LEARNING GOALS What will students be able to do by the end of the course? LEARNING ACTIVITIES What activities and resources will lead students towards the learning goals? LEARNING GOALS What will students be able to do by the end of the course? EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING How will students demonstrate what they have learnt? LEARNING ACTIVITIES What activities and resources will lead students towards the learning goals? WHAT is the evidence of student learning? ✔it is something we can see, hear, or point at ✔it proves that what we say about learning really happened (or did not happen) ✔shows where our students are on their way to the goal, not whether or not they were successful ✔serves us (teachers) as a starting point for further work WHY shall we work with the evidence of learning? ✔it teaches us (teachers and students) what is a well done job ✔we can use it for a formative assessment - we understand what students can manage (or cannot not manage) to do and we can adapt our teaching accordingly ✔we can better understand how students think and how they learn WHEN does it makes sense to analyze the evidence of learning? ✔when we focus on the process (how students proceed, when they are solving a task, i.e. when they learn), not the result (when the right solutions are determined in advance) ✔ when there is more than one correct solution ✔ when we have set qualitative criteria HOW is the evidence of learning related to our goals? Goal 1: A student describes what he sees using correct chemical terms and formulas. Evidence: Students's description of a demonstrated experiment in his/her worksheet. Goal 2: A pupil non-verbally expresses his/her feelings based on a literary text. Evidence : A picture illustrating a reading text . Goal 3: A student formulates in his own words how he thinks about human rights. Evidence : Completion of unfinished sentences in a workbook. HOW does it make sense to you? Do you have any questions? Does the term „evidence of learning“ correlate with any other term you came accross during your studies? It is your turn: How will your students demonstrate what they have learnt in your class?