Integrating Music Into the Curriculum MUSIC PRODUCES A KIND OF PLEASURE WHICH HUMANS CANNOT DO WITHOUT. CONFUCIUS uHumans have an appetite for music uMusic engages and changes the brain uMusic is a significant part of life uMusic is a vital communication vehicle u uMusic provides a foundation for learning uMusic promotes physical and mental health uMusic makes us happy Define the word: Music uBirds and whales sing uNature’s music: a rain storm uStomp, is this a musical performance? u uMusic is a form of communication used to understand and express thoughts and feelings. Music is not limited by words. The goal of music is not limited to sending and receiving information, but it is expanded to giving beauty through sounds. u Best teaching practices using Music uConnect music to everyday life. Your phone ,iPod, computer, radio, hums, and whistles of the people around us. uTeach children to make and respond to music. Instruments? Make them. uResearch indicates that background music has a positive temporary effect on student learning. For a greater positive effect on learning, students need to learn the literacy of music. This means the classroom teacher and the music teacher need to collaborate to teach reading and writing music. u Your challenge uWith the materials I brought for you, make a musical instrument and be able to demonstrate how to “ play” your instrument as well as how you can use it in a lesson integrated with another subject. u u From your research on the internet, be prepared to discuss one unique teaching technique integrating music .Be sure to read about the Vienna orchestra’s practice of making musical instruments from vegetables, the technique of making a musical quilt, water music, pizza rondo, making a sound mobile, or a sound collage. u uI will ask you, as experts who have researched creative ideas of teaching music, to teach me how to spend very little money to teach an arts integrated lesson with music and another subject. Resources uThe Rock and Roll Hall of Fame currently houses 52 lesson plans using rock and roll music to teach History, English Language Economics, Social Science, and Psychology. u“Interactive Music Strategies” by Michelle Lazar “14 Ways to Use GarageBand in the Classroom” Lucas Foundation that is a treasure-trove of information uPrinceton Review Vocabulary Minute u u