Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 1 Czech Education System Jarmila Bradová Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 2 Think about the education system of your country ̶Describe the levels. ̶When pupils start the education and when do they complete it? ̶Is it complusory? For how long? ̶Is it paid or free of charge? ̶Who decides about the curriculum? ̶What documents are binding when creating the curriculum? ̶Is there any global/supra-national/European dimension of education? ̶How are pupils assesed? On what scale? ̶Who can work as a teacher in your country? ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 3 Groupwork (group of 3) ̶Talk to your classmates about the education system of your country ̶Find similarities and differencies of the systems Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 4 Czech Republic ̶ Historical milestones ̶1348 – Charles IV established a university in Prague ̶1592 – John Amos Comenius – often considered the founder of modern education - was born in Moravia ̶1774 – Empress Maria Theresa introduced mandatory primary education in the Habsburg Monarchy ̶ Nowadays ̶1989 – after the “Velvet revolution” Czechoslovakia returned to a liberal democracy ̶1993 – The Czech Republic came into existence after splitting with Slovakia ̶1995 – The Czech Republic is member of the OECD ̶1999 – The Czech Republic is member of NATO ̶2004 – The Czech Republic is member of the European Union Adobe Systems Source: 5 Adobe Systems 6 Distribution of responsibilities ̶The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (further referred to as MEYS) preserves the integrated state educational policy by formulating long-term policy objectives of education ̶Regions are given a high degree of autonomy. They are responsible for education on their territory. Regional authorities formulate long-term policy objectives for their territory every four years in compliance with national objectives. Regions are also organising bodies in particular for upper secondary and tertiary professional schools. ̶The municipalities are responsible for ensuring conditions for the compulsory school attendance, thus they establish and administer basic schools. Usually, they are also organising bodies of nursery schools ̶Schools - since January 1st 2003, all schools have been granted the status of legal entities. School heads were given full responsibility for the quality of the educational process, for financial management of the school, for appointing and dismissing teachers and for relations with their local community and the general public Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 7 Curriculum ̶The binding document for education in basic school as well as in lower stage of multi-year secondary general school is the Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education (FEP BE) approved by the MEYS. ̶ ̶On the basis of the FEP BE, schools have to prepare their own school educational programmes (SEPs). Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 8 FEP ̶The FEP BE defines nine main educational areas consisting of one or more educational fields, cross-curricular topics, complementary educational fields and key competences of a school leaver. It specifies the curriculum of the fields, i.e. the recommended content and expected outcomes at the end of every period (the first stage is divided into first and second periods: years 1-3 and 4-5). Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 9 FEP – The educational areas (1)Language and language communication, (2)Mathematics and its application, (3)ICT, (4)People and their world, (5)People and society, (6)People and nature, (7)Art and culture, (8)People and their health, (9)People and the world of work. Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 10 FEP - The cross-curricular topics 1)Personal and social education, 2)Education for democratic citizenship, 3)Education towards thinking in the European and global context, Multicultural education, 4)Environmental education 5)Media studies. Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 11 FEP - Key competences of a school leaver Key competences represent a summary of the knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and values important for the personal development and usefulness of every member of the society. The aim of education is to equip all pupils with a set of key competences on a level which is accessible for them, and to prepare them for further education and a useful life in the society. •learning •problem solving •communication •social and personal competence •citizenship •work Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 12 FEP – some revisions ̶2013: Foreign language ̶2016: Inclusive education ̶2021: Informatics Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 13 School educational programme ̶the SEP BE (school educational programme for basic education) divides the curriculum into particular years (or other compact parts, e.g. modules) and into subjects and specifies the syllabus. One educational field can form part of one or more subjects or the educational content of different fields can be combined into an ‘integrated subject’. Schools profile themselves through their SEPs. Teaching of a foreign language starts in the 3rd year, but the school head can include it in the 1st year. The pupils must be offered the instruction in English before other languages. Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 14 Assessment ̶The general principles of assessment of pupils’ educational results are set out in the Education Act. The rules of pupils’ assessment are defined by each school in the School Code and respect the MEYS’s degree and curriculum. Continuous assessment is provided by teachers and 5-point scale is most commonly used. Continuous assessment results are summarized in a school report at the end of each semester. According to the MEYS degree, the 5-point scale, verbal assessment (authorized at all educational levels since 2005) or a combination of both may be used in the school report. Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 15 Teachers ̶Would-be teachers at a primary and lower-secondary level of education must obtain a university qualification at Master’s level (4 or 5 years course, usually at a faculty of education), which includes relatively short practical experience. ̶ ̶Teachers at the primary level are generalists, at lower-secondary specialists. ̶ ̶Their prescribed teaching load is 22 lessons per week. Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 16 Quality assurance Quality assurance is reflected in the long-term policy objectives for education and the development of the education system and annual reports on the status and development of the education system. The evaluation of schools and school facilities is carried out by the Czech School Inspectorate, which is responsible for studying and evaluating education outcomes, the quality of professional and pedagogical management, working conditions, teaching materials and equipment for public legal auditing, the use of the funds from the state budget and for compliance with generally binding regulations. The results of inspections are inspection or topic reports, control protocols and also the Annual report comprising a summary evaluation of the education system. Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 17 Education policy The Czech system of education has undergone several important reforms during the past 30 years. Several reform processes and changes are especially of high importance: -The Education act -The Bologna process -The Strategy of Lifelong Learning Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 18 The Education act ̶The Education Act set a two-level structure for educational programmes for pre-primary, compulsory and upper secondary education (incl. initial vocational education and training). Framework Educational Programmes specify the concrete objectives, form, length and compulsory content of education and some general conditions for their implementation, as well as conditions for the education of pupils with special educational needs. Each school has to draw up its own School educational programme in accordance with the Framework Educational Programme and the school’s conditions. Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 19 The Bologna process ̶In the area of higher education the Bologna process has fundamentally influenced the system of tertiary education in the Czech Republic. Besides significant massification of higher education, all initiatives approved by the Ministers in the framework of Bologna process have been adopted (i.e. 3-structure system, ECTS, diploma supplement, quality assurance, etc., the national qualification framework is being developed). Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 20 The Strategy of Lifelong Learning ̶The Czech Republic has adopted the key principles of lifelong learning and in line with the European Union policy the Strategy of Lifelong Learning was approved by the Government in 2007. Seven strategic priorities for the development of lifelong learning in the Czech Republic have been defined: (1) recognition and permeability, (2) equal access, (3) functional literacy, (4) social partnership, (5) demand stimulation, (6) quality, (7) counselling services. This strategy is followed by the Implementation Plan, where responsibilities, timetable, financial provision and procedures are specified. Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 21 Used abbreviations ̶MEYS: Ministry of Education – Czech abbrevation is MŠMT ̶FEP BE: Framework education programme for basic education ̶SEP BE: School education programme for basic education ̶ Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 22 For more detailed info please go to: