participation in their creation and introduction; - Games and activities making children’s handling with others discrete, making them able to share with the other food, toys, to take turn with the other, to help him / her, to decide their conflict; - Activities focused to get acquainted with the social habitat where the child lives – family (function of the family, family members and relations between them, life in the family, family in the world of animals), nursery school (crew, relations between children and adult people there, class mates); - Games and situations teaching the child to protect the privacy and safety of itself- and its class mates; - Reading, narration and listening to fairy tales and stories with ethical content and message. Expected outputs (what the child is most likely to manage at the end of pre-school period) - To establish contact with adult to whose care is found, to overcome the shame, to communicate with such a person, to respect him / her; - To understand the current expression of emotions and moods; - To communicate with other child naturally and without scruples, to start and maintain infantine friendships; - To refuse an unpleasant communication; - In relations to others, to realise own rights, to reserve same rights to others and to respect them; - To understand, all people, all children have the same value in spite of their diversity (different face and body, different behaviour, different knowledge and skills etc) and to realise the personality distinctions are natural; - To apply its own individual needs, wishes and rights with regard to the orther (to defend one’s own position or idea and to respect the idea and position of the other), to accept and to make compromises, to decide conflicts through stipulation; - To cooperate with others; - To observe the stipulated and understood rules of coexistence and behaviour home, in the nursery school, publicly and to adhere to the game regulations; - To respect the need of another child, to share with him / her the toys, tools, tidbits and tasks; - To perceive what the other wants or needs, to head for him (to be tender and tactful to weaker or handicapped child, to regard the other and to sympathize with him / her, to offer to help him / her etc.); - To defend one self- against exertion of violence, harm, degradation etc.; - To handle heedfully meeting unknown children, older and adult persons and in cae of need to ask the other for help (for one self- as well as for other child). Risks (what hinders the success of teacher’s education intentions) - Lack of positive examples and models of pro-social behaviour, attitude of adult people to the child and to each other not enough positive; - The habitat not enough psycho-socially “safe”, not authentic and with insufficient understanding and tolerance; - Lack of empathy, no empathic echo to child’s problems; - To protectionist or to neglecting habitat; - Authoritative leading of the child or directive handling with the child; - Manipulation with children by means of so called positive tools (emotional instruments, laud without reason); - Discreditable handling with children, stultifying or degrading them; - Habitat with too little opportunities to cooperate and communicate with others; - Frequent competitive activities and support to sickly competitiveness; - Behaviour rules involving the other formulated ambiguously, non observing the accepted rules, bed model; - Impossibility to share the selection of activities and topics being realised in the nursery school; - Insufficient attention to solutions of conflicts between children made by themselves; - The teacher plays the role of judge too frequently; - Insufficient respect to children’s mutual sympathies and too little support to infantine friendships; - Communication concentrated only to verbal forms. 5.4 Child and community The intention of the teacher’s education effort is in the socio-cultural field to introduce the child into the society of other human beings and to the coexistence rules, to open for him / her the world of spiritual and material values, the world of arts, to help to the child to adopt necessary skills, habits and positions and so to make them possible the participation in building the social well-being in one’s own social habitat. Part education targets (what the teacher supports in a child) - To become acquainted with the rules of social coexistence and to cooperate on their development in limits of natural socio-cultural habitat. To become understanding the basic expressions of non-verbal communication usual in respective habitat; - To develop the ability of living in the community of other people (to cooperate and to participate), to appertain to this community (class, family, other children) as well as to perceive and accept basic values recognized by this community; - To develop the basic socio-cultural attitudes, habits and skills of the child, namely to develop the ability to express one self- authentically, to behave autonomously, pro-socially and to adapt one self- actively to the social environment as well as its changes; - To evoke the awareness of panhuman moral values; - To become acquainted with the world of humanity, culture and arts, to adopt basic empiric experience involving habitat where the child lives; - To build up the awareness about the existence of other cultures and nationalities; - To lay down the bases for active attitudes to the world and life, for positive relation to culture and arts, to develop the skills making such relations and positions possible to show and express; - To develop the social and aesthetic taste. Education offer (what the teacher offers to child) - Current daily meeting with positive models of behaviour and relations; - Activities suitable for natural child’s adaptation to the nursery school environment; - To co-produce commensurable amount of clear and reasonable rules for coexistence in the class; - Diverse party games and team activities (thematic games, dramatisations, construction and fine arts’ projects etc) making for children possible to participate in their run as well as their results; - To prepare and realise common entertainment and festivals (celebrations of anniversaries, festivities inherent to local habits and traditions, sport activities, cultural programs, etc.); - Artistic production - literary, dramatic, fine artistic, music, motional, dramatic etc. provoking the creativity and gadget production etc.) - Receptive literary, dramatic, fine artistic activities - Activities suitable for natural adaptation of the child to the environment of nursery school; - Co-producing reasonable number of clear and logical rules for coexistence in a classroom; - Different party games and team activities (thematic games, dramatisations, constructive and fine art projects etc) inviting children to participate in their run and results; - Preparing and realising common entertainment and festivities (anniversaries, habitual and traditional celebrations, sport actions, cultural programs etc); - Verbal, literary, dramatic, artistic, musical, music-motional inventive activities exciting child’s brain-ware, aesthetic perception and expression and sublimation of taste; - Verbal, literary, dramatic, artistic, musical, music-motional receptive activities like listening to reading of fairy tales, stories, rhyming, poems, songs and instrumental music, watching dramatisations and small theatre scenes; - Meeting the literary, dramatic, fine art and music outside of nursery school, visits to cultural and artistic premises and activities interesting for preschool-aged child; - Games focused to recognising and differing various social roles (child, adult, parent, teacher, pupil, roles given by sex, profession, game), adopting the roles the child is stepping spontaneously in; - Activities making the rules of mutual contacts (like courtesy, tact, tolerance, cooperativeness) and moral values (like welfare, evil, justice, truth, frankness, openness etc) understandable for the child; - Games and practical activities introducing children to the adult world, to the civil life and work (application of practical pictures from the children’s environment, thematic games giving knowledge of various types of work, crafts and professions, with various work activities and objects, executing simple operations and activities etc); - Activities showing to children the world of culture and arts a giving to them the chance to get known the diversity of cultures (fine arts, music and dramatic activities, sport activities, entertainment, children participating in cultural activities, visiting the exhibitions, theatre and film performances, usage of opportunities to make known various traditions and habits usual in his habitat to the child etc); Expected outputs (what the child is most likely to manage at the end of pre-school period) - To apply habits in the basic forms of social behaviour in contacts with adults as well as among children themselves (to greet known children and adults, to say goodbye, to ask, to thank, to take the floor when the other finished, to ask for help, to listen to the report, to follow the instruction etc); - To grasp everybody has own role in the community (in family, school, game team etc) and he has to behave accordingly; - To behave and handle on the base of own motives and in the same time with regard to others; - To integrate one self- into the class among own coevals, to respect their different features, abilities and skills; - To understand current non-verbal expression of emotional experiences and moods of others; - To become adapted to the school life, to master requirements of the school environment and its changes actively (to perceive basic rules of team handling, to take part in them and to follow them, to follow the team decision, to become adapted to the common program, to cooperate, to respect the authority) and to take part in creating peace there; - To negotiate with children and adults around, to decide about common solution (in simple situations alone, otherwise with the help); - To build up a basic infantine idea about the behavioural rules and social norms, idea what agrees with them and what not and to behave according to this vision in the situations corresponding to child’s development (home, in nursery school, in public); - To behave politely, to approach other people, adult persons as well as children without prejudices, with respect to their personality. To respect their work and efforts; - To observe the rules of games and other activities, to handle and play fair; - To be aware not everybody observes the behaviour rules, somebody can behave unexpectedly, against the norms and so threaten the comfort and safety of others. To refuse behaviour socially unwanted (lie, injustice, maltreatment, inattentiveness, aggression), to protect one self against them and to hinder its consequences (avoid the communication with people handling so); - To handle with own and foreign tools, toys, daily requisites, with books and money with regard and attention; - To perceive artistic and cultural motives, to follow a literary, dramatic or music presentation attentively and with interest and assess own experience (to tell what was interesting, what has taken up; - To fix the facts from own environments to express own ideas through various artistic skills and technologies (to draw, to use colours, to model, to construct, to build up from paper, to invent and produce from other various matters, from natural object etc); - To express one self through music and motional activities, to manage basic music vocal as well as instrumental skills (to sing a song, to play simple music instruments, to follow and distinguish rhythms. Risks (what hinders the success of teacher’s education intentions) - Lack of aesthetic and ethical motives and occasion to their cultivated experiencing and expression; - Presence of unsuitable, kowtow and tasteless motives; - Unsuitable moral models in environment (children witnessed an unfair, impolite, rough, ironic or even aggressive behaviour, intolerant, insensitive or indifferent approaches etc.) as well as in media; - To many functionless rules in the team, children do not participate in their make up, not everybody adheres to them (e.g. some adults); - Privileging or proscribing somebody in the team; - Moral evaluation is schematic and for children it is not possible to express own opinion; - Lack of opportunity to correct past handling contrary to rules; - Ironic and not serious attitude to children’s efforts; - Suppressing autonomous behaviour of the child in order to reach extern discipline and obedience only formally and visually; - Neglecting unsuitable communication and handling between children, no reaction to unwanted behaviour of some children, solution of conflicts only schematic without aetiology; - Lack of information how to protect one self against danger threatening from unknown people; - Lack of occasion to develop artistic skills of the child and to build up child’s aesthetic relation to the environment, to culture and to arts. 5.5 Child and world Intention of teacher’s education efforts is in the environmental field to challenge an elementary awareness of the world around and its changes, of human impact to the environment beginning in his nearest neighbourhood and reaching the global problems of planetary importance and to lay down the elementary bases for an open and responsible attitude of child and adult to the environment. Part education targets (what the teacher supports in a child) - To inform the child about the locality and its structure where the child lives and to build child’s positive relation to this place; - To build up an elementary awareness about the broader natural, cultural and technical environment, its diversity, development and continuous metamorphoses; - To become acquainted with other cultures; - To understand the changes caused by human activity can protect and improve the environment as well as to damage and destroy; - To adopt the empiric experience and skills needed to provide simple operations caring for the neighbourhood and to participate so in building healthy and safe environment and in protection of the child against dangerous impacts; - To develop the respect to life in all its forms; - To develop the adaptability to conditions of outer habitat and its changes; - To build up the awareness of fellow feeling to the world, to the animated and unanimated nature, to humanity, society and to the planet Earth. Education offer (what the teacher offers to child) - To observe near surroundings and their life, to watch the nature, cultural and technical objects around, to pay there visits and excursions; - Activities focused to get practical survey of the locality (trips to street, visits to shops and important institutions, buildings and other objects important for children); - To watch the local events and to take part in actions interesting for children; - To get instruction about possible dangerous situations and protection methods accessible for children (traffic situations, manipulation with certain objects and instruments, intercourse with animals, medicaments, poisonous plants, current chemicals, technical instruments, objects and effects, fire, flood and other dangerous situations and malignant natural and atmospheric events), application of practical samples warning the children before danger; - Games and other activities involving traffic, training in safe handling in traffic situations wherein the child participates currently, and practical training in other potential situations; - Practical application of technical instruments, toys and other objects and tools met by children quite currently; - Natural and mediated cognition of natural surroundings, following the diversity and metamorphoses of nature (animated and unanimated nature, natural phenomena and processes, plants, animals, landscape and its typical feature, climate, weather, atmosphere, annual seasons); - To be concerned with literary texts, with pictorial matter, using encyclopaedias etc; - Cognitive activities (putting questions and searching for answers, discussing the question, narration, listening, discovering); - Practical activities building basis for children’s cognition of several natural and industrial substances and matters around and for getting experiences with their properties (practical experiments, investigations, manipulations with several matters and raw materials); - Usage of real stimuli, situations and practical samples found in life around children to make them acquainted with elementary facts about the Czech republic; - To watch the life circumstances and environment conditions, to become acquainted with environmental systems (forest, meadow, fishpond etc); - Game activities motivates environmentally (eco-games); - Reasonable activities contributing to environmental and landscape care, work activities, growers’ and breeders’ activities, activities focused to school life conditions, school garden and site around. Expected outputs (what the child is most likely to manage at the end of pre-school period) - To get safe survey in known locality and in its life (home, building of the nursery school, locality around); - To manage current activities and requirements as well as simple practical situations repeated home and in the nursery school, to behave commensurably and safely at home as well as in public (like in streets and playgrounds, in the shop and health centre); - To become aware of danger possibly arising near and around and to know how to protect oneself- practically (to know how to avoid the danger and where in case of need to ask for help); - To adopt elementary empiric knowledge of space around, knowledge and respective contributions understandable, reasonable and interesting for the child as well as util for further learning and practice in life; - To be aware of broader social, factual, natural, cultural and technical space around as well as of events in the scope of practical experiences and available practical samples from child’s environment; - To feel the World has its own rule, is diversified and noteworthy, extraordinarily multifarious and heterogeneous, both the world of nature as well as the world of men (to get elementary awareness about the existence of various nations and cultures, of different countries, about the planet Earth, about cosmos etc); - To notice changes and events in nearest neighbourhood; - To understand these changes are normal and self--evident (everything around is in the way of changes, development, movement and metamorphose and hence it is necessary to expect these changes in life) and to get adapted to these changeable life circumstances home as well as in the nursery school; - To have awareness of the natural and human environment importance for man, to get knowledge the way how children and the adults around them behave affects health and environment essentially; - To differ between activities possibly supporting health of the space around and activities evidently damaging them, to notice disorders and damages and to draw the attention to such cases; - To help caring the environment (to keep order and hygiene, to handle wastes accordingly, to care for plants, to participate in maintaining the well being, to protect nature and animated living beings around, etc.) Risks (what hinders the success of teacher’s education intentions) - Insufficient opportunity to see and perceive the World in its diversity and metamorphoses, in course of its events and rules; - Insufficient and incommensurable information, insufficient, untrue or inexistent answers to children’s questions; - Monotonous, not diversified offer of activities, not enough inspiring and not enough variable habitat or milieu not well-arranged, untreated, non-transparent, with abundant toys and proprieties; - Selection and offer of topics too far from children’s life, too sophisticated for their perception and understanding, going over normal children’s experience and practically for them not applicable; - Usage of abstract concepts, transfer of ready made experiences; - Predominance of mediated knowledge of the World (picture, film); - Insufficient attention to prevent the environmental impacts potentially unhealthy or dangerous for the child; - Non adherence to rules of healthy milieu in the operation of the nursery school; - Bad example in adults (their behaviour threatening the environment, not ecological standpoints, xenophobe behaviour, indifference to problems around and bed willingness to participate in their decision); - The school and its education program is closed to existing problems and actual events. 6. Education content inside the School Educational Programme Education content of the FEP PE should serve to teacher as a starting point for preparing the education offer itself-. The teacher should formulate the offer inside the school and / or class instruction program styled so as he / she will present it to children, namely in the form of integrated blocks. It is the only requirement common to all instruction programs prepared on the school level. So schools are noteworthy free how the may treat and implant instruction content given by the FEP PE. It holds for the relation of integrated blocks and education lines in the FEP PE the block should be built up in order to cover and integrate all education lines with the possible predominance of some one and with another one quoted only in limited measures, it means these blocks are sectional as to the education lines of the FEP PE. Integrated blocks may be related to certain topic, they may rise from practical life problems and situations and / or may be focused to certain works, practical activities etc ^20) and so they can resemble thematic units, projects or programs. The blocks can have various scope, various timing: can be long-term, middle term and short-term, they can branch etc. They should be broad and voluminous enough to give many interesting and heterogeneous stimuli for actual activities. The blocks should be focused to children’s normal needs and to facts familiar to their lives. Their content should be understandable for pre-school-aged children, useful and applicable in practice. It should help the child to understand one self- and the World around, to understand its events and to get orientation there. It should be modified to correspond to the age, development level and social experience of children the block are made ready for. The block content should correspond to the instruction content defined with the education offer in the Framework educational programme for pre-school education. The activities offered in the school educational programme (class educational programme) should be practical as well as intellectual. They should develop children’s practical as well as intellectual abilities, deepen their knowledge, enrich their practical experience and increase practical applicability of the matter children have learned. The integrated blocks should be interlinked, may supplement and deepen each other, be blended together and pass smoothly one to other one ^21). It is normal and right the education content or its several elements are repeated in different integrated blocks and remind each other again, the child meet them in new and various context and learns to see the object from various perspectives. This in full contributes to children’s possibility to build up global and real picture of the World and its events and to use better their empiric experience and skills in practice and for further learning. When the child meets the same content even outside of the formal education offer namely in unplanned occasions and does it see in naturally logical relations and living links then the results of the education can be even more effective. 7. Prerequisites of pre-school education Basic prerequisites the children’s education has to observe are legislatively defined in respective legal standards (acts, ordinances and implementing regulations) ^22). FEP PE linked with the above describes in details and adds further material, personal, psycho-hygienic and pedagogic circumstances positively effecting and implicating delivered education quality defined and required with FEP PE ^23). 7.1 Pragmatic prerequisites Pragmatic (material) prerequisites of a nursery school are fully satisfactory, when: - The nursery school has enough big premises (floor area as well as volume etc following the respective regulation) and such a space structure that satisfies various children’s team and individual activities; - Childish furniture, gymnastic apparatus, sanitary and hygienic equipment (lavatory, WC’s) as well as facilities for children’s rest (beds) adapted to anthropo-metric requirements, correspond to the number of children, are sanitary sound and safe and have an aesthetic look; - The standard equipment with toys, tools, instruments, apparatus, materials and supplements corresponds with the number of children and their age, is continuously renewed and supplemented and teachers use it fully and purposely; - Toys, tools, equipment and other accessories are all or at least their essential part placed to be well visible for children, they can independently take them and could know where to put them again back; there are rules fixed for their usage by teachers as well as by children; - Children participate themselves in the arrangement and decoration of the building interior. The premises are arranged to let children’s works accessible for them and visible for their parents; - The building of nursery school is straight connected with a garden or a playground ^24). The space is arranged there so to make motional and other activities possible for children. - All indoor and outdoor spaces of the nursery school comply with safety and hygienic standards following the valid regulations (involving e.g. hygiene, temperature, humidity, illumination, light and shadow, alergenes or poisonous substances and plants etc); 7.2 Regime Regime of children in the maternity school is fully satisfying, when: - The meals offered to children are full-value and balanced (according to receipt), the composition of the bill of fare is steadily proper, the technology of food and beverages is healthy, children have in the classroom always enough liquids and between individual meals served are maintained suitable intervals. It is not allowed to force the children to eat. - The regular daily rhythm and rule is kept but in the same time it is flexible and makes possible to adapt the organisation of activities to needs and actual situation (e.g. to allow parents to bring their children when it is for them possible or to make a reaction to events unplanned in the life of the nursery school feasible etc); - Children spend daily enough time outside the building, their program there is adapted to the actual air quality; - Children have enough free movement in the garden as well as in the interior of the nursery school; - Daily program respects individual need of activity, sleep and rest of individual children (e.g. to children with lower need of sleep, other quiet program is offered instead of resting in bed etc). To force the children to sleep in bed is not allowed. - The teachers themselves behave according to the principles of the healthy life style and give so an easy model for the children. 7.3 Psycho-social prerequisites Psycho-social prerequisites of children in the maternity schools are fully satisfying for their education, when: - Children and adults feel themselves in the milieu of nursery school well, satisfied, safe and sure; - There is available for a newcomer child adaptation time to new environment and situation; - Teachers respect children’s needs (generally human ones, developmental and individual), react to them and help with their satisfying (they handle non-violently, by nature and with feeling, the shed situations of peace, quiet and relax etc). Children are neither incommensurably overcharged nor neurotised with a hurry and speed; - All children are in the same position no one is preferred or marginalized. Any expression of inequality, depreciation or stultification is forbidden. - Freedom and personal liberty of children is well-balanced with necessary limitations based on the need to maintain rule in the nursery school and teach the children rule how to live together; - The instructions are clear and understandable for children. The class is a friendly community for the children and they usually love this team. - Style of pedagogy, i.e. way how the children are lead, has supporting and sympathising features and means a direct, empathic, head and listening communication between the teacher and children. Manipulation with the child, useless organizing the children based on fear of idle times and support to unhealthy competitiv of children is excluded. Any communication with children felt from their side as violence is not allowed. - Used is the style of pedagogy with offer calculating with an active participation and independent decision of the child. The education offer corresponds to mentality of a pre-school-aged child a to the needs of child’s life (its topic is suitable for children, understandable for them, commensurably sophisticated, utile and applicable in practice); - The teacher avoids negative verbal commentaries and supports children in their independent attempts, is appreciative, appraises and evaluates actual effects and products and reacts commensurably with positive appraisal, avoids formal lauds as well as criticisms; - Relations between adults and children are based on mutual confidence, tolerance, discretion, courtesy, solidarity, mutual help and support. The adult people behave faithfully and reliable (authentically); - As in program, the teacher devotes himself- to non-formal relations in the class, leads them in pro-social direction (prevention of chicane and other socially pathologic phenomena) and affects them non-violently. 7.4 Organisation Organisation of running the nursery school is fully satisfying, when: - Daily schedule is enough flexible and makes reactions to individual abilities of children, to their actual and actualised needs possible; - Daily schedule is regularly completed with guided preventive motional activities; - The teachers are fully dedicated to children and their education; - Children find necessary refuge, quiet, safety and privacy; - For any child starting in the nursery school, there is applied an individually modified adaptation schedule; - The ration of spontaneous and controlled activities is balanced in the daily schedule even included activities organised by the school over the limits of its current program; - Children have enough time and space for spontaneous game namely to be able to finish or interrupt it and go on with the game later; - All activities are organised to stimulate children to their own activity and experiments, to join the team through their activity and work in their own tempo; - There are given prerequisites for individual, team as well as frontal activities, children can participate in common activities in small, medium as well as in great teams; - The personal privacy of the children is sufficiently respected. When necessary, children can take shelter to a quiet corner and resign to common activities, the same privacy for personal hygiene etc; - Planning of activities is passed on needs and interests of children, suits to individual education needs and abilities; - Suitable material conditions are built up to realise the planned activities (material equipment of the environment is sufficient and of quality, the tools are got ready in time); - The numbers fixed for class ^25) must not be exceeded to join the classes is strictly limited. 7.5 Management of the nursery school The management of the nursery school is fully satisfying when: - Duties, competences and tasks of all school employees are clearly defined; - An information system functions indoors as well as outdoors; - Executive director of the school prefers and supports the atmosphere of mutual confidence and tolerance, integrates the teachers into the school management, gives them, however, sufficient competences and respects their opinions. Supports and motivates all school team members to participates in deciding the essential questions of the school program. - The executive director of the school appraises work of all employees, motivates them positively and foster their mutual cooperation; - The teaching staff works as a team and invites to take part in also the parents; - Planning the school work and run is functional and is based on the preceding analysis and uses the feed back; - The executive director elaborates the School Education Program working together with other members of staff. The checking and evaluating activities cover all sides of the nursery school operation and they are reasonable and useful. Their results give ideas for later work. - The nursery school operates with the founder and other organs of state authorities, with the nearest basic school, or maybe with other organisations in the locality and with specialists delivering help namely for decisions of individual educational and learning problems of children. 7.6 Personal an pedagogic prerequisites The personal and pedagogic prerequisites of education are fully satisfying when - It is required from everybody working in the nursery school as teacher to be fully qualified as required; who has it not, receives it in evening or distance courses; - Teaching staff and / or working team works following clearly defined and collectively composed rules; - Teachers come to their further education actively and they pass self-education; - The executive director supports the school team is getting higher profession knowledge, follows maintaining and growth of their (and director’s own) professional competences and lays down prerequisites for everybody’s further qualification ^26); - Teacher’s services are organised to assure the pedagogic care of children would be every time and in all activities optimal; - The teachers behave, handle and work professionally (following the social rules and according to pedagogic and methodical principles of education and instruction of pre-school-aged children); - Specific services like logopaedia, rehabilitation and other care of children with special education needs are provided in cooperation with respective specialists (special pedagogues, doctors, rehabilitation nurses etc) because the pre-school teacher himself- / herself- is not sufficiently competent for them; 7.7 Participation of parents The participation of parents in the pre-school education is fully satisfying when - Relations between teachers and parents are featured by mutual confidence, understanding, respect and willingness to cooperate. They are open and head and cooperation is based on partnership; - The teachers follow up actual need of individual children or families, they try to understand and satisfy them; - Parents are able to participate in the events of nursery school, in various programs according to their interest and to enter the games of their children. They are regularly and sufficiently informed about all events in the nursery school. If interested, they can share the program of nursery school and decide the problems arisen. - Teachers inform regularly parents about the progress of their children in development and learning. They discuss with parents the joint policy for education and instruction of the child. - Teacher protects the family privacy and preserve secrecy as to intern business entrusted to them. They behave with parents tactfully and with regard and aware that they work with confidential data. They do not interfere to life and privacy of the family, they avoid excessive eagerness and granting the unwanted advices; - Nursery school supports the family education and helps to parents with caring the child, offers to parents consulting services and various cultural activities concerning the education and instruction of pre-school-aged children. 8. Education of children with special education needs and children exceptionally talented 8.1 Education of children with special education needs In its basic concept, the FEP PE respects individual needs and abilities of the child. Therefore the FEP PE is a source for elaboration of education programs for children with special needs regardless whether they are instructed in standard nursery school on in a nursery school with modified instruction program. The Typical targets and intentions of the pre-school education are common for education of all children. Instructing the children with special education needs, it is necessary to modify their realisation to satisfy the children, their needs as well as abilities. In the same way as with children without such special needs, the aim of teachers should be prerequisites optimal for personal development of every child, for education and communication together with others and help to reach the maximum possible independence. In contrast to the education of standard population, the education of children with special education needs requests some other and if need some additional conditions ^27). Basic prerequisites compulsory for pre-school education of children with special education needs are fixed in respective acts, notices and executive regulations ^28). Beside these, the pre-school teacher has to consider other conditions affecting the quality of education delivered. The prerequisites are implied by standard development needs of pre-school-aged children as they are formulated in the FEP PE and given by their special needs. Some ones are the same for all children and other ones are different according to the type and grade of child’s handicap or marginalisation. In their common form, they usually concern the groups of children. The teacher should officiate these prerequisites or conditions with regard to development and personality specificities of these children. The teacher should be instructed in the special pedagogy. Prerequisites for education of children with health problems or with handicaps. With regard to type and scope of child’s handicap, the conditions for child’s education (special as well as integrated) are fully satisfying when: ^ By physically handicapped children: - In the scope of child’s individual abilities, the adoption of specific skills is assured; - In the school premises, the possibility of child’s motion is assured by means of available technical instruments or human sources; - The conditions for alternate child’s body activities are ready in measures of child’s handicap; - The compensation tools (technical and didactic) are used; - The number of children in the class is lowered. By visually handicapped children - The adoption of specific skills focused to independence and self-service is officiated and arranged to be managed with children; - The milieu is without barriers and fully safe as to child’s visual handicap; - The prescript visual hygiene is kept; - An offer of alternative activities that can be managed; - Suitable compensation utensils and toys (technical, namely optical and didactic) are used; - The total number of children in one class is reduced; - The presence of an assistant is officiated according to the scope and grade of handicap. - An offer of alternative and manageable activities By acoustically handicapped children - The adoption of specific skills of the required level is officiated and arranged to be managed with children; - The prescript acoustic hygiene is kept; - Suitable compensation utensils and toys (technical, namely optical and didactic) are used and officiated; - The education process runs in a suitable communication system. By mentally handicapped children - The adoption of specific skills focused to self-service and basic hygienic habits is officiated and arranged to be managed with children; - Suitable compensation utensils and toys (technical, namely optical and didactic) are used and officiated; - The presence of an assistant is officiated according to the scope and grade of handicap; - The total number of children in one class is reduced. By children with defects of attention and perception (children with not standard learning and habits) - The milieu is tranquillising the child; - The safety supervision is officiated; - The total number of children in one class is reduced; - The nursery school cooperate closely with Special Pedagogic Centre and with parents of the child; - Special teaching tools focused to train concentration and attention; By children with speech handicaps - The continuous logopaedic treatment has been officiated; - The cooperation with specialists and parents has been officiated; By children with combined handicaps and autism - The adoption of specific skills focused to self-service has been officiated and arranged to be managed with children; - The education milieu is quiet and stimulating the child; - The presence of an assistant has been officiated; - The total number of children in one class is reduced; - Suitable compensation utensils and toys (technical and didactic) are used and officiated; - Other prerequisites have been officiated according to the scope and grade of handicap. Education Features typical for education of children with physical disability or handicap. Education process has to be adapted to needs joint with child’s weakened health and resulting from its long-time illness or given by its learning and behaving disorders. As to education of physically handicapped children, nursery schools or classes with education program modified according to their special needs agree with respective ordinance ^29) and their staff is boosted with one teacher more and the education officiated with synchronous presence of two teachers in the classroom if case needs. This feature or possibility is however not legalised for integrated education. When the education and the care of the child is so exigent that it requires care provided by the second teacher or other operator then it is necessary to officiate his / her participation. Education features typical for children with social disability As to education of children from socially and culturally disadvantageous environment, with weakened family background or originating from foreign mediums where is not used the teaching language, it is realised following the requirements put down in the Framework educational programme for pre-school education. The reduced social adaptability of these children and / or higher need of education and teaching in some field needs the modification of education content as well as the prerequisites of teaching. Such nursery school applies special education methods making possible the early diagnostics and stimulation of children’s development. Children from socially disadvantageous environment can be educated also in the preparatory class of the basic school. The features of this type of education are fixed in public notice ^30). Integrated education of children with special needs. The education of such children in nursery schools or classes with the program modified according to their special education needs complies with the basic requirements and suits to children’s needs in many points more and better than the environment of standard nursery schools ^31). Integrate of children to a standard nursery school means however to come nearer to the standard milieu and to reduce certain child’s insulation and so its possible exclusion from the community of other coevals. Doubtlessly, it makes child’s personal development and its social integration and advancement easier. Therefore the FEP PE supports the children’s integration everywhere it is possible to lay down and officiate required conditions. The children’s integration to education features of standard nursery schools has positive traces but also risks. Basic condition to avoid them or in some case reduced to minimum is to define what the children’s needs are in the given actual case, how it may charge the work of pre-school education teacher and what prerequisites should be built up in such nursery school. This teacher has to consider whether he / she is able to stand these demands being material, psycho-social, personal, specific and other and to decide. When the teacher accepts to the school care e.g. a child with serious physical defect and himself- / herself- is not sufficiently competent for care (i.e. he / she has not required special-pedagogic qualification) he must continuously cooperate with respective specialist – special pedagogue, infantine psychologist and if case also with a doctor and consult the problems appearing during the education of such child. It is also necessary to incorporate the conclusions resulting from this cooperation into the school or class educational programme, into the individual educational programme of the child so integrated as well as into his / her own work. In education integrating physically or socially handicapped children into the education program of standard nursery school it is necessary to consider enough their needs when getting ready the school or class program. It is necessary to adapt such program for these individuals or groups in content as well as in tools and if needed to supplement with part stimulation programs. It is necessary to put down individual education programs for individual children where it is possible and purposeful and where such individual programs will enough satisfy their education needs, physical and psychical abilities and social situation. If necessary the special activities should become a part of education program for children integrated into a standard nursery school then the pre-school-education teacher should cooperate with respective specialist like special pedagogue, doctor, rehabilitation nurse, psychologist etc when preparing such program. The education of children with special needs in nursery schools with modified education program is implemented on the base of school educational programmes modified according to children’s special needs. A condition important for the success of pre-school education of physically or socially handicapped children, regardless to the category of programs used, is the choice of suitable education methods and means namely corresponding to children’s needs as well as the application of highly professional attitudes of teachers and other people participating in the care for such children. Personal development of a child with handicap depends on the sensitivity and adequacy of environment response more than in case of a child not primary limited in own possibilities. It is unavoidable, the teacher should proceed expecting such child has different personal structure and found in more difficult situation: has less experiences, bigger problems with getting independent, is not enough assertive, its ability of self-regulation is less developed etc. Therefore it is important the teacher should give to the child enough independence and let him /her to decide under more intensive control and unavoidable guidance and deliver much required positive motivation like appreciation of child’s efforts and laud for the smallest success and progress as it agrees with the basic requirements of the FEP PE. It is also necessary to officiate the children physically or socially handicapped should be accepted like any other children and do not get since beginning from environment negative echo more frequently than anybody else. The teacher working in education of children with special needs cooperates with other specialists, uses the services of school consulting facilities like Special Pedagogic Centres and Pedagogy and Psychology Consulting Centres. 8.2 Education of extraordinary talented children The scope of the FEP PE makes possible to adapt the school, class and individual educational programme and its content as well as prerequisites to extraordinary abilities or talents of children and, if so the case, supplemented with offer of further activities following children’s interests and extraordinary abilities or talents. Development and support to extraordinary abilities should be officiated and organized to be not one-sided and to do not limit the diversity and width of normal education offer. 9. Self-evaluation of nursery school and appreciation of children Because it has been introduced a 2-level curriculum and so it has been made possible to select one’s own way, teachers have been charged with higher responsibility for correspondence between education realised in an actual nursery school and the requirements of FEP PE. The own evaluation, whether and up to which level it is really so, such an evaluation should bring a feed-back concerning the selected process to teachers and so make them clearer and surer because they miss it in consequence of newer more liberal rules. Therefore it is clear the self-evaluation ^32) has become an unavoidable and normal part of any nursery school. Self-evaluation is a process of continuous evaluations of education activities, situations and prerequisites realised inside the nursery school and this in a couple of phases following each other and currently repeated ^33). Notions acquired through the continuous evaluation serve to the teachers as a feed- back measuring the quality of their own work and they should use it for optimisation of education process as well as of prerequisites running this process. So, it does not concern a single and random evaluation of some phenomenon on the base of teacher’s subjective impression but process realised systematically following a plan prepared in advance. Self-evaluation can concern many various fields. It is possible to follow up and to evaluate effectively everything, what enters the education process. Generally spoken, the school and class education programs can be compared with FEP PE and it is possible to evaluate whether these programmes agree with the requirement formulated in the FEP PE. And following the results, they can be proposed how to modify them. More important is to compare the school or class programme (in its written form) with its realisation (i.e. how the education runs in practice). Nursery school should evaluate its practice in complex way. To be really complex, it is necessary to focus the evaluation practice in nursery schools to following fields: - Fulfilling the program targets; - Quality of education circumstances; - Way of processing the education content and of its realisation (processing and realisation of integrated blocks); - Teachers’ work (including their self--reflection); - Education results. Evaluation can concern the school level, the teaching staff and the class level. It can be done by the executive director, teaching staff as well as the executive director of the school himself- / herself-. The executive director can evaluate the work of the whole teaching staff and also only the Actual criteria of assessing all fields being the evaluation object can be derived from the prerequisites of pre-school education as formulated in the FEP PE ^34). Should the evaluation really function, it is necessary to collect, to process and to use the data regularly and systematically. So the nursery school and / or its teacher should produce their own evaluation system. The system or program of intern evaluation of actual nursery school has to be described in the School Educational Programme. It has to describe the rules the school will be following. Teachers should set down: - Object of evaluation (what ever shall be followed in their nursery school, what actual effects will be focused in the evaluation); - Evaluation methods (forms, method and ways used for evaluation of given objects); - Time schedule (actual terms or frequency that the evaluation will be executed in individual case with); - Responsibility of teachers (who will be responsible for what); Evaluation system of the school can include even other rules. As a whole, teachers can (and most probably will) modify the system to make it really satisfactory and functional ^35). As to the evaluation of education results, it is to notice, the pre-school education and instruction does neither concern the evaluation of individual children and their achievements related to given standard nor comparison of individual children and their efforts. Because the education is individualised the pre-school teacher has unavoidably to follow up the development and individual educational progress for every child separately and to document important data so that he shall every child know very well, understand it and satisfy its individual abilities and needs. The teacher has to follow and evaluate individual development and education progress of every child continuously ^36) because long-time and systematic follow-up how the child develops and what progress does in education for makes possible to guide the child according its proper growth and this smoothly, with commensurable and growing exigence and to deliver corresponding support in its advancement and education. Another not less important purpose of evaluation continuously performed is to discover possible problems and troubles of the child in time and to help with their solution or in some case to deduce specific conclusions for child’s further development and ask for needed further specific aid in time. Every nursery school and perhaps even every individual teacher can chose or put down own system suitable for follow-up and evaluation of children’s developmental progress and can use methods and practices suitable for actual circumstances. It might be possible this follow-up and evaluation shall pass in given actual case reasonably and purposely. The possibility to make difference for individual children is wanted as well as the possibility of the teacher to select different follow-up and evaluation method for different children as well as different form and scope of notices corresponding to children’s education needs. It is necessary to take the written notices and in some case also other documents evidencing the child and its progress in development and education for confidential and to make the accessible only to teachers of the school or if need to child’s parents. The teacher should use them for his / her daily work composing individual education program, for communication with the child, to inform the parents and for informal cooperation with them. 10. Principles governing elaboration of the School Educational Programme The School Educational Programme is the document governing the realisation of children’s education in an actual nursery school. This school elaborate this document according to the FEP PE and to generally valid legal regulations. The school act enacts the school educational programme as a compulsory part of the nursery school documentation. The School Educational Programme is a public document^ 37). The responsibility for writing the School Educational Programme for Pre-school Education (SEP PE) is with the executive director of the school. The program should be put together under cooperation of teaching staff. This program should be made known to children and parents or in some case the whole program or its parts should be negotiated with the parents. The executive school director is obliged to discuss the program with the school founder. The composition of the SEP PE is in competence of nursery school teachers in the case of actualised educative and instructive content as well as in the case of intern organisation part of the program realisation. For composition of its own program, the school can use various programmatic and methodical sources. The SEP PE should include data and information specific as follows: - Identification data of the nursery school - General features of the school - Prerequisites of the education - Organisation of education - Features of educational programme - Education content - Evaluation system Identification data of the nursery school In the SEP PE, it is requested to give data including the seat of the school, its name, its founder, its executive director, author(s) of the document and if need other important circumstances like name of the program (if typical for the school, if steady, or whether changed). General school data Concern the school scope, including the number of classes, its locality, features of the building and environment in some case also its history etc. Prerequisites of education Description of prerequisites concerns the furniture, regime, psychosocial conditions, organisation, run and management of nursery school; the elaboration considers the condition to maintain, modify, improve or make to keep the children healthy and safe. Organising the education The SEP PE should inform about the intern structure of the school, of arrangement of classes, about the criteria for acceptance of children to the school and for introducing them to individual classes, about more detailed features of classes like the number of children there, their age and needs, methods used, employment provided, focus of the class etc. Features of education program Concern first of all to present the program, to describe and explain what education targets and intentions the school has, what attitudes, forms and methods of work applies, which main ideas are the base of the program and how they are fulfilled, in some case, with which public model or program the school is consistent, what is the profile of the school etc. Education content When the pre-school education is organised in integrated blocks, then the actual education offer should be packed also in compact parts ^38). It is possible to integrate these blocks, namely their number, scope and content, into the SEP PE and to process them in a different way with regard to the working methods of the school. The blocks can be common for the whole school or can be different for different classes ^39). To mention only designations or names of the block in SEP PE is not sufficient, it is necessary to brief the main idea (target, intention) of the blocks and to specify their content (lines of practical and intellectual activities and in case of need the main outputs), to make clear how they will be used. In the SEP PE, the content of blocks can be elaborated also only in general lines when the block will be specified in details on the class level. When it is for the school more convenient, they can get broader specification but always in such a way they should not limit the teachers too much and in their offer of actual activities to the children in their class. Various partial projects and programs are mentioned and elaborated in the SEP PE and they supplement the integrated block included in the SEP PE. They can be implemented in some class or unite children from different classes ^40). When a nursery school offers to children and their parents offers other services outside of regular working time of the facility, outside working time of teachers and they are delivered for reward (e.g. various children’s clubs, occasional evening or week-end care for other children like brothers and sisters of pupils, independent programs for parents etc) then such services and activities are taken for “above standard” ones, they are not part of the SEP PE and they can not applied at the expense of the program scope and quality. Evaluation system It is necessary the SEP PE should describe the evaluation and appraisal system used in the school. The description should include the evaluation objects (what will be followed up), tools (methods and technologies), time schedule, responsibility of teachers and in need other rules. The full scope of the School Educational Programme is not defined. It can include one or more intern supplements. Such supplements can better specify the SEP PE or document the facts and data inside like execution regulations, minimal data, instruction or other intern information of methodical a purely work nature not disposed to be published but important for function of the school, its teachers in some case as of other interested people. The SEP PE should be common starting point for teacher’s work in individual classes. They should prepare their plans, i.e. Class Educational Programme (CEP), on its base and following its limits, in order their plans should fit the age, abilities, interests and needs of children in an actual class and in its form correspond to the teacher’s way of work. Teachers are usually getting these plans ready continuously, modifying and completing them operatively ^41). It should be possible, every teacher prepare the CEP like working materials alone and such a form, as he likes. Nursery schools can use even published programs like “Nursery school supporting health” [Mateřská škola podporující zdraví], “Step by step” [Začít spolu], Waldorf school [Waldorfská škola], “Montessori pedagogy” [Montessori pedagogika] etc for elaboration of their School or Class Educational Programmes. It is irrelevant whether these publications support the main education stream or the alternative programmes ^42). 11. Conformity criteria for Framework and School Educational Programmes Although the SEP PE are one and only documents tailored for every actual school, there are viewpoints or better said professional requirements that should be fulfilled by any SEP PE. School program usually meet the requirements, when: - Respects main principles of SEP PE composition as formulated in the FEP PE; - Respects education content and prerequisites as given in the FEP PE; - Gives clear and complete picture of the Nursery school, of the way and forms how the school works, and what education it delivers; - Is the base of requirements for nursery schools; - Is a consistent complex and not a collection of insulated and not related facts being so a document of considered, purposeful and integrated work; - Helps to the teacher to develop his / her pedagogical style and strategies corresponding to integrated attitude to the education; - Includes a considered system of internal evaluation inclusive forms, time schedule and responsibility. Continuous evaluation is its part. - Shapes the education content so that it makes possible to reach the education targets ^43); - Unites what is essential and gives to teachers enough space for creative attitude and individualising of education; - Is made to be understandable for teachers and to become for them good starting point for putting a CEP together; - Includes agreed rules of behaving and handling; - Is formulated clearly, well arranged, is understandable, has cultivated form, includes information and data important for presentation and evaluation of the school and its education program; - Expects cooperation of extern partners; - Is an open document making possible further development of the school and growth of education quality there. 12. Obligations of a pre-school teacher Pre-school teacher is responsible that: - The school (class) education he compiles agrees with the requirements of FEP PE; - The program of pedagogic activities is purposeful and planned; - The run of pre-school education is regularly followed and its conditions and results are evaluated. Pre-school teacher should provide following professional activities: - To analyse children’s age-related and individual needs and to provide professional care for these children their, education and instruction in the scope of these needs; - To implement individual and team education activities focused purposefully to children’s development and growth of their competences (abilities, skills, knowledge and attitudes); - To design independently education and instruction activities, to provide them, to search for suitable strategies and methods for children’s individualised and team education; - To use professional methods and to apply didactic elements corresponding to children’s age and individuality; - To design or plan and to provide individual education activities for children with special education needs; - To evaluate, follow and criticise the effectiveness of education program, to check and appreciate the results of his / her work, to follow and assess children’s individual progress in their development an education, to monitor, check and appraise the conditions available to education implementing; - To apply evaluation results in the design or planning work as well as in the education process independently; - To analyse the education needs themselves and to fill them with self- education activities; - To register the ideas, wishes and needs of his / her own education partners (like parents, work fellows, basic schools, communities) and to react to these motives. Pre-school teacher has to guide the education with following results: - Children should feel physically, psychically and socially themselves well; - Children should develop along their abilities and potentials and their harmonic growth should be motivated; - There should be enough motives for learning and therefore children may be pleased; - Children’s self--confidence and their trust in own abilities should be strengthened; - Children should be allowed to establish and develop mutual links and feel themselves in the team safe; - Children’s speech skill and language knowledge should be enough supported and stimulated; - They should know everything important for their life as well as their daily activities; - Children should understand they are able to affect their environment through their own activities; - Children should receive special support and help if this needed for long time; Pre-school teacher should, as to relations to parents, as follows: - Try to establish partnerships between school and parents; - Make possible the entry of parent of the class room to see their children and to participate in their activities; - Make for parent possible to participate in compiling as well as evaluating the school program; - Have with them, continuous dialogue concerning their child, its development, learning and successes; * This small dictionary mentions only expressions and words (44) used in the Framework educational programme for pre-school education and explains their content and meaning in framework of this document. The small dictionary is meant for the school managing directors and teachers who will be producing their own school educational programmes. ENGLISH CZECH Action learning činnostní učení Learning where an individual is not a passive recipient but shows own initiative, acts, handles and moves; he / she learns on the base of own intellectual (solving or deciding problems) and practical (solving and deciding real situations) operation Cooperative learning kooperativní učení Learning based on mutual cooperation of children solving a little more complicating questions and situations together; it teaches children to dispense their roles and tasks, to plan their activities, to work together, to help each other, to give advise eat other, to make common efforts, to check and judge common work Curriculum kurikulum Can be the project, program or plan of wilful educational effort as well as its content and reached result like experience acquired during the realisation of the curriculum. Curriculum document kurikulární dokument Pedagogic documents determining legislative and volume limits needed for compiling the > school educational programme. The system of these documents appears and is used on two levels: on the state level as > National Educational Programme and as > Framework Educational Programmes and on the school level as > School Educational Programme. Pedagogic document, program, project or plan of intentional educational effort establishing the targets, contents prerequisites and expected results of the education process; curriculum can be established on various levels: state, school, class etc; pre-school curriculum of the state level is formulated as Typical Education Program of Pre-school Instruction and on the school level it is School Educational Programme for Pre-school Education. Didactic style based on offer didaktický styl s nabídkou Way of teaching applied in the pre-school instruction and based in the practice to offer the education activities prepared by the teacher to the children and they have a free choice from this offer. Education vzdělávání Process including both: cultivation of behaviour and instruction in knowledge. Education / instruction offer vzdělávací nabídka Term designating > "teaching matter" in the FEP PE and designating in the same time the way this matter is presented to the child; the education offer is binding for the teacher, has shape of intellectual and practical activities or occasions appearing for the child and a colourful and many sided assortment and its sufficient richness during the period of children's education. Education content vzdělávací obsah Definition of > expected output(s) and >Teaching matter(s) on the level of > education units further elaborated on the level of > school education programmes. Is the main mean of education; it is a compact complex > of expected outputs and > "teaching matter" corresponding to the level of respective education level. Education content of pre-school instruction vzdělávací obsah předškolního vzdělávání Compact whole joining > the expected outputs and > "teaching matter" corresponding to the level of pre-school education, in the FEP PE is articulated to > "education lines" Education contents of instruction fields inside the Framework educational programme for pre-school education vzdělávací obsahy vzdělávacích oblastí v rámcovém vzdělávacím programu pro předškolní vzdělávání Interconnected units covering> expected outputs and > part targets / line targets. Education targets vzdělávací cíle There are distinguished two categories of education targets namely targets as intentions > typical targets and / or > part targets (of lines or fields) and targets as outputs > key competences > part outputs. Evaluation evaluace Continuous evaluating of education process (education activities, situations, prerequisites) and of its results realised systematically and regularly. Its results are reasonably used, evaluation is made on the level of school or class and can be intern ( > self-evaluation) as well extern. Experience learning prožitkové učení Learning of the child based on its own experience and evidence; it is a way of learning natural and proper to the child; it is realized in the pre-school instruction namely by means of > didactic style based on offer. Instruction or education fields or lines vzdělávací oblasti Parts of > education content arisen with its orientation articulation; the articulation is derived in the Typical Education Program of Pre-school Instruction from > interaction lines (fields); there are five such lines or fields in the Typical Education Program of Preschool Instruction, namely: biologic, psychological, inter-personal, socio-cultural and environmental. Integrated education integrované vzdělávání Model of a pedagogic process based on integrated way of teaching. It joints empiric experiences from a couple of lines or fields, combines them with practical experiences and productive activities. It uses the methods of > experience learning, applies > cooperative learning and > thematic or topic learning. It roots in > education offer in the form of > integrated blocks. This model makes for the child possible to perceive the world in natural relations and to get more global, more understandable and more factual view of the world and an active attitude. Integrated blocks integrované bloky Way of disposing the education content in > the School Educational Programme. These blocks interconnect, integrate > the education contents of few different > education lines or fields. They are related to certain topic, to practical life situations or activities, to certain product etc. and have the form of a thematic unit, project or program. Interaction fields (lines) interakční oblasti The fields distinguished on the base of relations developed to the child itself, to others and to the neighbouring world or on the base of natural interactions which the child enters in. Key competences klíčové kompetence The summary of knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and values important for the personal development and finding own place and application in the society. The key competences are defined in the < typical education programme for basic education on the level that should be reached by all pupils at the end of < basic education. In the period of < basic education, following competences are taken for the < key competences: Competence to decide the problems, Competence for communication, Personal and social competences; Civil competences, Labour competences and Competence to learn. It means a set of requirements to education including essential knowledge (45), skills and abilities generally applicable in the current work and life situations. They are a target category (> education targets) and so they are an essential start points for fixing the education content as well as the education prerequisites in pedagogic documents. Part outputs (of the line) dílčí výstupy (oblastní) Part empiric knowledge, sensory, motor, cognitive, emotional, practical and social skills, value orientation and positions that can be reached in the individual < education fields during the pre-school education process. Part targets (of the line) dílčí cíle (oblastní) Targets put down inside individual > education lines or fields or maybe its sub-division. They put forward what the teacher has to focus his / her efforts and what he / she has to develop in the child. Pre-school education předškolní vzdělávání Education process realised in nursery school and managed by a teacher. During the process, the child should adopt > key competences and > education contents defined for period of pre-school education in the scope corresponding to his / herf individual abilities. Results of education výsledky vzdělávání Competences of personality, of knowledge and of activity adopted during the education process by an individual i.e. skills, empirical knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes and their combinations and complex). Risks rizika Main obstacles threatening success of education intentions of the teacher. Self-evaluation of the school autoevaluace školy This evaluation serves for assessing the school activity as planned in the < school educational programme, its results serves as a feedback for correction of own activities and as a start-point for further school function. The self-evaluation is done by the participants in the teaching process themselves and by school management, teaching staff, pupils. In this text, the whole chapter is dedicated to self-evaluation and it is taken for a component of the < school educational programme, where the school delimits its targets, tools and criteria as well as time schedule of this activity. Systematic estimation and appreciation of education process and its results as realised by the participants in the education process, the results serve as a feed back for improving the school quality. School Act školský zákon Bill No. 561/2004 Col.of L., "On the Pre-school, Basic, High school and other Education". Full title of the Bill is: Law on the pre-school, basic, secondary, higher professional and other education. School Educational Programme for Pre-school Education školní vzdělávací program pro předškolní vzdělávání (ŠVP PV) Document governing the education of children in actual nursery school; every school elaborates its own complying with the FEP PE. School profile profilace školy Concentration of the school to selected activities; the school education program then reserves bigger space for them. "Teaching matter" (teaching material) "učivo" It is taken as > education offer; its nature is active and is an instrument to reach the outputs. Thematic (topical) learning tématické učení A way of children's education based in searching for topics, activities and situations familiar and understandable to children and making them possible to get expected empirical experiences, skills, values and positions in real relations and to be so able to use them practically. Framework Educational Programme rámcový vzdělávací program RVP) A > curriculum document of state level generally valid for an education level. The school elaborates its own > School Education Program according to this document. These Typical programs are published by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Framework educational programme for pre-school education rámcový vzdělávací program pro předškolní vzdělávání (RVP PV) A > curriculum document of state level valid for every pre-school education. It delimits namely > targets of pre-school education, > key competences, > education content and education prerequisites and principles for elaboration of such school programs. Nursery schools elaborate and realise their > school education programs according to this document. Typical targets rámcové cíle General targets staking the main direction and concept of the pre-school education. They lead to the development of child's personality and its adoption of key competences including > education content. 1. For cultivation, instruction and care of a pre-school-aged child in the nursery school, it is used the term “pre-school education”. This concept covers both cultivating as well as instruction aspects. It concerns healthy development and of every child, its learning, socialisation as well as social cultivation and progress. 2. Schools can use so called Manuals for compiling the education programs informing about the way, how to compose the School Educational Programmes and gives actual possibilities how to elaborate several parts of these programs. 3. Bill No. 561/2004 Coll.of L., „About pre-school, basic, secondary, higher professional and other education“ 4. See Small dictionary of term used, at the end of this booklet. 5. Contemporary education politics in the Czech republic is based on the idea a human has to go on education whole his / her life and he /she has to be interested in his / her education, studies and knowledge making him / her possible to interact with world in perfect and richer way. The pre-school education is taken for an important start of this process and as such has found an important support of the state. 6. The concept of „society of knowledge“ has been defined through Lisbon process (Lisbon European Council: Presidency conclusions. March 2000). Knowledge is understood as information and in the same time, the abilities and skills to apply them. 7. New Education Act makes possible to shift the compulsory school education at the latest by the beginning of school year when the child reaches the age 8 years. 8. Pre-school education has for child’s life far-reaching importance as physicians, psychologists and pedagogues have discovered that biggest part of child’s early experiences and what a child accepted from the external stimuli it remains persistent and the early experiences acquired through child’s life in intra-familiar as well as extra-familiar environment, will find in his / her life – maybe quite long latter – application and value. 9. It means, the differences in children’s personalities and in their individual achievements are taken for natural and normal and the pre-school education does not try to align them. The aim of pre-school education is not to align the children’s achievements but their education chances. 10. For child’s benefit, it is necessary to avoid needless jumps in the education process as well as possible losses. 11. Inside the pre-school education, to teach the child using transfer of ready knowledge it is taken for not or less suitable way. 12. Following child‘s growing age and development as well as his / her growing interest for activities suitable to be continued with systematic school work, number of such activities can grow also in child’s program. 13. Also the teacher should check himself / herself following the self-evaluation. 14. It means connecting all that was in past non-organically articulated into „education components“. 15. The part targets and part outputs are specified in chapter 5 „Education fields“. 16. The key competences represent target dispositions and all education should focus to their fulfilment. Every education period contributes with its portion and every one is open for further development and perfection of these competences. In all periods, one of the targets is to equip everybody with a set of key competences on the level he / she is able to reach. 17. The education fields (lines) are derived from the interaction fields and these are distinguished following the natural interactions the child enters, lives, develops and grows and also learns. More specifically in the Small dictionary of terms used. 18. For outputs inside the fields, practice adopted the designation „part competences“. It is not an exact designation but it is possible to use it as synonym for „part (filed, line) outputs“. 19. These abilities become more and more complex and qualitatively perfect and changes pass to the basis of competences on the level of key competences. 20. This indicates also the way, how to compose them: it is possible to start with topic, activities or with expected outputs. 21. The reason lies in deed the child’s adoption of education content is a long-time process and broad-band complex. The child acquires and improves own competences gradually and continually. 22. School Act No. 258/2000 Coll.of L., „On protection of public health“ and relative execution regulations, intimation about pre-school education, intimation about education of children, pupils and students with special education needs and about the education of children, pupils and students extra talented, intimation about safety and health protection of children, pupils and students in schools and education facilities, intimation about delivering prevention and consulting services in education system and about types of education consulting facilities, intimation about school boarding, intimation about school housing facilities, intimation about professional and pedagogic qualification of teachers and other pedagogic staff members, government regulation setting the size of teaching activity and pedagogy-psychology activity of professionals in pedagogy working in schools and school facilities, intimation about further qualification of pedagogic professionals, intimation about organisation f school year, and possibly other related regulations. 23. The prerequisites describe – up to certain limit – optimum of pre-school education. They are mostly fulfilled in practice – currently or at least regularly. It is expected, realisation of some ones can be limited by possibilities of individual nursery schools or actually by finance means of communities or regions. It means mainly to keep building conditions taken actually as the pre-school education for wanted at least in the scope accessible for individual nursery schools and their founders. 24. If not so, such premises have to lie in reasonable distance. 25. § 2, sect. 2 and 3, intimation on pre-school education. 26. Further education is organised in the scope of abilities in nursery schools and of their founders. 27. E.g. in the field of real environment, children’s regime, psycho-social climate, organisation of education, personal and pedagogic background, cooperation between nursery school and family etc. 28. Bill on pre-school, basic, secondary, higher professional and other education, intimation about education of children, pupils and students with special education needs and about education of children, pupils and students extraordinary talented. 29. Intimation about education of children, pupils and students with special education needs and about the education of children, pupils and students extraordinary talented. 30. Intimation about basic education and some proprieties in fulfilment of the compulsory education. 31. Advantages are here as follows: professionally trained staff, lower number of children in a team, specially modified environment etc. 32. See Small dictionary of terms. 33. These phases are as follows: collection of information, analysis of information and plan of further proceeding (for more details see Manual for compiling the SEP PE). 34. With a certain simplification, the FEP PE can be taken for a collection of typical criteria serving the teacher to formulate his own evaluation of an actual effect of actual criterion. 35. The system compiled by the school will be far simpler. The object and the time of school control will be changing continuously. The described system is an optimum that every school will be realising in a different scope. 36. The expected children’s competences as described in the Framework educational programme for pre-school education are outputs generally expected and it is not compulsory for children to reach them. These competences can serve to the teacher only as orientation criteria when he / she follows and evaluates the children‘s personal education progress, because it is natural every child develops with its own speed, proceeds in education according to its own individual abilities and so every child has different results. 37. The school educational programme is issued by the executive director of the nursery school. It will be published in an accessible place. It is open for seeing, making excerpts and copies (see the School Act). Therefore special details and particularities of an operation nature should not be found in the SEP PE. 38. See Bill No. 561/2004 Coll.of L. 39. More details in the Manual for compilation of SEP PE. 40. This can be e.g. a program focused specifically to the development of certain skills, program of sanitary prevention, or programs focused to a specific topic. It is possible to compile and realise programs in cooperation of other subjects (like consultation or ecologic centres, other schools, etc.). 41. The Class Educational Programmes should be open plans and the teacher should actualise them according to the progress of children’s education may be with children’s participation in this activity. The teacher has to apply actively the actual education occasions, the evaluation procedures and applied their results. He / she has also to respect the individual interests and needs. Therefore the teacher is not obliged to observe whole offer prepared in advance. 42. For more details when compiling the School Educational Programme see the already quoted Manual for compiling the SEP PE. 43. The education offer makes possible to reach the education targets and satisfies when: + Is many sided, colourful and broad, for children diversified, respects the prerequisites of the actual nursery school (children’s age, length of education program), assures the linking (the same education matter should not be offered to the same children two times); + The orientation of the block is enough broad, their content is understandable, useful and practically usable for children and preserves principles of activity teaching; + Does not limit the teachers and does not restrict their creative work; + Calculates with application of evaluation procedures and uses their results; 44. The mark > means the following term is itself an entry in the dictionary. Such expression is not explicated, but is forwarded to independent entry. 45. In this connection terms like knowledge or cognition; the information is here taken for knowledge mostly theoretical, the empiric experiences are understood like simple, insulated; knowledge and cover then not only empirical experience, but also skill and ability to apply them. The Typical Education Program of Pre-school Instruction stresses this practical applicability because teaches to children empirical experience in practical situations and reasonable mutual relations. In spite of that, with regard to the elementary nature of knowledge we use here mostly the term empirical experience.