Angličtina pro speciální pedagogy - C

Zoom lesson: Week 3 How to write a cover letter

Today's plan

- to talk  about your personality traits and how you applied your hard and soft skills 
- to talk about how to give peerfeedback
- to compare notes about sentences for improvement
- to talk about how to write a cover letter

Tasks for next week
  • review one of your classmates' CV
    • incorporate suggestions, write the final draft of your CV and upload it to the homework vault by Wednesday, 29 October
  • write the first draft of your cover letter and upload to the homework vault by Wednesday, 29 October
    • exchange the first draft of your cover letter with a classmate and give each other feedback
    • write the final draft of your cover letter and upload to the homework vault by Wednesday, 5 November
How to write a cover letter

Download the document onto your computer and finish the tasks that haven't been done in class.
Check in the key.
All supplemental materials can be found below.

Task 2

Work in groups of 3. Each of you will read a different part of a text (para 1, 2 or 3), make notes and share with your group. 

Task 3

Put the paragprahs of a cover letter in the correct order.

Task 4

Complete the cover letter with missing words.